R.I. levin, R.W. Morrow, R.J. Mynick, M. Matzner, J. Morse, F.A. Newman, W.V. Midgley, C. E. Murphy, E. D. Papaefstrautiou, A. Mywers, and V.L. Pappoe from the class book, Yale Class of 1970.
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Manuscripts and Archives > R.I. levin, R.W. Morrow, R.J. Mynick, M. Matzner, J. Morse, F.A. Newman, W.V. Midgley, C. E. Murphy, E. D. Papaefstrautiou, A. Mywers, and V.L. Pappoe from the class book, Yale Class of 1970.
Names are given in columns, top to botton, then left to right; the first three names apply to the pictures in the first column, the second three names to the second column, etc.