Missionary father with the Sultan of Ngaoundere, Cameroon, ca. 1920-1940
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Yale Divinity Library > Missionary father with the Sultan of Ngaoundere, Cameroon, ca. 1920-1940
Missionary father with the Sultan of Ngaoundere, Cameroon, ca. 1920-1940
Published / Created
Publication Place
Ngaoundere, Cameroon, Africa
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. Haut Cameroun - Un Missionnaire hote du Sultan de Ngaoundere ("High Cameroun - a Missionary host of the Sultan of Ngaoundere"). In front of a large grass hut, a missionary father poses with a seated man wearing indigenous clothes. Another man kneels behind the seated man. The back of the postcard is blank and contains printed information about the mission agency "Aidez les Missions des Peres du St-Esprit. C.C. 1059-56 - Abonnez-vous a leurs 'Annales'-10 fr. C. C. 611-49 - 30, Rue Lhomond, Paris (Ve arr.)", and the name of the publisher "Louys Bauer, Imp. Dijon". The Congregation of the Holy Ghost was a Catholic order that sent missionaries to French colonies in Africa.
14 x 9 cm.
Collection Information
Yale Divinity Library
Collection Title
Missionary Postcard Collection
Collection / Other Creator
Yale Divinity Library Special Collections. Divinity School. Day Missions Library
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