Madani, Yar Muhammad Shaykh Fayz Allah al-Hashimi Taj al-Din Muhammad Sadr, 14th cent, creator
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Persian MSS 59
Image Count:
A Hindu tale, retold in prose and verse., Chiefly in Persian, with intermittent prose and verse in Arabic; colophon is in Arabic., Copied on A.H. 2 Ramazan 1[0]46 [A.D. 1637] by Yar Muhammad Shaykh Fayz Allah al-Hashimi al-Madani. A note on leaf 1 recto is dated A.H. 1119 [A.D. 1707 or 1708], hence the missing figure in the date of the colophon would seem to be a zero., Good naskhi, in red and black. Unwan in gold and colors on leaf 1 verso; with five colored miniatures., Islamic binding, in brown., Paginated 1-341 (291-299 omitted; first and last page not numbered)., Purchased from the Wellcome-Kraus collection in 1949., Rieu, C. Persian manuscripts,, and Teaching resource: Kishwar Rizvi, History of Art