Thatched domes and indigenous aloe, Lesotho, ca. 1900-1930
Published / Created
Publication Place
Lesotho, Africa
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. Lessouto. - 12. Aloes et huttes indigenes. ("Lessouto - 12. Indigenous aloes and huts.") Three boys and one man recline next to a tall stick fence in front of two grass dome huts with stone foundations. Three women stand nearby. Small plants and shrubs line the road that runs in front of the houses. The back of the postcard is blank and contains printed information about the publisher: "Societe des Missions Evangeliques - 102, Boulevard Arago, Paris, 14me - Edition du Depot de livres - Morija. (Droits reserves.)"
9 x 14 cm.
Collection Information
Yale Divinity Library
Collection Title
Missionary Postcard Collection
Collection / Other Creator
Yale Divinity Library Special Collections. Divinity School. Day Missions Library
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