Manuscript on parchment (scraps, endpieces) of the Canticum canticorum, with glossa ordinaria
In Latin., Script: Text written in large round late caroline minuscule; commentary in a similar, but smaller script with many abbreviations., One unpretentious illuminated initial, f. 1r, 3-line, yellow edged in red, against blue and red ground with yellow filigree, filled with stylized vine-stem ornament, white with green and yellow shading. First word of text in alternating letters, red and brown with yellow touches. Small initials in blue or red. Guide letters for rubricator throughout., and Binding: Nineteenth century, Italy. Quarter bound in vellum, spine worm-eaten and peeling; blue-grey paper sides. Title in rectangular frame, in ink, on spine: "Cant. Salo. MS".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval and Manuscripts, Medieval