Puck (40:1033), front cover of complete issue. By J. Taylor, Puck congratulating, "Major" (McKinley?), on coming inauguration, offering a Christmas gift of a sign "Public Office is a Public Trust." Hansen database #220.
Puck (38:983), page 368, back cover. By F. Opper, six scenes: #1 speaker Mrs. Prof. Brayneford is introduced, #2-5 various criticisms which cause individual women to walk out, #6 "In conclusion, I would say that skirts which touch the ground are a menace to health, bringing microbes from the streets to our homes and firesides." Last guest departs, leaving only speakers and a hostess in tears. Coloring in blue, green, yellow, and orangey-red is nice, though format is not dramatic nor is design original. Hansen database #367.
Puck (18:454), page 192, back cover of a complete issue. "Dunstan Kirke Logan 'Twenty years ago--Disgusted Populace--Oh, Chestnut'!!!" Hansen database #978.
Puck (9:228), front cover. J. A. Wales on injured railway worker in garret, satirizing a Mr. Field (philanthropist? industrialist?). Additional text on reverse. Hansen database #164.
Puck (10:248) page 209, cover of complete issue. By F. Opper., a blind lady Democracy sits on courthouse or capitol steps. Might be about veterans' widows' pensions--the subject of centerfold and of editorial comments. Hansen database #168.
Puck (8:205), page 394, back cover. Signed F. O. (Opper?) "Treat the Brutes like this--and they will look like this; and there will soon be a Society for the Suppression of Tenement Houses. Treat the Tenement House Dwellers like Brutes, and they will be happy." In lower scene, people are being scrubbed in a sanitary stable, with fresh water, soap, toilet sand, sunlight and the services of a doctor. Hansen database #314.
Puck (2:37), page 16, back cover. J. Keppler, nine numbered vignettes, including: #4 "He acquiesced in the idea of putting his Ma in a lunatic asylum." #7 "Till the 'old man' died, when he skipped of with $95,000,000." #9 "Cornelius John [Vanderbilt] trying to pull down the young American Centaur." Faint single-color overlay. Hansen database #293.
Puck (73:1875), page 16, back cover of complete issue. "Even if you aren't 'poisoned' by a Union Cook, you do not seem to be any too safe. Upstairs--The Dining Room. Downstairs, Way Down--The Kitchen." Food safety and adulteration. Hansen database #912.
Puck (22:568), back cover of complete issue. By Taylor, American Workingman with his lunch-pail, distorted by bad policies, but looking best in the tariff reform mirror. Hansen database #355.
Puck (68:1751), page 8-9, centerfold of complete issue. Scenes include thought cure, mental cure, mind cure, germs, sterilized, nurse, ambulance, doctor, flies and Dr. Wiley. Hansen database #1000.
Puck (15:389), page 395. By F. Graetz black and white cartoon of North Pole. Shows wrecked ships, a polar bear, and tombstones marking Danish, French, English, Swedish, American, and German victims. Compare Puck centerfold January 4, 1882 (#258) also Puck complete page 118 October 26, 1881. Hansen database #407.
Puck (8:195), page 203, front cover. J. A. Wales, the bosses of New York, Brooklyn, and Philadelphia. Strong example of the wide limits of propriety in political cartoons. Hansen database #157.
Puck (2:39), page 16, back cover. Seven vignettes, #7 shows dame New York sweeping out the street cleaning bureau; #6 New York City gets Paris prize of 1878 for dirtiest city in the world; #2 ashes and garbage; #8 refers to typhoid fever; #5 to hogs eating in the streets; #4 has woman asking policeman to find her little boy lost in the deep muck, title is "A Worse Fate than Charlie Ross's (reference to first major kidnapping for ransom). Single-color overlay, and poorly registered too. Hansen database #294.
Puck (6:142), page 624, back cover. Early two-color printing, peach and light blue. J. A. Wales. Nice couple is surrounded by beggars. Puck to the Commission of c & c (charities and corrections?): "If you can't remove these people from the streets on the score of Charity, do it for Decency's sake." Background shows homes for the poor, the blind, the aged, and cripples. One is named Mt. Sinai. Hansen database #300.