Manuscript leaf, on parchment, mostly complete, containing text from this life of Saint Severinus in eleventh-century script on one side. The verso is a palimpsest, containing an index of canon law in a fifteenth-century humanistic cursive script
In Latin., Leaf was used in a binding., Layout: double columns of 32 lines., and Script: Carolingian script.
Manuscript on parchment, composed in two parts of different age and origin, of 1) Macer Floridus (Odo of Meung, c. 1070), De viribus herbarum. 2) Fragments of a Missal: (a) Third Sunday of Lent. (b) Saturday after the first Sunday of Lent. (c) Second Sunday of Lent
In Latin., Script: Part I (ff. 1-10): copied by one hand writing Praegothica with wide distance between the lines. Part II (ff. 11-22): copied by one hand in Gothico-Humanistica Libraria., Part I: red chapter headings in larger script written at the right of the text. Red paragraph marks. Red heightening of majuscules on ff. 1r and 10 v only. 2-line (exceptionally 1- or 3-line) early flourished initials in red with red flourishing (red filling on f. 10r). 5-line red, blue and white initial with strapwork decoration on f. 1r. Part II: chapter headings in red, centered. Red 2-line plain initials (Capitalis)., Part II adapted to the size of Part I by pasting strips of parchment to the bottom of the bifolios. The five outer bifolios (ff. 11-15 and 18-22) are palimpsest: leaves from a manuscript in two columns, the text transversal to the textus rescriptus; the inner bifolium (ff. 16-17) is of bad quality; the upper corners of ff. 11 and 22 are missing with loss of text and have been repaired with blank parchment., and Binding: 20th century. Wooden boards and brown calf spine. Endleaves are fragments of a Missal (Italy, 15th century).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Macer, Floridus.
Subject (Topic):
Herbs, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Science, Medieval
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379
Published / Created:
approximately 1200 - approximately 1599
Call Number:
Beinecke MS 532
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript on vellum and paper of Saint Basil of Caesarea, De Legendis Gentilium Libris and various treatises on grammar and rhetoric bound together and Contains St. Basilius, De legendis gentilium libris, fols. 2r-14v, on vellum; Constantinus Lascaris, Grammaticae compendium, fols. 75r-104v, 196r-199r; Georgios Choeroboskos, Grammatica, fols. 107r-129r; Manuel the Rhetorician, Opusculum, fols. 134r-136r; Theodorus Prodromus, Erotemata, fols. 137r-160v; Michael Syncellus, De constructione libellus, fols. 178r-195v; Maximus Planudes, De constructione libellus, fols. 202r-233v; Corinthus, De dialectis, fols. 236r-262r; Phrynichus, Eclogae nominum et verborum Atticorum, fols. 282r-293v; Tryphon, De passionibus dictionum, fols. 296r-297v; Constantinus Lascaris, De pronominibus, fols. 344r-353r; Pythagoras, Aurea carmina, fol. 455r; Hymni Orphici, fols. 455r-460v; Michael Apostolios, Epistolae, fols. 463r-471r; Synesius Cyrenaeus, Epistolae, fols. 473r-574r; Theophylactus Simocatta, Dialogus, fols. 575r-587v; Astronomical Tables, fols. 619r-636v, 651r-664r. Also bound with Porphyrius, Liber Homericarum quaestionum, edited by C. Lascaris (Rome, 1518), which is not foliated and is bound between fols. 454 and 455
Alternative Title:
Address to young men
In Greek., Decoration: Some sections rubricated; astronomical and astrological tables at end., and Binding: Brown morocco over wooden boards; clasps missing.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379.
Subject (Topic):
Classical literature, Didactic literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Fathers of the church, Grammar, Comparative and general, Language and languages, Grammars, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Rhetoric
Manuscript on paper of Liber marescalciae by Laurentius Rusius. The manuscript also contains a large excerpt of Giordano Ruffo's De medicina equorum in Italian translation, as well as an anonymous treatise on hippiatry, and a number of remedies, prescriptions, and incantations for various diseases
In Italian., Script: there are two main scribes: hand A copied the treatise on hippiatry in large Gothica Semitextualis Libraria; its headings are in Gothica Textualis Libraria; decorative extensions at the ascenders on the top line. Hand B, who identifies himself f. 50r as Cristofano di Piero maniscalco N., copied ff. 12r-52v, upper part, in Gothica Semitextualis Libraria. The other texts are additional and have been copied by various scribes at various moments. Folios 1r-4v have red rubrics and are decorated with 2-line flourished initials, with abundant foliate marginal extensions. Guide letters in the left margin on ff. 1r-11v., Liber marescalciae by Laurentius Rusius, a treatise in 154 chapters. The manuscript also contains a large excerpt of Giordano Ruffo's De medicina equorum in Italian translation, as well as an anonymous treatise on hippiatry in 38 chapters, and a number of remedies, prescriptions, and incantations for various diseases., and Binding: 15th century: brown leather over wooden boards. Both covers blind-tooled with frames of fillets; the central panel filled with rope tools, surrounded by a frame. Flat spine with three bands and partly lost paper label with handwritten title “[MA]SCAL[CIA] / M.S. / DI VARI”. Remnants of two decorated brass clasps attached to the rear cover. Five brass bosses on each cover (the central boss on the front cover lost).
Manuscript on paper of a number of ascetical treatises and prayers, including: 1) Pseudo-Bernard of Clairvaux, Octo versus. 2) Andrea da Pistoia, Epistola a un amico. 3) Aegidius O.S.B. (frate Gillio), Liber virtutum
In Italian., Script: the main section is copied by a single hand writing Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria; the headings in Southern Gothica Semitextualis Libraria. The Prayer to the Virgin is in Semitextualis under Hybrida influence; the two final Latin quotations in a large decorative impure Textualis Formata. The Pseudo-Bernard is in small rapid Italian Hybrida, the Latin Psalm verses in a larger and more formal form of the same script, with large opening majuscules. In the main section headings and stroking of majuscules in red; 1- and 2-line plain red initials half inserted, with large guide letters in the margin; a 3-line similar initial on f. 2r. The text opens with an outline initial in black., Manuscript on paper of a number of ascetical treatises and prayers, including: 1) Pseudo-Bernard of Clairvaux, Octo versus. 2) Aegidius O.S.B. (frate Gillio), De aedificatione animae, or Liber virtutum, translated from Latin into Venetian and from Venetian into Tuscan. 3) Andrea da Pistoia O.P., Epistola a un amico. (Perhaps the author is to be identified with Andreas Franchi de Pistorio (1335-1401)). 4) Prayers ascribed to St. Augustine. 5) The Apostles' Creed as supposed to be jointly composed by the twelve Apostles; the Seven Sacraments; the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit; the Seven Virtues; the Seven Mortal Sins; the Ten Commandments; the Works of Charity; the Ten Impediments of Penance; the Fifteen Signs announcing the Last Judgment. 6) Prayer to the Virgin., and Binding: unbound.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Andrea da Pistoia.
Subject (Topic):
Italian letters, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Virtue
Manuscript on parchment, composed of five distinct parts. Part I: 1) Vincent of Beauvais, De laudibus seu de gestis Beatae Virginis Mariae. 2) Petrus Comestor, Carmen in laudem beatae Virginis. 3) Vincent of Beauvais, De laudibus seu gestis Iohannis evangeliste. 4) Pictures of St. Barbara and Thomas Aquinas, and a medieval illuminated initial S (England [?], 15th century) pasted to blank pages. Part II: 5) Stephanus Parisiensis (?), unidentified text supporting the theology of Thomas Aquinas. 6) Augustine, De divinatione daemonum. Part III (paper): 7) Albertus Magnus, De sensu communi. 8) Albertus Magnus, De quinque potentiis anime interioribus. Part IV: 9) Fragment of an account of the Passion of Christ. Part V: Index
In Latin., Script: Part I (ff. 1-44): Written by a single scribe in small gothic bookhand, below top line. Part II (ff. 45-58): Written by two scribes, the one for art. 5, the other for art. 6, in small, tight gothic cursive scripts. Part III (ff. 59-64): Written by a single scribe in a small gothic text hand. Part IV (ff. 65-66): Written in round gothic bookhand. Part V (ff. 67-80): Written in a neat gothic bookhand., Part I: Blue initial, 6-line, with parchment designs and red penwork harping patterns on f. 1r. Plain initials, 4- to 3-line alternate red and blue. Headings, underlining, paragraph marks and chapter numbers, some initial strokes, in red. Guide letters for decorator in margins. Parts II and III: Spaces left for decorative initials remain unfilled. Part IV: One initial, 2-line, on f. 65v and remains of another on conjugate stub: red with crudely drawn penwork designs in black and red. Headings, paragraph marks and initial strokes in orange-tinged red. Part V: On ff. 68r-69r every other entry begins with a 1-line plain blue initial; second letter of each entry washed with yellow; citations of Arabic numerals in red. Guide letters for decorator., Folios 65-66, perhaps removed from a binding, are not conjugate: f. 66 is glued to the conjugate stub of f. 65., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries, England. Semi-limp vellum case with a gold-tooled title. Bound by Pierson. On spine: "Miscellanea Theologica. Stephanus Parisiensis. S. Augustinus. Albertus Magnus etc. Mss XIVe S".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jesus Christ, John, the Apostle, Saint., Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274., and Vincent, of Beauvais, -1264.
Subject (Topic):
Passion, Devotion to., Christian hagiography, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Decamerone, 7.8, 30-50 and Decamerone, 7.9, 1-5.
In Italian., Script: Copied by one hand in Southern Gothica Semitextualis Libraria., and Binding: The leaf has been used as a cover for an archival register (?), the upper part of f. 1r being the front cover. It carries the inscriptions "A", "Gioan Giacomo Saba***".
Manuscript on paper, written in two stages. Part II was copied in the mid-14th century (before 1369) in Tuscany, possibly in Pisa. Part I was copied by Niccolo di Giovanni Cinuzi da Siena in Ferrara, Italy, by 1 Sept. 1415. Part I: Boccaccio, Filostrato. Part II: Articles 2-35 and 38-39 consist of a collection of Italian canzoni by various authors as well as anonymous poems. Artt. 36 and 37 are fragments of Petrarch, Rerum vulgarum
In Italian., Watermarks: Part I: similar to Briquet Monts 11678. Part II: similar to Briquet Ciseaux 3737., Script: Part I (ff. 1r-78v): Written by a single scribe in a bold upright notarial script. Part II (ff. 91r-110v): Written in a clear notarial script by a single scribe; later writers have added the initials, offset in margins, for the major sections of text (sometimes inaccurately) and the notes on ff. 109v-110v., Crude drawings include a falconer with birds, f. 103v, and a ghost (?), f. 103r., The pattern of stains suggests the two parts were originally bound separately. Stained throughout; some ink blotches affect text., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Brown calf over wooden boards, blind-tooled. Red-brown, gold-tooled label. Parchment reinforcements between quires.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an initial; De Ricci records two manuscript numbers for this fragment; however, it contains only one initial
In Latin. and Decoration: initial "N" in light pink decorated with white foliate patterns around the outer edge of the letter and white dots around the inner edge; the ends of the letter terminate in green and yellow; the letter is on a gold geometric ground that is outlined in black and filled with green, pink, and red leaves attached to a blue vine and with balls that are half white and half blue or green.
In Latin., Script: The manuscript was copied by two scribes who exhibit distinct formats and scripts reflecting the transition from gothic to humanistic types of book production. Scribe I) ff. 1-107r, line 14. Written in a very fine early humanistic bookhand, above top line. Scribe II) ff. 107r, line 15-135r. Written in a semi-gothic script, below top line, in a style of writing similar to that used by Coluccio Salutati; strong gothic influence in forms of majuscules., Twenty-three illuminated intials of fine quality, 6- to 2-line, yellow on rectangular bright blue grounds with narrow black frames. Grounds filled with restrained and stylized thin white vine-stem ornament and intricate white filigree. Most spaces for rubrics left unfilled., and Binding: Nineteenth century, England. Bound by Zaehnsdorf (London, 1842-1930) in brown goatskin, blind-tooled, with gold-tooled spine "Cicero" and "MS". Yellow edges. Discoloration on early parchment endleaves reveal traces of corner tongues.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Speeches, addresses, etc., Latin