Also appeared in Faden's [General atlas. London : William Faden, 1811?]., Hand-coloring of political borders differ from 1982 Folio 10, no. 20., No. 20 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., No. 21 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:2,150,000].
William Faden
Subject (Geographic):
Europe --Maps --Early works to 1800, Germany --Administrative and political divisions --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Germany --Maps --Early works to 1800
Faden, William, 1749-1836 Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771, creator
Published / Created:
1789 June 1
Call Number:
1982 Folio 10
Image Count:
Also appeared in Faden's [General atlas. London : William Faden, 1811?]., No. 22 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:565,000].
Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784, creator Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794
Published / Created:
1787 January 1
Call Number:
1982 Folio 10
Image Count:
Also appeared in Kitchin's General atlas describing the whole universe. London : Printed for Robert Sayer, [1780]., Ms. notes in contemporary hand., No. 23 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., Scale [ca. 1:2,450,000]., and Shows vegetation, marshes, etc.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
Europe, Eastern --Maps --Early works to 1800, Lithuania --Boundaries --Maps --Early works to 1800, Lithuania --Maps --Early works to 1800, Poland --Boundaries --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Poland --Maps --Early works to 1800
Also appeared in Kitchin's General atlas describing the whole universe. London : Printed for Robert Sayer, [1780]., No. 24 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Prime meridian: Ferro., Relief shown pictorially., Scale [ca. 1:4,400,000]., and Shows vegetation, banks, etc.
Printed for Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
Baltic States --Maps --Early works to 1800, Russia --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Scandinavia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Compiled from Mr. D'Anville's maps of that continent, with the addition of the Spanish discoveries in 1775 to the north of California & corrected in the several parts belonging to Great Britain from the original materials of Governor Pownall, M.P., From Thomas Kitchin's a general atlas describing the whole universe. [1793]., Includes inset The supplement to North America containing the countries adjoining to Baffins & Hudsons Bays and tables showing European possessions., No. 39 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Prime meridian: Ferro., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:11,500,000].
Printed for Robt. Sayer, map, chart & printseller
Subject (Geographic):
United States --Maps --Early works to 1800 and Western Hemisphere --Maps --Early works to 1800
Also appeared in Kitchin's General atlas describing the whole universe. London : Printed for Robert Sayer, [1780]., By S. Boulton ; and also a summary description relative to the trade and natural produce, manners and customs of the African continent and islands., Insets: A particular chart of the Gold Cost. -- Azores or Western Islands., No. 35 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Scale [ca. 1:8,500,000]., Sheets pasted together to create 1 map on 2 sheets., and With descriptive text.
Printed for Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
Africa --Maps --Early works to 1800 and Ghana --Maps --Early works to 1800
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782 Cook, James, 1728-1779 Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784, creator Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794
Published / Created:
1787 January 6
Call Number:
1982 Folio 10
Image Count:
Also appeared in Kitchin's General atlas describing the whole universe. London : Printed for Robert Sayer, [1780]., No. 29 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., Scale [ca. 1:11,100,000]., Sheets mounted together to form 2 sheets., Shows boundaries, rivers, settlements, islands; includes descriptive notes., and Title cartouche depicts local produce, a palm tree and a camel.
No. 18 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Reduite d'apres la grande carte pour trouver facilement ce qu'on a envie de chercher dans celle-la., Relief shown pictorially., Scale [ca 1:3,750,000]., Table alphabetique des villes ... qui se trouvent dans cette carte., and With inset map: Morceau detache qui represente l'acroissement des etats de sa majeste le roi de Sardaigne, depuis l'an 1680.
Chart of the northwest coast of America and the northeast coast of Asia, explored in the years 1778 and 1779
Includes notes., No. 34 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Prepared by Lieut. Heny. Roberts, under the immediate inspection of Capt. Cook ; engraved by W. Palmer., Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings., and Scale [ca. 1:13,500,000].
Wm. Faden, geographer to the King, Charing Cross
Subject (Geographic):
Bering Strait Region --Discovery and exploration --Maps --Early works to 1800, North America --Discovery and exploration --Maps --Early works to 1800, Pacific Coast (North America) --Discovery and exploration --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Russian Far east (Russia) --Discovery and exploration --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Cook, James, 1728-1779
Subject (Topic):
Discoveries in geography --Maps --Early works to 1800