Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782 Aveline, J. A. Coypel, Charles-Antoine, 1694-1752
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1982 Folio 10
Image Count:
Also appeared in Anville's [Atlas general. Paris : Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville, 1771]., Covers also Corsica and Malta., Includes ornamental cartouche drawn and engraved by Coypet and Aveline., No. 17 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Par le Sr. d'Anville ; de la gravure de P. Bourgoin., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:1,500,000].
Ferro meridian., No. 38 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown by hachures., Scale [1:1,750,000]., and Shows rivers and settlements.
Subject (Geographic):
Egypt --Maps --Early works to 1800 and Nile River --Maps --Early works to 1800
Also appeared in Kitchin's General atlas describing the whole universe. London : Printed Robert Sayer and J. Bennet, 1773; and General atlas describing the whole universe. London : Printed and sold for R. Sayer and J. Bennet, 1780., Ferro meridian., France divided into regions., From the map of Jaillot., No. 12 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., Scale [1:2,250,000]., and Shows boundaries, rivers, roads with distances and settlements.
Also appeared in Kitchin's General atlas describing the whole universe. London : Printed Robert Sayer and J. Bennet, 1773; and General atlas describing the whole universe. London : Printed and sold for R. Sayer and J. Bennet, 1780., Ferro meridian., Ms. notes on, and newspaper clipping pasted to, verso. No. 14 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., Scale [1:2,300,000]., and Shows boundaries, rivers and settlements.
Printed for Rob. Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
Iberian Peninsula, Portugal --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Spain --Maps --Early works to 1800
Bowen, Thomas, d. 1790 Speer, Joseph Smith., creator
Published / Created:
1774 May 20
Call Number:
1982 Folio 10
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Chart of the West Indies
European possessions shown by color., Includes acknowledgement to Captain Speer by John Pownall, secry., Plantation Office, Whitehall, January 25, 1774 and Honorary gold medal., No. 41 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings., Scale [ca. 1:5,000,000]., and Shows southern United States, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermudas, and northern South America.
Capt. Speer
Subject (Geographic):
Caribbean Area --Maps --Early works to 1800 and West Indies --Maps --Early works to 1800
Also appeared in Faden's [General atlas. London : William Faden, 1811?]., Includes "Vue de la Vallee de Chamouny et des glaciers du Cote du Midi, prise de l'eglise de Chamouny en 1742," "Section des principales montagnes a l'est-sud-est, et au Sud de Geneve telles qu'on les voit de la plaine de cette ville," descriptive text, illustrated cartouches., No. 19 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Prime meridian: Ferro., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:404,000].
Also appeared in Faden's [General atlas. London : William Faden, 1811?]., Depths shown by soundings., No. 13 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Scale [ca. 1:3,200,000]., and Shows ports, sailing directions, etc.
Engraved & published by Wm. Faden
Subject (Geographic):
Mediterranean Sea --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Coasts --Africa, North --Maps --Early works to 1800, Coasts --Portugal --Maps --Early works to 1800, Coasts --Spain --Maps --Early works to 1800, Nautical charts --Africa, North --Early works to 1800, Nautical charts --Mediterranean Sea --Early works to 1800, Nautical charts --Portugal --Early works to 1800, and Nautical charts --Spain --Early works to 1800
Delarochette, L. (Louis), 1731-1802 Dicquemare, (Jacques-Francois), M. l'abbe, 1733-1789, creator Faden, William, 1749-1836
Published / Created:
1780 June 17
Call Number:
1982 Folio 10
Image Count:
By Monsr. L Abbe Diquemare ; with several emendations, and many useful additions &c. by L.S. De La Rochette., Depths shown by soundings., No. 8 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., and Scale [ca. 1:3,100,000].
Engraved & published by W. Faden
Subject (Geographic):
Biscay, Bay of (France and Spain) --Navigation --Maps --Early works to 1800, English Channel --Navigation --Maps --Early works to 1800, and North Sea --Navigation --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Coasts --England --Maps --Early works to 1800, Coasts --France --Maps --Early works to 1800, Nautical charts --English Channel --Early works to 1800, and Nautical charts --North Sea --Early works to 1800