- Rodri´guez, Manuel, 1785-18181
- Desmaisons, 1780-1834?2
- Kauffer, Francois2
- Leve, Mlle.2
- Michel, F. P.2
- Campos, Agusti´n de, 1669-17371
- Gonzalez, Manuel, 1645-17021
- Kappus, Marcus Antonio, 1657-17171
- Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-17111
- Mange, Juan Mateo, 1670-1727? Saeta, Francisco Javier de, 1664-16951
- Theran, Domingo1
- James, Henry, 1843-1916--Turn of the screw2
- "291" (Gallery)1
- "291" (Gallery).1
- 'Akiva ben Binyamin1
- 'Azizah bat 'Amram Tsevoni1
- 'Azri'el Serano1
- 14:Van Vechten, Carl,--1880-1964--Bookplate.1
- 7/11/2006 Central Pacific Railroad Company1
- A state of the image with title "The Execution of 38 Sioux Indians by the U.S. Authorities, at Mankato, Minnesota, Friday, December 26." and with attribution "from a sketch by W.H. Childs. See page 279" was issued in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper in Saturday, January 24, 1863, Volume: 15 , Issue: 382, page 285. Another state, a color lithograph with arched top border, by Hayes Litho. Co. of Buffalo N.Y. was entered for copyright in 1883 by John C. Wise for the twentieth anniversary of the event; another state with same copyright statement but with statement in lower right: Milwaukee Litho & Engr. Co.1