1. By the governour of Edinbvrgh, Leith, and Barwick : whereas divers lewd and wicked persons, named Creator: Edinburgh (Scotland). Governor Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Abstract: Imposing penalties on the inhabitants of places where outrages have been committed by the "Mos-Troopers." Publisher: by Evan Tyler Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > By the governour of Edinbvrgh, Leith, and Barwick : whereas divers lewd and wicked persons, named Mos-Troopers, rove up and down the country ... : Given ... at Leith August 25, 1651 ... / G. Fenwick