By desire of Colonel Baines, the Officers, and Corps of the York Volunteers. Benefit of the Band. Theatre-Royal, York. On Thursday Evening, April 25, 1805, Their Majesties' Servants will perform the Comedy of The Soldier's Daughter ... The Epilogue, By Miss Mills. A Hornpipe, in the Character of a Sailor, By Mr Scruton. The favourite Song of "The Death of Abercronbie," By Mr Woodham. Between the Acts will be Performed several Select Military Pieces, by the York Volunteer Band. To which will be added, a Farce, (in two Acts) called The Old Maid ...
Theatre Royal (York, England). By desire of Colonel Baines, the Officers, and Corps of the York Volunteers. Benefit of the Band. Theatre-Royal, York. On Thursday Evening, April 25, 1805, Their Majesties' Servants will perform the Comedy of The Soldier's Daughter ... The Epilogue, By Miss Mills. A Hornpipe, in the Character of a Sailor, By Mr Scruton. The favourite Song of "The Death of Abercronbie," By Mr Woodham. Between the Acts will be Performed several Select Military Pieces, by the York Volunteer Band. To which will be added, a Farce, (in two Acts) called The Old Maid .... [1805].
APA, 6th edition
Theatre Royal (York, England). ([1805])[By desire of Colonel Baines, the Officers, and Corps of the York Volunteers. Benefit of the Band. Theatre-Royal, York. On Thursday Evening, April 25, 1805, Their Majesties' Servants will perform the Comedy of The Soldier's Daughter ... The Epilogue, By Miss Mills. A Hornpipe, in the Character of a Sailor, By Mr Scruton. The favourite Song of "The Death of Abercronbie," By Mr Woodham. Between the Acts will be Performed several Select Military Pieces, by the York Volunteer Band. To which will be added, a Farce, (in two Acts) called The Old Maid ...].