Title from item., Publication date inferred from Carington Bowles's separation of his business from his father's in 1764. Cf. I. Maxted's London book trades, 1775-1800, p. 25., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Thievery: "fleecing" -- Dishes -- Chocolate pot -- Chocolate mill or molinet -- Mugs -- Jewelry: earrings -- Male dress: dressing gown and nightcap., and Watermark: Strasburg bend with initials GR(?) below.
Printed for Carington Bowles, Map & Printseller at No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
"A young woman sitting directed to left in a wicker-backed chair in a panelled room, wearing a gown with frills at the elbows and a mob-cap, sewing; with a ribbon box and pin cushion on a small table to left; after Heilmann."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Domestic amusement and Fair seamstress
Title from caption etched below image., Date from unverified card catalog., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Companion print to: Domestick amusement. The lovely spinner.
Printed for John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhil, and Carington Bowles in St. Paul's Church Yard, London
Subject (Topic):
Boudoirs, Chairs, Interiors, Sewing, Sewing equipment & supplies, and Young adults
A young woman seated in a caned armchair with cushions, directed to right, wearing a frilled cap, a dark apron over her gown with long sleeves and ruffles at the elbow, spinning and glancing at the viewer; a fireplace with a work bag hanging a fire screen in front of it, to the right; an urn on the mantel piece with a mirror on the wall, curtains behind on right and left; after Heilmann
Alternative Title:
Domestic amusement and Lovely spinner
Title from caption etched below image., Date from unverified card catalog., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Companion print to: Domestick amusement. The fair seamstress., and Watermark.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, map & printseller, at the Golden Buck near Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street
Subject (Topic):
Chairs, Fireplaces, Interiors, Mirrors, Purses, Sewing equipment & supplies, Spinning, Spinning apparatus, and Young adults
Title from item., Publication date from Carington Bowles's entry in Maxted, I. London book trades, 1775-1800., Temporary local subject terms: Young women -- Lace making: tambour -- Pets: King Charles' spaniel -- Birds -- Birdcages -- Furniture: tabouret -- Chinoiserie., and Watermark.
Printed for Carington Bowles, map & printseller at no. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Purcell, Richard, approximately 1736-approximately 1765, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Two men sit on benches at a low table playing cards (putt) as a third person looks on.
Alternative Title:
Playing at putt
Title etched below image., C. Corbutt is one of the many pseudonyms of Richard Purcell., Copy of: The game of putt?, and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Title from item., Publication date probably after 1764, when Carington Bowles removed his business from Cornhil. See London book trades, 1775-1800 / Ian Maxted, p.25-26, Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Families -- Children: toddlers -- Dress: peasant dress, ca. 1771 -- Dishes: bowls -- Cutlery: spoons -- Food: pease-soup .
Printed for John Bowles at No. 13 in Cornhill, London
"Portrait of William Legge after Reynolds (Mannings 1107); as a boy, half-length in an oval frame, head turned and looking left, wearing Van Dyke costume."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from Catalogue of engraved British portraits., "2 s."--Price at bottom right of print., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Ownership stamp on verso: FRH monogram.
Published according to Act of Parliament, by J. Spilsbury, engraver, & map & printseller, in Russell Court, Covent Garden
"Portrait, standing three-quarter length in profile to left, head turned to look towards the viewer, wearing ermine-trimmed ceremonial robes with a lacy cravat and short white wig, left hand on arm of a chair behind him, right leg advanced, holding crown in right hand, in front of him; after Hudson."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Right Honourable John Earl of Egmont Viscount Perceval of Kanturk, Baron Lovell & Holland of Enmore, Baron Perceval of Burton
Title from caption below image., Sheet trimmed close to plate mark., and Mounted on sheet: 473 x 332.
"Portrait of Lady Christiana Collier; seated half-length directed and with head in profile to left, looking at dead bird on table; wearing loose robe over light dress with sash and flower at breast."--British Museum online catalogue
"Passer mortuus est meae puellae, passer delitae meae puellae; quem plus illa oculis suis amabat. Catullus."--Quotation beneath image., Title from previous owner in pencil below image., Date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1902,1011.6397., Place of publication taken from end of publication statement., Mounted on leaf numbered 38 in an album of 49 prints: sheet 60 x 47 cm., and Bound in full red levant by Lloyd Wallis & Lloyd. For further information consult library staff.
Printed for Robt. Sayer map & printseller, at no. 53, Fleet Street