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1. Hershey's Scrapbook
- Creator:
- Harn, Marybelle
- Published / Created:
- circa 1923-1924
- Call Number:
- GEN MSS 837
- Container / Volume:
- Box 51 (Oversize)
- Image Count:
- 1
- Description:
- This scrapbook was compiled by Marybelle Harn. Candy and sweets labels: Little Boy Blue, E.B. Petter Shipper, Leesburg, Fla; Hickcok's Nut Butter Kisses; Necco Wafers; Penn-Mar Chocolate Coated Caramels; Badger's Milwaukee Distinctive Sweets; Hershey's "More Sustaining than Meat"; Hunny Munch; Get Happy; Cretors' Tosty Rosty Delicious Pop Corn; Baby Ruth The 5c Bar; Beech-nut Brand Chewing Gum Mint Flavored Always Refreshing; Clarks Teaberry Quality Gum; Collins Honey Scotch; Planters See-Thru Virginia Bar; Love Nest 5c Milk Chocolate The Euclid Candy Co of New York, Inc.; Hershey's Mint Flavor Chewing Gum; Puritan Googie Juniors Chocolate Peanut; Cap'N Pat the Chocolate Mint Patty 5c; Planters 5c Nut Confections; Crest Chocolates Assorted Thanksgiving Greetings, Walter M. Lowney Co; Johnston's Chocolate Nougat Bar; Banta's Shimme Waffle; Oh, Johnnie! Milk Nut Roll Ucanco Candy Co., Davenport, IA; Hickok's Whippoorwill; Oh MaMa Pine Appa Roll Milk Chocolate; and many more. Some of the wrappers: Belle of Florida Brand A.S. Herlong & Co Leesburg, Fla, Shippers of Fancy Citrus Fruits; Queens Taste, W.P.Peyton Fruit Co., Los Angeles, CA; Nunnally's The Candy of the South (Box label and individual candy wrapper); Cox Theater Program with advertising for Morning Glory Brand Hams & Bacon, Icy-Hot Gallon Vacuum Jar etc; calling cards and notes (such as "Gentleman to see you 2:30" and "Dear Marybelle. at your convenience would you let me have the dollar you owe me for the coaching lesson before xmas. It's embarrassing to have to ask but I need the money and you probably have forgotten about it. Sincerely-Grace").
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Jessica Helfand scrapbook collection (GEN MSS 837) > Hershey's Scrapbook
2. Norfolk Scrapbook 1916
- Creator:
- From the Collection: Helfand, Jessica
- Published / Created:
- circa 1911-1943
- Call Number:
- GEN MSS 837
- Container / Volume:
- Box 62 (Oversize)
- Image Count:
- 171
- Description:
- This scrapbook was compiled by Kitty Baker. Labeled 1916 Norfolk, Virginia on front but has a much broader scope of contents: 1922 Sheet Music on inside cover; Lillian Russell clippings; Ben Turpin; 1911 Advertisement Apollo Player Piano; Several Dance Talley Cards; Post Cards (Mostly Virginia); Candy Wrappers; Several Vintage ACES from Playing Card Decks; Buster Keaton; Mary Pickford; Charlie Chaplin; Eddie Cantor Newspaper clipping; Hershey Candy Wrappers; Mayor Gaynor (NY) Being shot from newspaper photo; 1946 William Hart Obituary; The Old Copely House 1955; Vintage Automobiles; Howard Goshorn Comics; Will Rogers; W.C. Fields, more. 'In memoriam of my first suffrage parade 1912'
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Jessica Helfand scrapbook collection (GEN MSS 837) > Norfolk Scrapbook 1916