"Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Gloucester.", "Delin. M. Burghers sculpt. Univ. Oxon.", Appeared in Wells' New sett of maps both of antient and present geography., Cross collection no. 31., Double hemisphere on sheet in outline, with rivers, capes and island marked but few other place names., Plate mark 2 was added below the dedication plinth for the editions in 1726 and 1738--Cf. Shirley., Scale measured at center of hemisphere., and Slip pasted to verso of map: Property of Andrew Arthur Benton, New York, N.Y.
Subject (Name):
Benton, Andrew Arthur--Ownership, Burghers, M, and Wells, Edward, 1667-1727. New sett of maps both of antient and present geography
"Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Gloucester.", "Delin. M. Burghers sculpt. Univ. Oxon.", Cross collection no. 32., Plate mark 1 was added below the dedication plinth for the editions in 1726 and 1738--Cf. Shirley., and Scale measured at center of hemisphere.
Subject (Name):
Burghers, M and Wells, Edward, 1667-1727. New sett of maps both of antient and present geography