Circle of Bavaria, in which are the Dukdom, Palatinat, and Electorat of Bavaria, the Arch-Bishoprick of Saltzbourg, the Bishopricks of Ratisbone, Frisingue, Passaw, the Abbays of St. Emerian, of high and low Monstiers ... described by Sanson, corrected and amended by William Berry
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of France, great leagues of France, common leagues of Germany, great leagues of Germany, and leagues of one hours travelling., Dedicated To the most serene and most sacred majesty James II ... by William Berry., Ferro meridian., No. 29 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:590 000].
Sold by William Berry at the signe of the Globe between Charing-Cross, and White-Hall
Circle of Bavaria, or the bishopricks of Augsbourg, and of Constance, the Abbaies of Kempten, Buchaw, Lindaw ... described by Sanson, corrected and amended by William Berry
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of Germany, great leagues of Germany, common leagues of France, great leagues of France, and leagues of one hours travelling., Dedicated To the most serene and most sacred majesty James II ... by William Berry., Ferro meridian., No. 31 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:520 000].
Sold by William Berry at the signe of the Globe between Charing Cross, and White-Hall
Part of the circle of Austria in which are the Dukedomes of Stiria, and Carinthia, of Carniola, in which are comprehended the countys of Chilley, and of Gorice, Windis-Marke, or Marquisat of Windes, described by Sanson, corrected and amended by William Berry
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of Germany, great leagues of Germany, leagues of Hungary, common leagues of France, and great leagues of France or one hours travelling., Dedicated to The most high mighty and most excellent prince ----------------- prince of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, and Duke of Cornwall by William Berry, Ferro meridian., No. 28 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:660 000].
Sold by William Berry at the sign of the Globe between Charing-Cross, and White-Hall
New map of the kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, New map of the kingdome of England and Wales, and New mapp of the kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales
Imperfect: upper right of map mutilated, with some loss of text., No. 4 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., Scale [ca. 1:1 110 000]., With an alphabeticall table of all the cities and market towns in England and Wales., and With dedication To the most serene and most sacred Majesty William III ... from William Berry.
Sold by William Berry at the sign of the Globe between Charing Cross and White Hall
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Roads --Great Britain --Maps --Early works to 1800
Circle and elector of the Rhine, in which are the archbishopricks and electors of Mayence, Treves, and Colen ... described by Sanson, corrected and amended by William Berry
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of France, great leagues of France, common leagues of Germany, great leagues of Germany, and leagues of one houers travelling., Ferro meridian., Includes advertisement There are these mapps published all in two large sheets by William Berry ... at bottom., No. 32 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:560 000].
Sold by William Berry at the signe of the Globe between Charing-Cross, and White Hall
Subject (Geographic):
Rhine Province (Germany) --Maps --Early works to 1800
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of France, great leagues of France, common leagues of Germany, great leagues of Germany, and leagues of one hours travelling., Dedicated To the most serene and most sacred majesty James II ... by William Berry., Ferro meridian., No. 33 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:1 100 000].
Sold by William Berry at the sign of ye Globe between Charing-Cross, and White-Hall
Circle of Westphalia, in which are the bishopricks of Munster, Osnabrug, Paderborn ... described by Sanson, corrected and amended by William Berry
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of Germany, great leagues of Germany, and common leagues of France or leagues of one hours travelling., Dedicated To the most serene and most sacred majty. James II ... by William Berry., Ferro meridian., No. 34 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:600 000].
Sold by William Berry at the sign of the Globe between Charing Cross, and White Hall
Dukedom of Pomerania, which comprehended into the circle of the Upper Saxony divided as it is att present parted betweene the crown of Sweden and the elector of Brandenbourg ... described by Sanson, corrected & amended by William Berry
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of Germany, great leagues of Germany, and common leagues of France., Dedicated To the most serene and most sacred majty. James II ... by William Berry., Ferro meridian., No. 36 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:570 000].
Sold by William Berry at the signe of the Globe between Charing-Cross, and White-Hall
Subject (Geographic):
Pomerania (Poland and Germany) --Maps --Early works to 1800
Dominions or empire of the great Turke in Europe, Asia, and Africa ... described by Sanson, corrected and amended by Will. Berry
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of France, great leagues of France, common leagues of Germany or great leagues of Poland, leagues of Hungary, and Persian leagues of one houres travilling., Dedicated to James II by William Berry., Ferro meridian., No. 50 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:8 600 000].
Sold by William Berry at the signe of the Globe between Charing Cross, and White Hall
Subject (Geographic):
Africa, North --Maps --Early works to 1800, Arabian Peninsula --Maps --Early works to 1800, Mediterranean Region --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Turkey --Maps --Early works to 1800