Two horses labelled Obstinacy and Pride driven by Mansfield head for an abyss pulling a chaise occupied by a sleeping George III who holds a paper stating "I glory in the name of Englishman." Bute stands behind as footman holding papers entitled places, pensions, reversions. A wheel rolls over Magna Carta and the horses trample the Constitution as mitred clergymen joined by North hold out their hands for favors. Behind the chaise Pitt the elder and Lord Camden reach out as if to protest, while in the foreground a minister offers a bag of money to a crowd of men and women. In the background America is depicted as a city in flames while a demon flies above carrying a sack labelled "National Credit." Accompanying text connected the image with corruption in the boroughs of Hindon and Shaftesbury. cf. British Museum catalogue
Title from item., Trimmed within plate mark., Place of publication from that of the Westminster magazine., Subjects identified in the British Museum catalogue., and From the Westminster magazine, v. 3, p. 209.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
England., Great Britain, and America.
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792., Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 1705-1793., North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792., Chatham, John Pitt, Earl of, 1756-1835., and Camden, Charles Pratt, Earl, 1714-1794.
Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames of Miss Matthews on left, numbered 7, and John, 2nd Earl of Ashburnham on the right, numbered 8.
Alternative Title:
Miss Matthews and Earl of Ashburnham
Title from item., Place of publication from Plomer's Dictionaries of printers and booksellers, p. 316., Subjects identified in British Museum online catalogue., and From the "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" in the Town and Country Magazine, 1775 p. 121.
Published as the Act directs by A. Hamilton Junr. ...
Subject (Name):
Ashburnham, John Ashburnham, Earl of, 1724-1812. and Matthews, Miss.
Lady with elaborate headdress sitting in chair in front of a sofa holds an open book (The whole duty of man) in her left hand and pulls up her skirts with the right, while a kneeling man in a pigtail wig and wearing a sword examines her left foot as it rests on a footstool. In his right hand he holds her shoe, his tools on the floor next to him, his hat behind
Title from item., Imperfect; trimmed within plate mark at top edge., and First (?) state of no. 4638 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pub. June 1 by M Darly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Foot, Care and hygiene, Couples, Wigs, Clothing & dress, Interiors, Feet, Sofas, and Hairstyles
Elegantly coiffed and dressed lady faces to the right holding fan, while behind her and facing away stands another woman with a similar dress and hair style
Title from item., At head of title: Engraved for the Lady's Magazine., Place of publication from Plomer's Dictionaries of printers and booksellers, p. 215., and Imperfect; with offset from letterpress.
Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames of Miss Harriet Powell (numbered 13) and Lord Seaforth (numbered 14), whom she married in or before 1779
Alternative Title:
Miss Harriot Powell, Miss Harriet Powell, Lord Seaforth, and Lord S-
Title from item., Place of publication from Plomer's Dictionaries of printers and booksellers, p. 316., Subjects identified by British Museum catalogue., and From the "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" in the Town and country magazine, 1775 p. 233.
Published as the Act directs by A. Hamilton Junr. ...
Subject (Name):
Seaforth, Lord, 1744-1781. and Powell, Harriet, -1779.
publish'd according to act of Parliament June 15, 1775.
Call Number:
775.06.15.01 Impression 2
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A couple stand side by side before a rectangular tomb. The male figure is a skeleton wearing a feathered hat, a coat, and a sword; the lady wears a cloak. The tomb is decorated with the skull and crossbones and inscribed with the words "Requiescas in pace'. They stand on a road which leads to a Palladian portico, decorated with a baron's coronet. Above the couple a cupid hides his face in his hands as he turns away
Title etched above image., Attributed to Gillray in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Also attributed to "Miss Hartley, daughter of Dr. Hartley" by Horace Walpole in his Collection of prints engraved by various persons of quality., Inscribed below image in two rows, a quote from Lord Hervey's Reply to Hammond's Verses to Miss Dashwood: ... no smiles for us the God head wears! His torch inverted & his face in tears!, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and 1 print : etching with stipple, on laid paper ; sheet 234 x 204 mm.
Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames of Signiora B. (numbered 16) and Philip Stanhope, Fifth Earl of Chesterfield (numbered 17).
Alternative Title:
Signiora Ballantini and Earl of Chesterfield
Title from item., Place of publication from Plomer's Dictionaries of printers and booksellers, p. 316., Subjects identified in British Museum catalogue., The lady is identified by E.J. Burford as Signora Ballantini, an opera singer., and From the "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" in the Town and country magazine, 1775 p. 289.
Published as the Act directs by A. Hamilton Junr. ...
Subject (Name):
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl of, 1755-1815. and Ballantini, Signora.
Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames of Mlle. Le Brun on left, numbered 19, and Lord Stormont (David Murray) on right wearing the ribbon and star of the Thistle, and numbered 20.
Alternative Title:
Mademoiselle Le Brun and Lord Stormont
Place of publication from: Plomer, H.R. Dictionaries of printers and booksellers, p. 316., Title from item., Subjects identified in British Museum catalogue., From the "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" in the Town and country magazine, 1775, p. 345., and Temporary local subject terms: Mademoiselle Le Brun.
Published as the act directs by A. Hamilton Junr. ...
Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames of Miss Smith a shopkeeper's daughter (No. XXV) and Charles Manners, Marquess of Granby (No. XXVI).
Alternative Title:
Miss Smith and Marquess of Granby
Titles from text below images., Place of publication from Plomer's Dictionary of printers and booksellers, page 316., From the "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" in the Town and Country Magazine, 1775, page 457., and Subjects identified in the British Museum catalogue.
Published as the act directs by A. Hamilton Junr. ...
Subject (Name):
Rutland, Charles Manners, Duke of, 1754-1787. and Smith, Miss.