True report of certaine wonderfull overflowings of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and other places of England, Of flouds in England, 1607, a true report of certaine wonderfull ouerflowings of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and other places of England, 1607, a true report of certaine wonderfull overflowings of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and other places of England, and True report of certaine wonderfull ouerflowings of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and other places of England
BEIN Elizabethan Club 287: Imperfect: leaves A1,2 and D4 mutilated, with some loss of text; some loss of text on leaf A1 due to trimming. Ms. correction of running title on leaf A4v., With a title-page woodcut., Printer's name from STC., Signatures: A-D⁴., Running title reads: Of flouds in England., and In this edition the catchword on C3r is "recouered."
by W[illiam]. I[aggard]. for Edward White and are to be solde at the signe of the Gunne at the north doore of Paules
Subject (Geographic):
England, Norfolk, Somerset (England), and Norfolk (England)
Apollo Anglicanus, English Apollo, and Saunder. 1687. The second part
BEIN 2013 1188: Armorial bookplate: Bryan Fausset. Inscriptions: Simon Hughes. Scant manuscript annotations on rear free endpaper. No. 8 of 12 titles bound together., "Saunder. 1687. The second part" (caption title) has separate register., Signatures: A-B⁸ ²A⁸., Title page and calendar in red and black., and Contains advertisements.
Insets: Chiloe I., Guayaquil, Baldivia, Acapulco, Fonesca, Nicoya, Gulf, Galapagos Is., Juan Ferdinanado, Isthmus of Darien, ect., Plypses or Pepys I., Str. of Magellan.
Scale ca. 1:444,000., Shows engagement at entrance to Chesapeake Bay., Plate from: The political magazine and parliamentary, naval, military and literary journal. London: Printed for J. Bew ..., v. 6 (Jan. 1784)., and Includes text, index to positions, and list of British ships and captains.
List of the several prisoners to be tried at the next Assizes, to be held at Thetford, in and for the said county, on Friday the 25th day of March, 1757
Caption title., At head of title, in upper left: Norfolk., Not in ESTC., and Signed beneath printed text by "Israel Long Esq., Sheriff". Contemporary ms. annotations in black ink along left margin of recto; docket title added in ink on verso. For further information, consult library staff.
Signatures: [A]⁴ B-2L⁶., First leaf is blank., With final contents leaf., First edition 1619., Printed by William Stansby. See E.E. Willoughby. A printer of Shakespeare, 1934., Title page variant: author's name incorrectly spelled "Raphe"., Title-page inscribed: G. Dury, Esq. [17th century hand?], Imperfect: Preliminary blank leaf A₁ wanting., and Formerly laid in: William Roberts Gichard "Commemorative English and French heraldry keepsake". See Lewis Walpole Library 53 C67B B79x
Signatures: pi⁴, A-2A⁴., At foot of titlepage: "No.", the actual number to be inserted in MS.; a variant is without "No." at the foot of the titlepage., LWL 49 3902: With "No." on t.p. with "753" in ms. 2000 catalogues were sold before the sale began., LWL 49 3902: Horace Walpole's copy with his annotations, including a four-page, signed letter providing a history of the collection., and Original marbled boards with calf back, now rebacked. Large Strawberry Hill fleuron used as Bookplate, and fleuron from Anecdotes at end. Press-mark X.7. Not in Manuscript Catalogue of 1763.
Catalogues may now be had on the premises, and of Mr. Skinner and Co ...
Subject (Geographic):
England and London
Subject (Name):
Portland, Margaret Cavendish Holles Harley Bentinck, Duchess of, 1715-1785
Langford, Mr. (Abraham), 1711-1774, auctioneer, publisher
Published / Created:
Call Number:
125 L278 755 3/11
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Priced., Signatures: A-B⁴., The seller was the physician and antiquarian Dr. Richard Mead, 1673-1754. This sale appears to be the English version of the second part of an earlier sale of the Museum Meadianum, which was printed in Latin.--Lugt, F. Répertoire des catalogues de ventes publiques., MED,HSL 17th cent: Bound with the author's A catalogue of pictures, London, 1755., BAC: British Art Center copy annotated in pen and ink with prices for all lots. Armorial bookplate: Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Bound in contemporary smooth calf. Bound with Bibliotheca Meadiana, sive, Catalogus librorum Richardi Mead, M.D. London, 1754., and With extensive ms. notes recording prices paid throughout. Title pages are ruled in red.
Abraham Langford
Subject (Geographic):
England, London, Great Britain, and England.
Subject (Name):
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754
Subject (Topic):
Art collections, Art auctions, Art, Private collections, Decorative arts, Prices, Private libraries, and House furnishings
Holograph catalogue of Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield's library at Ethrope. The manuscript begins with an explanation of the shelving system at the library, followed by an index to the volume which divides the work by book size and language. The entries for each book include information about their shelving position and date published, and include historical, scientific, artistic, and literary works, as well as works on law and architecture. Holdings include biblical commentaries; John Dryden's plays; poems by Stephen Duck; numerous collections of prints and drawings, including William Hogarth's Collection of Prints and Darly's Collection of Caricatures; dictionaries in English, Italian, and French; Thomas Betterton's History of the English stage; and Horace Walpole's History of the royal and noble authors. The manuscript also includes several collections of musical works, including Cervetto's 6 Solos for the violincello and bass
In English., A note in the preface declares that "this Catalogue was taken in June 1778 by A. Edwards, no. 79 New Bond St. London.", Title from title page., Marbled endpapers., Binding: full red morocco. In gilt on spine: Catalogue Of The Library At Ethrope., and For further information, consult library staff.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
Betterton, Thomas, 1635?-1710., Cervetto, Giacobbe, 1682-1783., Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl of, 1755-1815., Darly, Matthias., Dryden, John, 1631-1700., Duck, Stephen, 1705-1756., Edwards, A., Hogarth, William, 1697-1764., and Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797.
Subject (Topic):
Collectors and collecting, Nobility, Books and reading, Private libraries, and Intellectual life