Puck (15:379), page 240, back. By F. Opper, Democratic Party in bed with softening of the brain, case being discussed by three doctors: Dana, Waterson, and S.J.T. Compare follow-up on June 25th. Hansen database #338.
Puck (15:385), page 336, back. Lower half shows poor family in a garret; upper shows clergyman going to Europe where there are alpine hikes and open-air concerts. Hansen database #340.
Puck (15:389), page 395. By F. Graetz black and white cartoon of North Pole. Shows wrecked ships, a polar bear, and tombstones marking Danish, French, English, Swedish, American, and German victims. Compare Puck centerfold January 4, 1882 (#258) also Puck complete page 118 October 26, 1881. Hansen database #407.
Puck (16:393), page 48, back cover. By Gillam, shows the tattooed man lying next to a pool with lily ponds. Beautiful example of the famous Tattooed Man series. Hansen database #341.
Puck (16:399), page 136-137, centerfold of complete issue. By Gillam, a clown named Bargain with Blaine offers a tattooed Blaine the presidential sacred chair with ghosts of Lincoln and Washington watching. Hansen database #268.
Puck (16:399), page 144, back cover of complete issue. Throwing New York City (a child) out of a sleigh to a wolf called Tammany. Hansen database #342.
Puck (16:402), cover. By Gillam, shows tattooed man butt up in the water next to a dog (?) also butt up, labelled “We claim everything, Me & Jack,” calling from a soap campaign; bar is labelled “hurrah soap--to remove tattoo.” This cover refers back to front cover of July 2, 1884, “Me and Jack,” showing Blaine and a dog sitting on a rotting plank. A later cover picks up image again: a Wet dog on plank, front cover (page 225 of Vol. 17), on June 10, 1885. Hansen database #186.
Puck (16:407), page 257, front cover of complete issue. By J. Keppler, with a collection can and a woman handing flowers to a boy on crutches with a hospital ward in the background. "Here Christian, Jew, & Pagan meet..." Copy 1. Hansen database #187.
Puck (16:407), page 264-265, center of complete issue. Cleveland and many other figures by fireplace wondering about stockings and Santa. Hansen database #270.
Puck (16:409), page 289, cover. By J. Keppler, shows the cemetery manager (Sexton) and the doctor both pleased with the confectionery's use of poisonous additives as coloring agents: chrome green, red lead, arsenic, chrome yellow, vermillion, verdigris, and glucose. Hansen database #190.
Puck (17:422), page 96, back cover. By Zimmerman, Puck: "The new parks are a good thing, Mr. Grace, but suppose we begin by making 'breathing spaces' of these dirty streets.” Hansen database #344.
Puck (17:428), page 192, back cover. By F. Opper, about civil service reform. Since cure is believing in honest government, no medical instruments are shown except for cast-away crutches. Hansen database #346.
Puck (17:430), page 224, back cover. By Zimmerman, has Mt. Rushmore-like faces of Darwin, Haeckel, Huxley, Tyndall, Spencer, Copernicus, and Spinoza. Hansen database #347.
Puck (18:454), page 177, front cover of a complete issue. By Zimmerman, Pope Leo XIII is reaching to tear down the provision about not establishing religion. Striking example of political caricature, also a nice design and an (early?) Zimmerman. Hansen database #977.
Puck (18:454), page184-185, center of a complete issue. "Uncremated Mugwump (from outside) 'If those old Bourbons take that…me, they'll be a little startled when they find out that I'm alive-and kicking'!" Cremation, but no technical information on cremation is provided in the picture. Hansen database #580.
Puck (18:454), page 192, back cover of a complete issue. "Dunstan Kirke Logan 'Twenty years ago--Disgusted Populace--Oh, Chestnut'!!!" Hansen database #978.
Puck (18:459), page 272, back. By F. Opper, center image: "Now is the Time to Get Bitten by a Rabid Dog and Take a Trip to Paris." Also policeman, latest greeting, and epidemic of politeness. Hansen database #348.
Puck (19:474), page 96, back cover. By C. J. Taylor, on one side is an angelic figure with butterfly wings; on the other is an old hag in the rain spilling quinine pills, carrying an umbrella, wearing some kind of a pad around her neck (mustard plaster?), and connected by a wire to a solar battery. Hansen database #349.
Puck (19:477), page 144, back cover. Pun on impressionist art, bottom right mocks Pasteur and rabid dogs, labelling a medicine bottle with name of Pasteur. Hansen database #350.
Puck (19:494), page 416, back cover. By F. Opper, Nast and Keppler are pleading with Death who holds a list of deceased American public characters. List includes John Kelly, John Morrissey, Tweed, and Thompson. Behind this is an elevated train in front of Harpers and Puck buildings. Includes skeleton and death figure with sickle. Hansen database #352.
Puck (20:519), page 407, front cover. By F. Opper, rail passengers worried over large wood-burning stove in the car, perhaps in case of (even a minor) collision/derailment. Hansen database #199.