From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1959 March 6
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 265
Image Count:
Second and third rows of images are unrelated to the rest of the print and show members of the guerrilla army guarding and posing on the grounds of the Hotel Nacional in Havana where the photographer St. George was most likely staying. Other images depict a press conference with Fidel Castro and other officials of the newly formed revolutionary government held on March 6, 1959, at Castro's personal villa and sometime-headquarters during that period in Cojímar. Frames marked 1-3 in the second-to-last row depict the press conference and the last two rows show Fidel Castro greeting admiring guests and signing a woman's cast (frames 16 to 17) in the moments following the conference. Frames 21 and 22 show St. George taking a cat-nap in a lounge chair in a room adjacent to the room in which the press and officials are assembled. See also Prints 25, 26, 27 and 28.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1959 March 6
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 271
Image Count:
The top five rows of frames feature Fidel Castro and U.S. Ambassador Philip W. Bonsal in their first face-to-face meeting held on March 6, 1959, at Castro's villa in Cojímar. The man standing in the background between Castro and Bonsal is an unidentified rebel officer. The bottom rows of frames show Bonsal returning to his car in the company of an unidentified Cuban and another man dressed in the uniform of the Cuban air force. See also Prints 19, 26, 27 and 28.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1959 March 6
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 272
Image Count:
Top four rows of frames show Cuban Foreign Minister Roberto Agramonte, Fidel Castro, and U.S. Ambassador Philip W. Bonsal conferring while seated in lounge chairs in a side room adjacent to the salon where Fidel Castro held a press conference in his villa at Cojímar on March 6, 1959. In frame 26, Fidel is seen checking his watch while talking to the Ambassador. Remaining frame 18 in the fifth row from the top and frames 12-17 show Agramonte and Bonsal conversing alone. In frames 4-11, Agramonte and Bonsal are seen conversing in the same room where the press conference was held with Humberto Sorí Marín, former President of the Inter-American Bar Association, who served as one of Fidel Castro's top commanders during their early months in the Sierra Maestra and presided over the revolutionary tribunals convened to try common criminals and traitors in the Sierra (see Contact Book I). At the time of Bonsal and Agramonte's meeting with Sorí Marín, the latter was rapidly becoming the central architect for the Revolution's planned Agrarian Reform, passed in May of 1959. He would later be arrested and executed summarily in March of 1961 for conspiring with the CIA and exile groups against the Revolution. See also Prints 19, 25, 27 and 28.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1959 March 6
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 273
Image Count:
Top four rows and the very bottom row show Fidel Castro, U.S. Ambassador Philip W. Bonsal, and Cuban Foreign Minister Roberto Agramonte conversing in lounge chairs in a side room to the salon where Fidel held a press conference in Fidel Castro's villa in Cojímar on March 6, 1959. The fifth and sixth rows show Agramonte and Bonsal conferring alone at a long table in the room where members of the press would gather for the press conference; in frames 3-6 they are joined in conversation by Humberto Sorí Marín. See also Prints 19, 25, 26 and 28.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1959 March 6
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 274
Image Count:
This print shows Cuban Foreign Minister Roberto Agramonte, Fidel Castro, and U.S. Ambassador Philip W. Bonsal conferring while seated in lounge chairs in a side room adjacent to the salon where Fidel Castro held a press conference held at Fidel Castro's personal villa in Cojímar on March 6, 1959. This was Fidel Castro and recently-appointed Bonsal's first face-to-face meeting although it was impromptu; Bonsal and Fidel Castro would not meet again formally for several months until September 1959. See also Prints 19, 25, 26 and 27.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 275
Image Count:
This print documents the presence of an arms dealer named Col. Hubert F. Julian in Havana. The subjects of this print seem unaware of the fact that they are being photographed. In his description for this print, St. George writes, "With war winds approaching, tourists are becoming scarce again in Cuba, and their places are taken by businesslike heralds of trouble: in the ornate hall of Havana's Nacional Hotel, devoid of tourists, Col. Hubert F. Julian, a "Reg. U.S. Arms Dealer" sits alone, accompanied only by a pair of bodyguards who came with him from Florida. Best known as the 'Black Eagle,' Col. Julian is not only a 'Reg. U.S. Arms dealer' he is the Latino revolution's surest harbinger and most faithful supplier. These days, traveling through Haiti, Santo Domingo, Cuba, Nicaragua, he sells everything from jet Vampires to machetes. Business is brisk. (From top down, first, fourth and sixth frame rows: shots with bodyguards, bottom row left.) Second row from top is Col. Julian cashing check at cashier's window of Hotel Nacional and joking with passing acquaintance (unidentified, obviously: she was from Virginia). Other frames of Colonel in Nacional lobby, largely irrelevant." See also Prints 30, 31, 32, 34 and 37.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1959 January
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 276
Image Count:
This print shows exiled Spanish General Alberto Bayo, who had fought with the Republican forces in Spain before their defeat at the hands of Franco's Fascists, waiting for a meeting with Cuba's first President of the Revolution, Manuel Urrutia, in the Presidential Palace of Havana. Bayo had helped Fidel Castro's guerrilla force with its training during their exile in Mexico between 1953 and 1956. In his notes for this print, St. George writes, "The dean of military exiles in Cuba-and the one with the biggest project-is Spanish General Alberto Bayo, who is working with anti-Franco exile groups to intensify the active resistance in Spain and overthrow Franco. General Bayo was the military professional who trained Castro's original invasion troop in Mexico, he has had a hand in several other Caribbean 'actions' and he is an elder statesman of revolution in the Caribbean. He is wearing the uniform of a Spanish Loyalist brigadier general, but to the many kids he's helped train he is always "El Viejo"-the old man. Bayo's work is already contributing to the growing anti-fascist resistance in Spain, and he has plans to set up a Castro-exile guerrilla force somewhere in the mountains near the French border. It is certain that whatever he tries, he won't lack for volunteers. The frames of this strip show the General waiting in the anteroom of Cuban President Manuel Urrutia; he had an hour-long talk with the President. Bayo (beard) is at right; other unidentified." See also Prints 29, 31, 32, 34, 35 and 37.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 277
Image Count:
Photograph strip of two frames, one showing a car at an intersection shot from above with a wax pencil-marked "x" on it and another showing a meeting between 3 men standing next to a car under a street light in a dark alley. This strip is pasted to the letterhead of Magnum, Photos, Inc. The paper bears the writing "OA37984" and "6/a." See also Prints 29, 30, 32, 34, 35 and 37.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 278
Image Count:
Images showing a group of four unidentified men, three standing on a staircase, one sitting on a bench below, as they converse in the interior courtyard of a motel. Frames 22-37 document the ascent of a group of five men, two wearing Cuban rebel army fatigues, up the stairs and into the first floor of the building. These photos may have formed a part of St. George's collection of images in this Contact Book documenting efforts at "exporting" revolutionary movements into similar Caribbean dictatorships during the early months of Castro's rule. See also Prints 29, 30, 31, 34, 35 and 37.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 3, folder 279
Image Count:
This sheet features two sets of unrelated images. The top, second and bottom rows of frames show an office scene in which three men, one white, one darker-skinned and one black, all wearing business suits, complete and examine paperwork as a third man wearing a business suit (also black) stands with his back against the wall and two uniformed guards, each wearing different kinds of uniforms (one wearing a visible handgun), look on. A fourth by-stander in a light-colored jacket is visible in frame 45. The third row of images shows a blonde performer wearing an evening gown as she sings into a microphone at an outdoor club; a musician is shown sitting or standing next to her.