Puck (73:1875), page 16, back cover of complete issue. "Even if you aren't 'poisoned' by a Union Cook, you do not seem to be any too safe. Upstairs--The Dining Room. Downstairs, Way Down--The Kitchen." Food safety and adulteration. Hansen database #912.
Puck (73:1882), page 7 of complete issue. Black and white cartoon, "New patient--Doctor what ails me? I'm shaking like a leaf? Doctor--Malaria. Take whiskey and quinine. What's your business? New Patient--I'm a police captain! Doctor--Never mind the whiskey and quinine. Take a trip to Europe!" Hansen database #915.
Puck (73:1898), page 8-9, center of complete issue. Dr. Wilson speaking to Uncle Sam as expectant father about the twins about to be born. Hansen database #921.