In Italian., Script: Written by one scribe in humanistic bookhand., Six fine miniatures. Each miniature, 12- to 9-line, is rectangular, framed with a thin band of burnished gold (except on f. 39r, a square 14-line miniature in a purple frame edged on both sides with gold). On f. 3v, a full border: putti with swags in upper margin [trimmed], white-vine ornament in side and lower margins, the ground predominantly blue, with some green and pink and with white dots; in outer and lower margin, a gold trellis, with polygonal medallions at corners and midpoints, containing a capital I, and the busts of a child, youth, and young woman; finely drawn animals (stag, goat, panther, rabbit, and fox) superimposed over border. In the lower margin of f. 1r is a coat-of-arms (effaced), supported by four putti and with birds in surrounding vine ornament. For the other miniatures, partial borders with dark blue, green, pink and gold flowers and gold dots and hair-spray. Small medallions containing the letters I, A, C, O, P, O incorporated into successive borders form the name Iacopo (probably the man who commissioned the volume). 3-line initials of gold, infilled green and pink, with delicate white filigree, against blue grounds. Headings and initial of each tercet in gold., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Gilt, gauffered edges. Red calf, gold-tooled with a ribbon border, acorns in the corners and a diced central ornament.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Italian poetry, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of Petrarch, Trionfi (ff. 1r-47r), and Dati, Sfera (48r-76r).
In Latin., Script: copied by two hands both writing Humanistica Cursiva: A, ff. 1r-47r (art. 1); B, ff. 48r-76r (art. 2), in a smaller handwriting., Decoration: In art. 1, space reserved for, but unfilled with, headings between all trionfi; but each trionfo opens with a 3-line blue plain capital. Space similarly reserved for, but unfilled with, headings in art. 2; but also 2- or 3-line blue capitals., and Binding: contemporary, blind-tolled calfskin over wooden boards, sewn on three double thongs. Both covers decorated with a frame and lozenge design. The remains of two brass clasps extant on the front cover.
Manuscript on paper of Hieronymus Stridonensis (St. Jerome, 347-420), 1) Epistula 79 (Ad Salvinam). 2) Epistula 123 (Ad Geruchiam).
In Latin., Script: Copied by one hand in Humanistica Textualis Libraria., Art. 1 opens with a 4-line Gothic flourished initial in blue with red penwork extending in the inner margin; art. 2 opens with a 4-line Gothic plain initial in red., and Binding: Twentieth century (?). Half binding was removed and the codex restored and rebound in 2000 by the Northeast Document Conservation Center. The new binding is grey cloth over heavy pasteboard. On the spine a new black leather title label with gold-tooled inscription "SANCTI JERONIMI EPISTOLAE MS 788". Among the flyleaves, the two following f. 50 are earlier than the others, which are yellowish machine-made paper belonging to the discarded binding. A modern hand wrote on the last front flyleaf r the title "Sancti Ieronimi epistolae ad Salvinam et Ageruchiam".
Manuscript fragment on parchment, from an unidentified chronicle of Venetian history
In Latin., Script: gothica textualis., Decoration: not present. Spaces for capitals and rubrics left blank., and Bifolia later used as archival wrappers.
Manuscript on paper, composed in two parts, of 1) Unidentified grammatical text. 2) Vita virgiliana. 3) Preface to Servius' In Vergilii Aeneidos libros Commentarius. 4) Leonicenus Omnibonus (ca. 1412-ca.1480), De arte metrica. 5) Ps.-Lentulus, Epistola de conditione Domini nostri Iesu Christi
In Latin., Watermarks: Part I: similar to Briquet Oiseau 12128 and 12130. Part II: similar in general design to Harlfinger Balance 31., Script: Part I (ff. 1-30): Written by a single scribe in humanistic cursive, below top line. Part II (ff. 31-80): Arts. 2-4 in humanistic cursive, below top line; art. 5 in a more formal humanistic bookhand., Part I: Plain intials (1-line), headings, initial strokes, and marginalia in red. Part II: Arts. 2-4: plain initials, headings, and initial strokes in red., and Binding: Fifteenth century, Italy. Two pairs of tunnels in the edges of the boards, and the supports laced into one or the other of them to channels in the outside and nailed. Partly resewn. Boards sharply bevelled, with the fore-edge bevel broken off the upper board. Quarter vellum binding, a later addition. Title in ink on lower board, partially visible under ultra-violet light: "Vita Vergilii [another word illegible]/ Documenta". Later title in ink on spine: "Varia man. scr./ vetera" and what appears to be a monogram or shelf-mark with letters I, F, O, T, H in ink on vellum addition.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Biography, Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Latin language, Grammar, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholia
Manuscript on paper of Jacopo Salimbeni's Viaggio de quatro chavalieri andarono cercando il mondo, an account of travel to the East
In Italian., Script: copied by one hand in Gothica Semihybrida Currens (Mercantesca)., Manuscript on paper of Jacopo Salimbeni's Viaggio de quatro chavalieri andarono cercando il mondo, an account of travel to the East undertaken 1416 May 1, starting from Venice. The language of this manuscript is influenced by the Venetian dialect. The first sixty folios are missing., and Binding: 20th century quarter binding.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Salimbeni, Jacopo, d. ca. 1427.
Subject (Topic):
Italian literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Voyages around the world
Manuscript on paper (coarse, thick) of 1) Commentary on selections from Seneca the Elder, Controversiae, beginning imperfectly in I.3. 2) 300 exempla. 3) Gualterus Angelicus, Fabulae. 4) More than 100 extracts about the Virgin Mary, and other topics. 5) Extracts about virtues and vices derived primarily from Gregory the Great, Dialogi. 6) Exempla drawn from Walter Burley, De vita et moribus philosophorum. Arts. 7-18: collection of epitaphs
In Latin., Watermarks, in gutter: similar to Briquet Monts 11854 and unidentified mountain (?)., Script: Written by a single scribe in semi-cursive gothic bookhand, above top line. Arts. 8-18 added by one or more contemporary hands., 2-line plain initials, paragraph marks and headings, in red, throughout; some marginalia in red., Folio 151 damaged, with loss of text., and Binding: Nineteenth century, Italy (?). Limp vellum case made from a document; text not legible, but docketing note visible under ultra-violet light on upper cover: "N. 167".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Burlaeus, Gualterus, 1275-1345?, Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604., Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint., and Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 55 B.C.-approximately 39 A.D.
Subject (Topic):
Conduct of life, Epitaphs, Exempla, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholia
Manuscript on parchment of Jacopo Zeno, Vita Caroli Zeni. With a dedicatory preface to Pope Pius II. This manuscript is of special importance because it contains the complete work
In Latin., Script: Written in humanistic script by Franciscus de Tianis of Pistoia., On f. 1r, a foliage border which includes hares, stork, vase, and arms of the Piccolomini family (argent, a cross azur with 5 crescents or; surmounted by keys in saltire argent and a papal tiara; supported by a pair of angels). Eleven elaborate initials, 11- to 7-line, in gold, red, blue, and green entwined with foliage. The style of decoration is decidedly Roman., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Brownish-red goatskin, gold-tooled; pale green and gold, Dutch gilt paper boards.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Zeno, Carlo, 1334-1418. and Zeno, Jacopo, 1417-1481.
Subject (Topic):
Biography, Crusades, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper (with various watermarks), composed of five separate manuscripts bound together. Parts I and II were written in the 15th century and III-V in the 17th century. Part I: Vita di San Petronio. Part II: Tommaso Nacci Caffarini, Tractatus de stigmatibus extractus, the second part of the book De supplemento legende beate Katerine de senis. Part III: Federico Borromeo, Vita S. Caroli Borromei. Part IV: Pope Pius II, De morte eugenij Quarti creationeque et coronatione Niccolai V oratio. Part V: Thomas Obicinus, Motiuo Celeste diretto in questo segnato tempo
In Latin and Italian., Script: Part I: Round humanistic by a single scribe. Part II: Small neat round textura in a single hand. Part III: Written by one scribe in a calligraphic italic hand. Part IV: Written in italic hand by a single scribe. Part V: Written in a small italic hand by one scribe., Part I: Simple penwork initials in red or blue, some with penwork designs of the other color. Part II: Uninspired and badly rubbed historiated initial (Christ [?] displaying stigmata) on gold background with three gold dots, f. 19r; small decorative initials in red with black penwork designs, or blue with red. Paragraph marks in red or blue., The manuscript has been damaged and repaired extensively. Parts I and III: Waterstained and mended throughout. Part II: Folios have been trimmed with some loss of marginalia., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries. Vellum and paste paper case.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Petronius, Saint, Bishop of Bologna, d. ca. 445.
Subject (Topic):
Christian hagiography, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Papal documents, and Stigmatization