Adresse de l’Internationale situationniste a l’assemblée générale de l’Association internationale des critiques d’art réunie le 14 avril 1958 dans l’Exposition universelle de Bruxelles.
Internationale situationniste,
Subject (Name):
Exposition universelle et internationale (1958 : Brussels, Belgium) and Internationale situationniste
Debord, Guy, 1931- Internationale situationniste Jorn, Asger, 1914-1973
Published / Created:
Call Number:
2006 +360
Image Count:
"Pages comprised of plates of phrases, photos, drawings and cartoons that Debord cut out of other works, and then pasted up in a randomly suggestive manner. Debord then had ... the Danish artist Asger Jorn (1914-1973), taint these 'prefabricated elements' with paint. The colors suggest possible readings of the phrases or simply lend a mood to the images. These plates were then bound in sand-paper to destroy any other books it came into contact with--Debord calls them an anti-book ... The book was published at Jorn's expense and given away as a sumptuous gift to friends"--Bracken, L. Guy Debord, p. 34-35., Sandpaper jacket wrapped in thin paper, turned inside out, bearing the name and address of the Danish publisher, Rosenkilde og Bagger. "Asger Jorn" written in manuscript on front wrapper., and This book was published in December 1958. Cf. Textes et documents situationnistes 1957-1960, p. 96.
Distribution en U.S.A. Wittenborn and Company, and L'Internationale situationniste ;
Internationale situationniste Jorn, Asger, 1914-1973 Platschek, Hans
Published / Created:
Call Number:
BrSides Box 2008 52
Image Count:
"In Deutschland wollen wir keinen Tachismus, wir wollen Fleckenmalerei.", First manifesto of the German section of the Internationale situationniste. Cf. Raspaud & Voyer., and Signed at bottom: München, 1. Januar 1958, Die situationistische Internationale, gez. Asger Jorn, Hans Platschek.
Situationistische Internationale,
Subject (Name):
Internationale situationniste
Subject (Topic):
Art, Modern, Euro tracts--1958, and Situationism--Germany--1958
Debord, Guy, 1931- Internationale situationniste Kotányi, Attila Lausen, Uwe, 1941-1970 Vaneigem, Raoul, 1934-
Published / Created:
Call Number:
2008 1300
Image Count:
A folded sheet with three panels on each side. The "outside" contains a title panel and two blank panels. The "inside" contains one panel with German text, one illustrated panel, and one panel with parallel French text. 30 x 14 cm folded to 10 x 14 cm. and An
Internationale situationniste?,
Subject (Name):
Géricault, Théodore, 1791-1824. Raft of the Medusa, Gruppe SPUR, and Internationale situationniste
Ce rapport, présenté aux membres de l'Internationale lettriste, du Mouvement international pour un Bauhaus Imaginiste et du Comité Psychogéographique de Londres, comme base de discussion à l'intérieur de ces organisations et comme document pour leur propa
Internationale situationiste,
Subject (Name):
Internationale situationniste
Subject (Topic):
Radicalism--Europe, Situationism , and Social conflict--Europe
Agenzia per l’autosoppressione del proletariato Internationale situationniste
Published / Created:
Call Number:
2009 +361
Image Count:
The inside of the folded sheet contains two columns of text (on all 8 panels); the outside contains an illustration (on 4 panels), a quote from Guy Debord (on 2 panels), a title panel, and a colophon panel. Folded to 18 x 13 cm.