Puck (11:273), page 273, front cover. By F. Graetz. Kelly reviving an Indian corpse with a generator connected by a patronage wire. Hansen database #173.
Puck (14:344), page 96, back cover of complete issue. Hospital, medicine bottles, bandages, and medicine spoons. Ward is $8 per day board with sign "No Charity Patients." Hansen database #534.
Puck (67:1739), page 4 of complete issue. Black and white cartoon about a quiet Fourth of July with no firecrackers. Also on this page is a poem about stopping firecracker noise. Hansen database #934.
Puck (2:40), page 16, back cover. J. Keppler. "Puck hopes to see Minister Welsh's sweet example followed as above." Eight vignettes. In the center, J. Welsh, minister to court of St. James (i.e. Britain) is kissing a man (who?) at the head of a long line. Pairs include Beecher and Tilton, Grant and Dana, Conkling and Hayes, Puck and MacMahon. Use of faint single-color overlay. Hansen database #295.
Puck (15:366), page 48, cover. By F. Opper, man with chemical instruments and microscope on dinner table. Additional text page 18. Hansen database #183.
Puck (38:974), page 177, front cover of a complete issue. By J. Taylor. Dr. Parkhurst (with saw) is working on a supine and sick Tammany tiger and directing Dr. Schurz (sharpening a knife) and Dr. Grace. All three wear white aprons or towels. Nearby toolbox shows tools and "Giant Powder--Reform Brand." Copy 1. Hansen database #218.
Puck (68:1760), page 16, back cover of complete issue. Thanksgiving issue, cigarette advertisement on back shows cartoon is being replaced. Hansen database #1005.
Puck (29:752), page 377, cover. By F. Opper, related article inside of cover mentions the impropriety of attention to Blaine's hypochondriacal sensitiveness, but image on cover is not Blaine; the reporter carries a Textbook on Bright's Disease. Hansen database #210.
Puck (13:327), page 225, front cover of complete issue. By F. Graetz, Dr. All O'Path letting child because mother first called a Homeopath. Centerfold has more on the same topic. Hansen database #180.
Puck (16:409), page 289, cover. By J. Keppler, shows the cemetery manager (Sexton) and the doctor both pleased with the confectionery's use of poisonous additives as coloring agents: chrome green, red lead, arsenic, chrome yellow, vermillion, verdigris, and glucose. Hansen database #190.