A clear square bottle made of glass, and topped with a glass stopper. One side has a painted label—a graying oval flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed 'Ess Castor', or 'Castor Essence'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass, and topped with a glass stopper. One side has a painted label—a graying oval flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed 'Aether Aceticum'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass. One side has a painted label—a graying oval flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed 'Elix Robor Whyty', or 'Elixir Roberans Whyttii'
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass. One side has a painted label—a graying oval flanked by gold-colored leafing, and a three-tiered gold crown at the top. At center is printed 'Ess Gent', or 'Essence of Gentianae'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass, and topped with a glass stopper. One side has a painted label—a graying oval flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed 'Flor [Sulphur]is', or 'Flores Sulphuris'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass, and topped with a glass stopper. One side has a painted label—a graying oval (with a bit of the paint chipped away) flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed 'Liquor Amoniat Aclt', or 'Liquor Ammoniae Acetatae'
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass, and topped with a glass stopper. There appears to be some liquid remaining in the bottom of the glass. One side has a painted label—a graying oval (much of the paint chipped away) flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed 'Tinct Chinae H', or 'Tincture of China Oil'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass, and topped with a glass stopper. One side has a painted label—a graying oval flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed 'Tr Calmi Aromat', or 'Tincture Caloviel Aromatic'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass. One side has a painted label—a graying oval (with much of the paint chipped off) flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed '[Spiritus] Acetica Aeth', or 'Spiritus Acetica Aether'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass, and topped with a glass stopper. One side has a painted label—a graying oval flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed '[Spiritus] Cochleariae', or 'Spiritus of Cochlearia'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A clear square bottle made of glass. One side has a painted label—a graying oval flanked by two blue-colored leafy boughs and adorned with three colored circles. A three-tiered gold crown is at the top of this design. At center is printed '[Spiritus] Vini Camph', or 'Spritus Vini Camphorae'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
An elaborately painted apothecary jar, featuring a pair of angels holding aloft torches, surrounded by flowers and decorative leafing. At the center reads 'Polvo Triac:' (powdered treacle).
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
An elaborately painted apothecary jar, featuring a pair of angels holding aloft torches, surrounded by flowers and decorative leafing. At the center reads 'Salep'.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A wooden box, from the 'Angler II', consisting of a sick bay, or first aid kit. There is a list of the contents affixed to the inside of the label, which reads "Scalpel, Scissors, Clamp, Forceps, Atropine, Morphine, Aspirin, Tape, Codeine, Digitalis, Novocaine, Pins, Caffeine, Adrenaline, Ephendrine, Bromides, Pyramidon, Amytal Comp., Suppositories, Cathartic, Cotton, Bandage, Gauze, Mercuric Oxide, Skin Silks, Thermometer, Nitro Glyc., Hypodermic".
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
Codman and Shurtleff Streeter, Edward Clark (1874-1947)
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Medical Instrument Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 022
Image Count:
A rectangular wooden box made of rosewood and fitted with velvet trays, holding a number of instruments including
a trephining set (including two trephines and a brush), a capital saw, an elevator, a Hey's saw, a catling knife, a pair of bone forceps, a spiral tourniquet, a metacarpal saw, a pair of artery forceps, a tenaculum, two amputating knives, and an amputating scalpel.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
Evans and Wormull Friedenwald, Jonas Stein (1897-1955) George Tiemann and Company Streeter, Edward Clark (1874-1947)
Published / Created:
ca. 1850-1900
Collection Title:
Medical Instrument Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 096
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Surgical Instruments Set
A wooden box, with fitted trays lined with a dark red velvet. Inside the lid is the emblem for the George Tiemann and Company—that said, several of the instruments inside are manufactured by the Evans Wormull Company. Among the instruments contained within are a capital saw, several knives, and a trepanning elevator.