Children on a large rock in front of a house, Madagascar, ca. 1900-1930
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Yale Divinity Library > Children on a large rock in front of a house, Madagascar, ca. 1900-1930
Children on a large rock in front of a house, Madagascar, ca. 1900-1930
Published / Created
Publication Place
Madagascar, Africa
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. Madagascar - Petits Malgaches s'amusant ("Small Madagascans having fun.") In front of a stick house with a thatched roof over twenty girls and boys stand on or around a large rock. When not posing for the picture, the children seem to be engaged with a toy that travels on a thin rope running from the roof of one house to another. In the background a few adults are visible standing on the porch of the house or working in front. Postcard issued by the "Missions des Lazaristes." The back of the postcard is blank and contains printed information about the mission agency: "Les Missions des Lazaristes et des Filles de la Charite - Organe mensuel - de l'Oeuvre du Bienheureux Jean-Gabriel Perboyre - en faveur des missions les plus necessiteuses - Un an : France, 10 fr. - Etranger 15 fr. - Adresser les offrandes a M le Directeur de l'Oeuvre du Bx Perboyre - 95 Rue de Severes - Paris (6e) - Cheque Post. no 285 88." ("Missions of Lazaristes and the Girls of Charity - monthly Body - Work of the Blessed Jean-Gabriel Perboyre - in favour of the neediest missions - One year: France, 10 FR. - Foreigner 15 FR. - Address the offerings to M the Director of the Work of Bx Perboyre - 95 Rue de Severes - Paris (6e) - Post Cheque. No 285 88.")
8.75 x 13.5 cm.
Collection Information
Yale Divinity Library
Collection Title
Missionary Postcard Collection
Collection / Other Creator
Yale Divinity Library Special Collections. Divinity School. Day Missions Library
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