Manuscript on paper containing ascetic and devotional treatises, the Life of St. John Calybita, and Italian poetry in praise of the Virgin
In Latin and Italian., Script: copied by two similar hands: A, writing a rapid Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria, copied ff. 2r-56v and 69r-104v; B, writing a more formal version of the same script, under slight Humanistic influence, copied ff. 57r-68v. The Latin of both scribes is very defective., Red headings and paragraph marks. 2-line red and blue plain initials, with guide letters., The manuscript contains: 1) Ps.-Augustinus Hipponensis, Manuale (preface and chapters 1-24). 2) Pseudo-Augustine, Soliloquia animae ad Deum, large final part of chapter 2. 3) Arnulphus de Boeriis (ca. 1200 (?), Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis), Speculum monachorum. 4) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sermo de vita et passione Domini. 5) Vita S. Iohannis Calybitae or Vita S. Iohannis monachi. 6) Flores ex operibus S. Bernardi de dignitate et excellentia beatae virginis Mariae. 7) Bernardus Claraevallensis (Bernard of Clairvaux, 1090-1153), Epistola 111, written in the name of the monk Elias to the latter's parents. 8) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Contemplationes de passione Domini secundum septem horas canonicas. 9) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Formula honestae vitae. 10) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Octo puncta perfectionis assequendae. 11) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Varia et brevia documenta pie seu religiose vivendi. 12) Bonaventura OFM (1221-1274), Regula novitiorum, 3. 13) Bonaventura, Regula novitiorum, 4.1-3. 14) Matthaeus de Cracovia (c. 1335-1410; Ps.-Thomas de Aquino, Ps.-Bonaventura; here ascribed to Iohannes de Capistrano OFM, 1386-1456), De modo confitendi et de puritate conscientiae (Speculum munditiae). 15) F. Carboni, Incipitario della lirica italiana dei secoli XIII e XIV, v. 1, Studi e Testi, v. 277 (Vatican City, 1977), 863. 16) Carboni 212. 17) Carboni 96. 18) Religious poems in Venetian dialect. 19) Lamentatio Virginis Mariae ad Crucem, attributed to Philippus de Grevia (Philippus Cancellarius, Philippe de Grève, d. 1236). 20) Zeno Veronensis (d. before 380), Tractatus, 21) Moral sentences and quotations by or ascribed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux. 22) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sermo 12., and Binding: the two covers and the spine are covered with a fragment from a large Italian choirbook in Southern Gothica Textualis Formata; parts of two 4-line red staves with notation in Nota Quadrata and two lines of text are preserved.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Subject (Topic):
Devotion to., Asceticism, Christian hagiography, Christian poetry, Italian, Devotional literature, Latin (Medieval and modern)., and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of six ascetical treatises, including Ps.-Augustinus Hipponensis (Pseudo-Augustine), two seroms against the love of money; Ambrosius Autpertus O.S.B. (d. 784), Libellus de conflictu vitiorum et virtutum, 1-263; Paulinus Aquileiensis (Pseudo-Augustine, d. 802), Liber exhortationis; Prayers and hymns to Christ and to the Virgin; and Galvano de Padua (15th century), Memoriale di confessione gentile
Script: probably copied by various hands in Gothico-Humanistica Currens., Decoration: Red headings. Red stroking of majuscules on ff. 57r-72v and 74r. Space has been reserved for 2- or 3-line initials which have not been executed. Guide-letters in red ink have been provided up to f. 72v., Binding: early limp parchment. Both covers blind-tooled., and In Latin and Italian.
Manuscript on parchment of 1) Jacobus Palladinus de Teramo, Belial (also known as Consolatio peccatorum seu Processus Luciferi contra Iesum Christum). 2) Athanasian Creed, added in a different hand
In Latin., Script: Written in a cramped gothic cursive by a single scribe, above top line; art. 2 added in an awkwardly formed gothic bookhand., Divided initial, 15-line, in red in f. 1r. Plain initials, 10- to 4-line, initial strokes, and paragraph marks (in outer margin) in red throughout., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Dark brown, hard-grained goatskin, blind- and gold-tooled. Gilt edges. On spine: "Liber Bellial" and "Codex Ms. Saec. XV".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jacobus, de Theramo, 1350 or 1351-1417.
Subject (Topic):
Christian literature, Latin, Consolation, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of Caesar, Bellum Gallicum, translated into Italian by Pier Candido Decembrio in 1438. With Dedication of the translation to Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan
In Italian., Script: Written below top line in a bold round humanistic hand by a single scribe who added extra rulings in outer margins for headings, annotations, etc., in red. Additional annotations in humanistic cursive, in a brighter shade of red., Elegant illuminated title page (f. 2v) with the title, written in blue over an erasure, in a circular wreath, green with gold flowers, and framed by narrow gold bands with fillets and inkspray issuing from the top and bottom with blue and deep red flowers, green leaves and gold balls. Full border, f. 1r, white vine-stem ornament on blue, green, deep red and gold ground between thin gold frames. In lower border, medallion, blank, framed by wreath, green with yellow highlights and narrow deep red frame. Partial border, f. 3r, white vine-stem ornament on blue, green and deep red ground between narrow gold frames, enlarged to elongated dots at terminals; white vine-stem ornament extends into upper (trimmed) and lower margins, with single gold balls with hair-line strokes. 8 large initials, 11- to 3-line, gold on blue, green, gold and deep red ground with white vine-stem ornament shaded with pale pink. First few words of each book in gold; incipits, explicits and marginalia in red., and Binding: Date? Italy. Vellum case with title in ink on spine: "Cesare Comment". Gilt, gauffered edges and gold and cream silk endbands. Fragments of a printed service book with musical notation partially visible under pastedowns.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Caesar, Julius.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History, Military
Manuscript on paper of 1) Proverbs. 2) Ecclesiastes. 3) Canticles. 4) Wisdom of Solomon. 5) Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach. 6) Laurentius Valla (Lorenzo della Valle, 1407-1457), Encomium sancti Thomae Aquinatis. Oration pronounced 8 March 1457. 7) Gaspar Veronensis (Gaspare da Verona, c. 1400-1474), Oration held in the church of St. Eustachius, see of the Studio Romano, in October 1459 or 1469, dealing with rhetoric, Latin literature and the various sciences. 8) Gaspar Veronensis (Gaspare da Verona), Rhetorical models consisting of the opening sections of nine orations
In Latin., Script: Copied by two hands, both writing a very small Humanistica Cursiva Libraria: A (ff. 1r-65r) and B (ff. 70r-78v)., There is little consistency in the decoration. Headings, partly in Capitalis, in red or black (often missing). Opening words or lines in Capitalis. On f. 22v-26r the majuscules are stroked in red; plain red initials somewhat imitating Romanesque models ff. 22v-25r. All other initials (2-3 lines) have guide letters in the margin but were not executed. Curious pointing hands with sleeves in the margins of the Biblical texts., and Binding: Contemporary binding without leather covers or spine: bevelled beach boards (too small for the codex), worm-eaten, sewn onto three double leather thongs; remains of one clasp attached to the front board, with brass catch on the rear board. Front endleaves: large fragment of a Latin document on parchment that mentions church officials, written in Gothica Cursiva Libraria, dated 1431-1443. The rear endleaves are a fragment of a pattern sheet on parchment, probably from the papal chancery, containing short and longer quotations from papal bulls and other documents, some of doubtful authenticity, in various types of calligraphic script.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Gaspare, da Verona, ca. 1400-1474. and Valla, Lorenzo, 1407-1457.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Rhetoric, Ancient, Speeches, addresses, etc., Latin (Medieval and modern), and Wisdom literature
Manuscript on parchment of Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books I (parts 1 and 2)-II, in an unidentified and freely adapted Italian translation (e.g., the opening portion of Book II is greatly abbreviated).
In Italian., Script: Written in an elegant, upright mercantesca script by a single scribe, below top line., Spaces for headings and decorative initials remain unfilled. Initial on f. 1r later addition., and Binding: Fifteenth century, Italy. Sewn on four tawed skin, slit straps nailed in channels on the outside of wooden boards. Yellow edges. Pink, green and cream endbands sewn on five cores. Covered in dark red goatskin with corner tongues, blind-tooled with a central ornament in a panel bordered with rope interlace in concentric frames. Two fastenings, leaf-shaped catches on the lower board and the upper board cut in for the clasp straps. Rebacked twice.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Egypt
Subject (Name):
Diodorus, Siculus.
Subject (Topic):
History, Ancient, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on paper (watermarks in gutter) of 1) Petrarch, Boccacii Griseldis historia. 2) Pope Pius II, Epistola. 3) Petrarch, Famil. rerum., 12, 2. 4) Pope Pius II, Bulla retractationum. 5) Pope Pius II, Epistola de fortuna
In Latin., Script: Written by three scribes in similar styles of informal gothic scripts (batarde influence). Scribe 1) ff. 1r-7r; 2) ff. 7v-14v; 3) ff. 15r-26v., One calligraphic initial, f. 1r, 4-line, blue with white floral motifs; infilled with red penwork floral designs tinted with green; penwork trails into inner margin, with plain green dots. Four initials, ff. 1v, 7v, 10v, 21v, red ink, 6- to 2-line. Paragraph marks in red. Numerous capitals stroked in red; rubrics throughout; explicits underlined in red., and Binding: Twentieth century. Vellum spine (verso of an unidentified manuscript) with "Petrarcae et Aeneae Silvii Epistoles" inscribed; grey-blue paper sides.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Papal documents
Manuscript on parchment (goatskin) of Gaspare Zacchi, Bononiensium res publica. Most probably the dedication copy, sent by the author from Tivoli to the Signoria of Bologna on or soon after 29 Nov. 1471
The author (d. 1474) in 1450-1455, being protonotary of Volterra, was a member of Cardinal Bessarion's legation to Bologna. In 1460 he became bishop of Osimo. At the time he wrote the present treatise he was prefect of Tivoli ("Arx Tiburtina")., In Latin., Script: Copied by a single scribe writing Humanistica Cursiva Formata very close in aspect to Humanistica Textualis, with relatively numerous and unusual abbreviations. A second hand, probably the author, has corrected the scribe's errors., The headings and "Finis" on f. 9r are written in Capitalis in pale red ink. The nine chapters open with a plain initial alternately blue and pale red. Between two chapters one line is left free. The Prologus (f. 2r-v) opens with a 3-line gold initial on a blue-red-green rectangular background decorated with white and gold penwork. The body of text opens on f. 3r with a 5-line white vinestem initial with full-length marginal extension. F. 1v contains the coat of arms of the city of Bologna, f. 10r the coat of arms of the author, both in full colour., and Binding: Early nineteenth century by Rene Simier (d. 1826). Citron morocco over pasteboard, both covers with delicate gold-tooled frame, the spine gold-tooled, with gold-tooled title "GASP. / RESP." and binder's signature at the foot "REL. P(ar) SI.". Gilt edges. Grey marbled endpapers.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Bologna (Italy)
Subject (Name):
Zacchi, Gaspare.
Subject (Topic):
Didactic literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Politics and government
Manuscript on parchment of the book of Tobit in Italian translation, with the Italian translation of Jerome's prologue, as well as a hymn in honour of St. Bernardinus of Siena (1380-1444), and a genealogy of Christ
In Italian., Script: main text copied by a single hand writing Humanistica Textualis Formata., and Binding: restored contemporary blind-tooled binding of leather over wooden boards.
Manuscript on parchment of a Book of Hours. With prayers in Italian, probably made for a female member of the Augustinian order
In Latin and Italian., Script: copied by one hand in Southern Gothica Textualis Formata (Rotunda)., Headings in red. 1-line versals alternately in red and blue; 2-line flourished initials with marginal extensions alternately in red and blue, the penwork in the contrasting colour (the normal type of initials throughout the manuscript); 3-line flourished KL ligatures in art. 1; 5-line litterae duplices or initials in the style of litterae duplices with developed penwork at the opening of the various Hours in art. 2; 6-line ditto in art. 3; a 4-line flourished initial at the opening of the Mass of the Virgin in art. 5. All initials are half inset., and Binding: original Italian brown cloth over wooden boards, sewn onto three double leather thongs; the cloth is embroidered with silver thread to a design of stars, squares and maltese crosses. Gilt and gauffered edges.