A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern : in a collection of ten principal authors
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Resource Type:
Books, Journals & Pamphlets
Subject (Name):
Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472. Treatise of statues, Evelyn, John, 1620-1706. Account of architects and architecture, and Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568-1639. Elements of architecture
Subject (Topic):
Architecture --Orders
Collection Created:
London : Printed by T.W. for D. Brown, J. Walthoe, B. and S. Tooke, D. Midwinter, W. Mears, and F. Clay,
The story of the Glittering Plain which has been also called the Land of Living Men or the Acre of
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Resource Type:
Books, Journals & Pamphlets
Imprint from colophon, which reads: Here ends the tale of the Glittering Plain, written by William Morris, & ornamented with 23 pictures by Walter Crane. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the county of Middlesex, ...