"This is a typical little group. Father and mother both died of dysentary at a refugee camp. The one in the center is 15 the younger brother is 12, and the 'sifu' is 13. They own 10 meo of land and the eldest has it planted; while they wait for the crops to grow and weather to clear, they live at a camp here. (At present the youngest boy is in the hospital, and is weak, and runs a temperature.) The roof of their home and the upright pillars remain and the eldest boy says smilingly that they will manage very nicely when they go home and the weather is better. Only he wishes that his little brother were stronger, but he feels he can work the land! The eldest boy worked for us at the hospital making coal balls, and washing bottles, so as to earn a little money and some new clothing." An older brother who is now the caretaker is shown with his younger sister and brother.
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