1. 101. [Was wir verlangen muessen] GEGEN DIE FALSCHE REVOLUTION I [-II] Typescript (carbon) with Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 11, folder 207 Image Count: 7 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 101. [Was wir verlangen muessen] GEGEN DIE FALSCHE REVOLUTION I [-II] Typescript (carbon) with titles in TM's hand; 6 leaves numbered 1-4 (section I) and 1-2 (section II)
2. 13. [Bruder Hitler] TAGEBUCHBLAeTTER. ANFANG APRIL 1938, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIEN Typescript Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 1, folder 13 Image Count: 55 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 13. [Bruder Hitler] TAGEBUCHBLAeTTER. ANFANG APRIL 1938, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIEN Typescript (original) with corrections by TM; 14 numbered leaves A BROTHER -- THIS MAN IS MY BROTHER Manuscript in the hand of HLP with her corrections; 28 leaves DER BRUDER Page proof from Achtung, Europa! with a few autograph corrections by TM; pages 167-177 with Table of Contents and half-title.
3. 16. [Deutsche Ansprache] AN APPEAL TO REASON . . . A SPEECH DELIVERED IN BERLIN ON OCTOBER 17th Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 1, folder 16 Image Count: 7 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 16. [Deutsche Ansprache] AN APPEAL TO REASON . . . A SPEECH DELIVERED IN BERLIN ON OCTOBER 17th, 1930 Galley proof with a few corrections by HLP; 6 sheets
4. 34. DIE EINHEIT DES MENSCHENGEISTES Autograph manuscript with corrections and deletions, signed; 4 Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 5, folder 68 Image Count: 5 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 34. DIE EINHEIT DES MENSCHENGEISTES Autograph manuscript with corrections and deletions, signed; 4 numbered leaves
5. 35. DER ERWAeHLTE Typescript (original) with corrections, 342 numbered leaves, with 2 extra typed Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 5, folder 69-72 Image Count: 349 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 35. DER ERWAeHLTE Typescript (original) with corrections, 342 numbered leaves, with 2 extra typed leaves at the end and one list of page numbers (not in TM's hand) inserted
6. 37. [Essays of Three Decades] Typescript (carbon) with corrections by HLP. The essays are paged Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 6, folder 77-89 Image Count: 29 Description: Note: The essays "Goethe and Tolstoy," "Lessing," "The Suffering and Greatness of Richard Wagner," and "Freud and the Future" are not present in this typescript. Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 37. [Essays of Three Decades] Typescript (carbon) with corrections by HLP. The essays are paged individually as follows: [Preliminary matter, notes, errata, and appendix], 28 nonconsecutive leaves; CHAMISSO, 1 preliminary leaf, 27 numbered leaves, with an extra draft of the last two paragraphs, 1 leaf; AMPHITRYON, 1 preliminary leaf, 62 numbered leaves; GOETHE AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BOURGEOIS AGE OF GERMAN CULTURE, 1 preliminary leaf, 41 numbered leaves; GOETHE'S CAREER AS A MAN OF LETTERS, 1 preliminary leaf, 38 numbered leaves; ANNA KARENINA, 1 preliminary leaf, 20 numbered leaves; SCHOPENHAUER, 1 preliminary leaf, 65 numbered leaves; RICHARD WAGNER AND THE RING, 1 preliminary leaf, 28 numbered leaves; PLATEN, 1 preliminary leaf, 17 numbered leaves; THEODOR STORM, l preliminary leaf, 24 numbered leaves; THE OLD FONTANE, 1 preliminary leaf, 32 numbered leaves; VOYAGE WITH DON QUIXOTE, 1 preliminary leaf, 53 numbered leaves; GOETHE'S FAUST, 1 preliminary leaf, 53 numbered leaves.
7. 39. FREUD UND DIE ZUKUNFT. VORTRAG, GEHALTEN IN WIEN AM 8. MAI 1936 ZUR FEIER VON SIGMUND FREUDS 80 Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 6, folder 91 Image Count: 71 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 39. FREUD UND DIE ZUKUNFT. VORTRAG, GEHALTEN IN WIEN AM 8. MAI 1936 ZUR FEIER VON SIGMUND FREUDS 80. GEBURTSTAG Typescript (original) with a few corrections and deletions, dated 3.V.36. Title page in TM's hand. 1 preliminary leaf, 34 leaves numbered 1-33 (15 repeated in numbering) Carbon copy of the same typescript, with a few corrections but without the title page; 34 leaves numbered 1-33 (15 repeated)
8. 40. FREUD UND DIE ZUKUNFT [A different version, partly identical with the essay of this title Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 6, folder 92-93 Image Count: 57 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 40. FREUD UND DIE ZUKUNFT [A different version, partly identical with the essay of this title, partly identical with the essay "Die Stellung Freuds in der modernen Geistesgeschichte."] Typescript (original) with a few corrections and notes by TM; 28 leaves numbered 1-27 (7 repeated in numbering) Partial English translation by HLP] FREUD AND THE FUTURE Typescript (original) with a few corrections and notes by HLP; 26 numbered leaves
9. 45. [Die Geschichten Jaakobs] Autograph manuscript with many corrections, deletions, and insertions Creator: From the Collection: Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 Published / Created: 1926-45 Call Number: YCGL MSS 5 Container / Volume: Box 6, folder 98-113 Image Count: 538 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Thomas Mann collection (YCGL MSS 5) > Series I: Thomas Mann Writings > 45. [Die Geschichten Jaakobs] Autograph manuscript with many corrections, deletions, and insertions: 487 leaves numbered 1-488 (6a, 6b, 6c, 71a, 71b, 71c, 117a added; 236-243 omitted in numbering). With one leaf of autograph sketches of Egyptian motifs.