Title from caption below image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., and Temporary local subject terms: Indian dancers -- Indian Musicians -- Indian dance costumes -- Ammani.
Title from text below image., Publication date from unverified data in local card catalog record., and Below title: I say Bill that'll smother the hanimal. No, it won't it's a regular resperator you see he's a little assmatic & it's reccomended.
Title from first line of verse below image., Title continues: ... The glow-worms lamp is gleaming love, how sweet to rove through Norma's grove, when the drowsey world is dreaming love., and Temporary local subject terms: Night shirt -- Night cap -- Lantern -- Couples -- Moonlight -- Glow worms -- Kissing -- Club.
Published at Tregears' Comic print shop, 96 Cheapside
Title from caption below image., Publication date from unverified data from local card catalog record., Title continues: ... Whoy zir, I dun no what they means to do, but they have done Plaguey little as yet!, and One in a series of at least 13 prints published by W. Soffe: Whims and oddities.
Published by W. Soffe, 380 Strand and Printed by W. Kohler, 22 Denmark St., Soho
A monkey dressed in a flowered gown and holding a candestick in one hand and the leg of a cat in the other, leans out of a second-story window. The cat's front paw is stuck in the knocker on the front door as a second cat tears away in fright. The text below: Who am dat knocking at de door?
Title from caption below image. and Publication date from unverified data from local card catalog record.
One in a series of prints published by Fores that parodies the infamous Mulready stationery released by the British Post Office in 1840. Each of the prints is numbered and centers on a different theme, e.g. Fores's comic envelopes, Fores's musical envelope, Fores's alderman envelopes, Fores's hunting envelopes, etc
Title supplied by cataloger., Other prints in the series attributed to John Leech and dated 1840. See British Museum onlne catalogue., and Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed with loss of imprint statement and title.
Title from ms. heading above design., Publication date form unverified data form local card catalog record., and Print without letters. Ms. captions added below each image: Present; Past; Future.