Puck (73:1882), page 7 of complete issue. Black and white cartoon, "New patient--Doctor what ails me? I'm shaking like a leaf? Doctor--Malaria. Take whiskey and quinine. What's your business? New Patient--I'm a police captain! Doctor--Never mind the whiskey and quinine. Take a trip to Europe!" Hansen database #915.
Puck (73:1898), page 8-9, center of complete issue. Dr. Wilson speaking to Uncle Sam as expectant father about the twins about to be born. Hansen database #921.
Puck (73:1875), page 16, back cover of complete issue. "Even if you aren't 'poisoned' by a Union Cook, you do not seem to be any too safe. Upstairs--The Dining Room. Downstairs, Way Down--The Kitchen." Food safety and adulteration. Hansen database #912.
Puck (72:1872), page 8-9, center of complete issue. By Gordon Grant, about regulating prostitution and eliminating police graft. Sign says "Health Department." Hansen database #908.
Puck (70:1812), page 16, back cover of complete issue. Compare verbal jokes Puck June 26, 1907, Pullman car in Puck January 6, 1909 which refers to Dr. Wiley, also Judge July 31, 1909. Hansen database #887.
Puck (68:1751), page 10 of complete issue. Black and white cartoon. At foot of page "A doctor is in the enviable position of being able always to attribute his inconsistencies to the wonderful strides Science has made." Hansen database #855.
Puck (67:1739), page 5 of complete issue. Black and white cartoon about pickpocket taking advantage of a safe and sane Fourth of July celebration. Also on this page is verbal joke about firecrackers. Hansen database #935.
Puck (67:1739), page 4 of complete issue. Black and white cartoon about a quiet Fourth of July with no firecrackers. Also on this page is a poem about stopping firecracker noise. Hansen database #934.
Puck (67:1739), back cover, page 16 of complete issue. Pabst Blue Ribbon Advertisement. Shows that back cartoon is also being dropped. Hansen database #996.
Puck (67:1739), front cover of complete issue. Cartoon shows how nice it is when boys are put in the stocks so they can't set off firecrackers. No related text on editorial page, but issue has other verse and jokes. Hansen database #846.
Puck (66:1715), page 15 of complete issue. Black and white text about Puck's claiming it was one of the first magazines to use cartoons, which by now are everywhere. Hansen database #3033.
Puck (68:1760), page 16, back cover of complete issue. Thanksgiving issue, cigarette advertisement on back shows cartoon is being replaced. Hansen database #1005.
Puck (68:1751), page 11 of complete issue. Full page Colgate shaving powder advertisement, invoking the "Medical Times" on improvements in barber shops. Hansen database #856.
Puck (68:1751), page 8-9, centerfold of complete issue. Scenes include thought cure, mental cure, mind cure, germs, sterilized, nurse, ambulance, doctor, flies and Dr. Wiley. Hansen database #1000.
Puck (66:1710), page 16, back cover of complete issue. Six panel cartoon on back about Christian Science. Frame #1 science and health. Hansen database #838.
Puck (66:1710), page 8-9, centerfold of complete issue. Scenes include thought cure, mental cure, mind cure, germs, sterilized, nurse, ambulance, doctor, flies and Dr. Wiley. Hansen database #992.
Puck (66:1703), page 16, back cover of complete issue. Cartoon making fun of a doctor saying swearing is good for your health, and people taking advantage of this. Hansen database #834.
Puck (66:1703), page 8-9, center of complete issue. Two images: first labeled "The law against them," second, "The world against them." Hansen database #833.
Puck (64:1664), front cover of complete issue. Image shows medicine and medical spoon. Framed sign says "An Ounce of Revision is Worth a Pound of Cure." Hansen database #821.
Puck (64:1659), page 8-9, centerfold of a complete issue. Scenes include thought cure, mental cure, mind cure, germs, sterilized, nurse, ambulance, doctor, flies and Dr. Wiley. Hansen database #817.
Puck (61:1561), front cover. Signed Kep (Keppler Jr.?), doctor in top hat is leaving, with bag labeled Interstate Commerce Commission, M.D.; in bed with night-capped Corporate Corruption is new baby Railroad Scandal, and standing next to bed is older baby, Life insurance Scandal. On the table is bottle of Legislation Drops, and a metal bank for "other people's pennies." Hansen database #798.
Puck (54:1382), cover. By Ehrhart, "The Nurse.--The Doctor has come to take your temperature. The Convalescent.-- I suppose it's all I have left." Medications etc. are seen on table, but no thermometer is visible! Hansen database #228.
Puck (50:1291), front cover. Pughe on Father Knickerbocker boxing for a Sensible Sunday Law, knocking out Tammany and facing hayseed legislature and temperance advocate. No related text on editorial page. Hansen database #226.
Puck (48:1230), front cover. By Dalrymple, Puck as top-hatted doctor with eye glasses examine head of Olney (who endorsed W J. Bryan) in a (locked) Hopeless Ward for Incurables (! as to word order). Olney is holding a toy jester with Bryan's head. Hansen database #224.