Manuscript on paper. The compiler of this unidentified world chronicle cites as sources Sallust, Suetonius, Josephus, Orosius, Macrobius, Eusebius, Origen, Eutropius, Sigebertus, Hugh of Fleury, and many others. The chronicle concludes at the end of the twelfth century; the date of composition is given in the final section as 1183 in the reign of Frederick Barbarossa (1155-90). The text of the manuscript is continuous, with no book and few chapter notations
Written in the middle of the 15th century, perhaps ca. 1456 when the codex was given to John Capgrave by Jacobus de Oppenheim. Capgrave was elected in August of 1455 to another 2-year term as head of the English Augustinian Province. In 1457 he resumed his literary interests, including work on a universal chronicle from the beginning of the world until the year 1417; this endeavor resulted in the Chronicle of England produced ca. 1462., In Latin., Script: Written by three scribes. Scribe 1) ff. 1r-105v, 60 lines of text written in a small and even, slightly rounded gothic bookhand. Scribe 2) ff. 105v-110v (end of quire XI), 112r-114r, 40 lines of text in a small notarial hand with some shading of descenders. Scribe 3) ff. 111r-v, 114r-405r, 55-58 lines of text in a dark gothic script characterized by fine hair-lines and curved flourishes over the letter i., Decoration changes according to scribe. Scribe 1: Guide-letters for initials never supplied. Rubrics (in upright gothic), paragraph marks and initial strokes in red. Scribe 2: Rubrics (ff. 105v-110v only) in same hand as preceding section; rubrics for ff. 112r-114r as for Scribe 3. Paragraph marks and initial strokes in red. Guide-letters for initials never supplied. Scribe 3: Decorative initials (signalled by guide-letters), in red, with protruberances and hair-lines. Notes to rubricator in inner and outer margins. Rubrics (beginning f. 111r) in same hand as text; paragraph marks, often exaggerated, in red., and Binding: Fifteenth century (Italian?). Sewn on four tawed slit straps laced into wooden boards. Covered in brown goatskin, blind-tooled with concentric frames of alternating fillets and rope interlace, the central panel filled with interlace. Four fastenings, the catches on the lower board, the straps, now wanting, attached with seven star-headed nails. Parchment strips from unidentified manuscripts reinforce center of each gathering. Remains of a paper or vellum label with lettering in ink near head of lower board and trace of a chain base at the tail. Heavily restored.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and World history
Manuscript on paper of Henricus de Ratisbona, Vocabularius Dictus Lucianus
In Latin., Script: copied by one scribe in small Gothica Cursiva Currens; the opening lines in low quality Northern Gothica Textualis Formata., Stroking of majuscules, underlining and plain initials in red; this decoration stops after f. 34v (quire III), although space had been provided for the initials. Very large flourished initials or litterae duplices with elaborate penwork in red and green on multiple folios., and Binding: contemporary German binding: yellowish parchment over heavy wooden boards, sewn on four double cords. The upper of the two leather closing straps is preserved, attached to the rear board and closing over a pin in the front board; the lower one is replaced with a “wrap-around” leather strap. On each cover 5 brass bosses. The paper pastedowns are blank leaves with ink frame-ruling for two columns. Numerous white leather tabs. In the upper compartment of the spine a brownish parchment label with the handwritten inscription s. XIX (?) “Vocabularius / MS 1415”; it replaces a similar but earlier label with the same inscription, in the second compartment.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Henricus de Ratisbona.
Subject (Topic):
Latin language, Glossaries, vocabularies, etc, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of Gasparinus Barzizius (Gasparino Barzizza, 1360-1431), Vocabularium breve
In Latin., Beinecke MS 897 and MS 898 are parts of the same manuscript., Script: the original text is copied by one hand, writing a small Italian Gothica Hybrida Libraria. The additions are in more rapid executions of the same script; the headings in a more calligraphic form, which may comprise Textualis elements., Watermark: a Trefoil. Parchment stays at the outer and at the inner sides of the quires, made from scraps of various manuscripts. Foliation in ink 17th century (?)., Red headings. Red stroking of majuscules and red paragraph marks on f. 1r only. The text opens with a 5-line red plain initial on f. 1r., and Binding: circa 2000. White limp parchment. Two pairs of white leather ties.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Barzizza, Gasparino, ca. 1360-1431.
Subject (Topic):
Latin language, Glossaries, vocabularies, etc, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript leaf, on parchment, mostly complete, containing text from this life of Saint Severinus in eleventh-century script on one side. The verso is a palimpsest, containing an index of canon law in a fifteenth-century humanistic cursive script
In Latin., Leaf was used in a binding., Layout: double columns of 32 lines., and Script: Carolingian script.
Manuscript on parchment of Diogenes Laertius, Vitae et sententiae philosophorum, translated into Latin by Ambrogio Traversari and preceded by his dedicatory letter to Cosimo de' Medici
In Latin., Script: Main text written in round humanistic bookhand by a single scribe., The decoration consists of a 3/4 border, f. 1r, of intricate white vine-stem ornament curling around thin gold bars (doubled in inner and lower margins) on a blue, green and pale pink ground dotted with white, yellow and blue, and gold balls. Incorporated into the lower border are a medallion (blank) framed by a laurel wreath and two narrow gold bands, a stag, and a putto with multi-colored wings in blue, green and dark red. In the inner margin are two birds in brown, orange and white. Ten illuminated initials, 9- to 4-line, gold on blue, green and pale pink background with white vine-stem ornament. Numerous smaller initials, 3- to 2-line, gold on blue and pink or green and pink grounds with white and gold filigree. Headings in black majuscules. Running headlines, in red, on ff. 1-4 only., Some worming at beginning of text., and Binding: Fifteenth century, Italy. A hybrid Italo-Greek binding. Sewn or resewn (the sewing is too tight to determine with certainty) on five tawed skin, slit straps. Wooden boards which are not flush at head and tail are grooved on the edges. Beaded Western endbands added. Covered in dark brown calf, blind-tooled with a triple cross made up of gilt annular dots and rope interlace in a central panel within concentric frames alternately made up of a beaded zigzag ribbon and feathered rinceau. Similar tools are used on Marston MSS 39 and 68. Spine: bands outlined and panels diapered with triple fillets. Traces of four braid-and-pin fastenings, the pins in the edges of the lower board instead of the upper board as is usual in Greek bindings. "Diogenes ***" is added on the fore edge; "diogenes laergi" is written in batarde on a label under horn at the head of the upper board, possibly added in northern Europe.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Diogenes Laertius. and Medici, Cosimo de', 1389-1464.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Philosophy, Ancient, and Literature, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of Plutarch, Vitae, translated into Latin by Leonardo Bruni
In Latin., Script: Written in an upright italic by a single scribe., Small, 4-line, white vine initials, one to commence each work, gold, infilled with pink and green with white dots, all on a blue ground; gold dots and hairsprays., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Green goatskin with red labels on spine. Delicately gold-tooled.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Biography, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on paper of Artt. 1-6: Aesop (Aesopus, 6th cent. before C.), Vita et fabulae, Latin translation by Rinuccio da Castiglione (Rinucius Aretinus, ca. 1395-after 1456). Artt. 7-8: Aesop, Fabulae, Latin translation by Ognibene Leoniceno (Omnibonus Leonicenus, 1412-1481).
In Latin., Watermarks: Briquet 2472 (?); var. Briquet 7918 (?); other (scissors and scale)., Script: Copied by two hands: Section I in unusual Humanistica Cursiva Libraria with the features of Humanistica Semitextualis; Section II in Humanistica Cursiva Libraria., Pale red headings in Section II only (the headings in Section I are in black ink). Pale red paragraph marks. 2- or 3-line pale red plain or slightly decorated initials, with guide-letters in the left margin., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Half leather over cardboard, the paper covers decorated with a lozenged pattern of black and red dots. Gold-tooled spine with brown leather title-label with gold-tooled inscription "ESOPI FABBUL. ***7".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Didactic literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Fables, Literature, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper (with various watermarks), composed of five separate manuscripts bound together. Parts I and II were written in the 15th century and III-V in the 17th century. Part I: Vita di San Petronio. Part II: Tommaso Nacci Caffarini, Tractatus de stigmatibus extractus, the second part of the book De supplemento legende beate Katerine de senis. Part III: Federico Borromeo, Vita S. Caroli Borromei. Part IV: Pope Pius II, De morte eugenij Quarti creationeque et coronatione Niccolai V oratio. Part V: Thomas Obicinus, Motiuo Celeste diretto in questo segnato tempo
In Latin and Italian., Script: Part I: Round humanistic by a single scribe. Part II: Small neat round textura in a single hand. Part III: Written by one scribe in a calligraphic italic hand. Part IV: Written in italic hand by a single scribe. Part V: Written in a small italic hand by one scribe., Part I: Simple penwork initials in red or blue, some with penwork designs of the other color. Part II: Uninspired and badly rubbed historiated initial (Christ [?] displaying stigmata) on gold background with three gold dots, f. 19r; small decorative initials in red with black penwork designs, or blue with red. Paragraph marks in red or blue., The manuscript has been damaged and repaired extensively. Parts I and III: Waterstained and mended throughout. Part II: Folios have been trimmed with some loss of marginalia., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries. Vellum and paste paper case.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Petronius, Saint, Bishop of Bologna, d. ca. 445.
Subject (Topic):
Christian hagiography, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Papal documents, and Stigmatization
Manuscript on parchment of Jacopo Zeno, Vita Caroli Zeni. With a dedicatory preface to Pope Pius II. This manuscript is of special importance because it contains the complete work
In Latin., Script: Written in humanistic script by Franciscus de Tianis of Pistoia., On f. 1r, a foliage border which includes hares, stork, vase, and arms of the Piccolomini family (argent, a cross azur with 5 crescents or; surmounted by keys in saltire argent and a papal tiara; supported by a pair of angels). Eleven elaborate initials, 11- to 7-line, in gold, red, blue, and green entwined with foliage. The style of decoration is decidedly Roman., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Brownish-red goatskin, gold-tooled; pale green and gold, Dutch gilt paper boards.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Zeno, Carlo, 1334-1418. and Zeno, Jacopo, 1417-1481.
Subject (Topic):
Biography, Crusades, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper (coarse, thick) of 1) Commentary on selections from Seneca the Elder, Controversiae, beginning imperfectly in I.3. 2) 300 exempla. 3) Gualterus Angelicus, Fabulae. 4) More than 100 extracts about the Virgin Mary, and other topics. 5) Extracts about virtues and vices derived primarily from Gregory the Great, Dialogi. 6) Exempla drawn from Walter Burley, De vita et moribus philosophorum. Arts. 7-18: collection of epitaphs
In Latin., Watermarks, in gutter: similar to Briquet Monts 11854 and unidentified mountain (?)., Script: Written by a single scribe in semi-cursive gothic bookhand, above top line. Arts. 8-18 added by one or more contemporary hands., 2-line plain initials, paragraph marks and headings, in red, throughout; some marginalia in red., Folio 151 damaged, with loss of text., and Binding: Nineteenth century, Italy (?). Limp vellum case made from a document; text not legible, but docketing note visible under ultra-violet light on upper cover: "N. 167".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Burlaeus, Gualterus, 1275-1345?, Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604., Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint., and Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 55 B.C.-approximately 39 A.D.
Subject (Topic):
Conduct of life, Epitaphs, Exempla, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholia