Puck (16:399), page 144, back cover of complete issue. Throwing New York City (a child) out of a sleigh to a wolf called Tammany. Hansen database #342.
Puck (73:1882), page 7 of complete issue. Black and white cartoon, "New patient--Doctor what ails me? I'm shaking like a leaf? Doctor--Malaria. Take whiskey and quinine. What's your business? New Patient--I'm a police captain! Doctor--Never mind the whiskey and quinine. Take a trip to Europe!" Hansen database #915.
Puck (7:164), page 142, back cover. F. Opper, with Edison lamp and many others including Bergh, Mark Twain, Comstock, and more, all being wheeled by Puck and Uncle Sam to the Dumping Grounds. Hansen database #306.
Puck (68:1751), page 11 of complete issue. Full page Colgate shaving powder advertisement, invoking the "Medical Times" on improvements in barber shops. Hansen database #856.
Puck (32:826), page 311, front cover. By J. Taylor, John Sherman's Gold & Silver Certificate of Marriage. Shows a male coin marked "par" departing for Europe, while a crying female marked "60-cent dollar" cries in a chair. She uses Bland's smelling salts, Jones Elixir of Life, Stewart's tonic, purely western, and B. Russel's conference fizz. Hansen database #212.
Puck (32:832), page 409, front cover. By W. A. Rogers, Reid and Harrison with knife and saw have cut open the GOP elephant and found the McKinley Bill inside. Hansen database #213.
Puck (10:249), page 242, back cover of complete issue. By F. Opper, images relate both to Guiteau and to police shooting at mad dogs. Hansen database #327.
Puck (45:1167), front cover of complete issue. This cover picture shows shyster lawyer in court. For some reason his bag looks just like a doctor's bag. Hansen database #940.
Puck (26:655), front cover. By C. J. (or J. C.?), with an official (mayor?) wielding a club marked district attorney and New York City Reform Club against nine-headed monster (Hydra) of corruption. Hansen database #207.
Puck (18:454), page184-185, center of a complete issue. "Uncremated Mugwump (from outside) 'If those old Bourbons take that…me, they'll be a little startled when they find out that I'm alive-and kicking'!" Cremation, but no technical information on cremation is provided in the picture. Hansen database #580.
Puck (16:402), cover. By Gillam, shows tattooed man butt up in the water next to a dog (?) also butt up, labelled “We claim everything, Me & Jack,” calling from a soap campaign; bar is labelled “hurrah soap--to remove tattoo.” This cover refers back to front cover of July 2, 1884, “Me and Jack,” showing Blaine and a dog sitting on a rotting plank. A later cover picks up image again: a Wet dog on plank, front cover (page 225 of Vol. 17), on June 10, 1885. Hansen database #186.