By His Excellency : vvereas I am informed that complaints are daily made, that divers people, both Englidh and Scotch, and especially seamen and marriners, do continue to buy of souldiers stolen and plundered corne, cattell, household goods, plate, vvares
England and Wales. Sovereigns, etc. (1649-1653). By His Excellency : vvereas I am informed that complaints are daily made, that divers people, both Englidh and Scotch, and especially seamen and marriners, do continue to buy of souldiers stolen and plundered corne, cattell, household goods, plate, vvares. 1651.
APA, 6th edition
England and Wales. Sovereigns, etc. (1649-1653). (1651)[By His Excellency : vvereas I am informed that complaints are daily made, that divers people, both Englidh and Scotch, and especially seamen and marriners, do continue to buy of souldiers stolen and plundered corne, cattell, household goods, plate, vvares].