The blue devils "Oh doctor I am very bad ..." [graphic]
The Blue Devils "Oh Doctor I Am Very Bad ..." [Graphic]. Published as the act directs, November, 11th, 1835, for the proprietor by Messrs. Ackermann & Co. Strand, C. Tilt, Fleet St. Reeves & Sons, Cheapside, Riddle & Co. P.N. Row, Thos McLean, 26, Haymarket, and by T. Bird, 0AD.
APA, 6th edition
The blue devils "Oh doctor I am very bad ..." [graphic]. (0 C.E.). [Satires (Visual works), Lithographs]. Published as the act directs, November, 11th, 1835, for the proprietor by Messrs. Ackermann & Co. Strand, C. Tilt, Fleet St. Reeves & Sons, Cheapside, Riddle & Co. P.N. Row, Thos McLean, 26, Haymarket, and by T. Bird.