Title from item., Printmaker & imprint data from British Museum catalogue., Originally published by S.W. Fores Jany. 2d, 1804. Cf. No. 10346 of Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires v. 8., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Lighting -- Food Pot -- Kitchen., and Watermark.
"A provincial Assembly Room, with dancers in violent action in the background, in country dance or cotillion. In the foreground is an ugly foppish and conceited fellow standing with raised coat-tails and his back to the fire. He holds cocked hat and cane, and grimaces and bows towards a pretty young woman, one foot on a fragment of her dress. She walks away from him to the left., taking her chair with her. Another pretty girl sits against the wall (r.) holding a closed fan. The dancers are bucolic and ugly. The walls are decorated with candle-sconces; a clock on the chimney-piece points to 1.25."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from Wright., Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., and Watermark: J. Whatman 1829.
Publish'd November 20th, 1804, by H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Topic):
Ballrooms, Clocks & watches, Dancers, Fireplaces, and Sconces
"A provincial Assembly Room, with dancers in violent action in the background, in country dance or cotillion. In the foreground is an ugly foppish and conceited fellow standing with raised coat-tails and his back to the fire. He holds cocked hat and cane, and grimaces and bows towards a pretty young woman, one foot on a fragment of her dress. She walks away from him to the left., taking her chair with her. Another pretty girl sits against the wall (r.) holding a closed fan. The dancers are bucolic and ugly. The walls are decorated with candle-sconces; a clock on the chimney-piece points to 1.25."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from Wright., Print signed using Brownlow North's device: A compass pointing north., 1 print : etching with stipple on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 25.4 x 38.4 cm, on sheet 28.4 x 41.8 cm., and Mounted on leaf 28 of volume 11 of 12.
Publish'd November 20th, 1804, by H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Topic):
Ballrooms, Clocks & watches, Dancers, Fireplaces, and Sconces
Title from item., Plate numbered '326' in the lower left corner., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Two lines of caption below title: "These are a capital pair of boots, a'n't they Dad." They seem so indeed Harry." "I got them on a new principle." "What you paid for them then I suppose." "No, no I order'd another pair to be ready for next week, & promis'd to recommend the shop ; that did the business.", and Temporary local subject terms: Boots.
Publish'd Jany 12th, 1804 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Title from item., Two columns of verse below design: By little cupids warmest passion led, when Daddy and Momma were gone bed ..., One of six plates in a series: Specimens of dramatic phrensy., Temporary local subject terms: Military Uniform: Regimental -- Male Costume: Cocked Hat -- Furniture: Bed -- Female Costume: 1804 -- Female Costume: Feathered Hat -- Male Costume: Night Shirt -- Male Costume: Night Cap -- Weapons: Blunderbuss -- Lighting: Lantern., Watermark: J Whatman., and Plate number burnished from plate.
Januy. 1st, 1804 by S.W. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly
Title from item., Two columns of verse below design: By little cupids warmest passion led, when Daddy and Momma were gone bed ..., One of six plates in a series: Specimens of dramatic phrensy., Temporary local subject terms: Military Uniform: Regimental -- Male Costume: Cocked Hat -- Furniture: Bed -- Female Costume: 1804 -- Female Costume: Feathered Hat -- Male Costume: Night Shirt -- Male Costume: Night Cap -- Weapons: Blunderbuss -- Lighting: Lantern., 1 print on laid paper : etching, stipple, & roulette ; sheet 29 x 37.5 cm, Watermark: J Whatman., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Januy. 1st, 1804 by S.W. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '380' in the lower left corner., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Two lines of caption below title: "Why you have cut your friend Jack to day?" "Yes, I dislike walking with him, the girls quiz him so, on account of his in-knees..., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Publish'd Decr. 24, 1804 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
"Sheridan (l.) sits in an arm-chair at his writing-table, pen in hand. He slouches forward, peering at a large playbill in his left hand. 'Tom Hickathrift \ and the \ Giants \ a new Growlo Drama \ with \ Wittington \ and his \ Cat \ a Pur-letta \ in which a real \ Cat and Mice \ will be Introduced \ - Due Notice will be given \ of Mr Carlo's next \ Performance.' He says: "Now I have got my head down Water I am determined to go on Swimmingly." The Newfoundland dog 'Carlo' (his massive padlocked collar so inscribed) who played in 'The Caravan', faces Sheridan holding in his mouth a basket labelled 'Raw Materials for New Subjects'; these are rolled MSS. inscribed: 'Dog-Matical Essays', 'Bark-shire Poems', 'Bones to Pick'. Fox (r.), immensely fat stands beside Carlo, in profile to the left., r. hand on the dog's head, l. in his coat-pocket. He says: "You are a very good Dog Namesake - a very good Dog indeed - I wish you would Spin me a little Money thes hard times - it would be very acceptable." Behind Sheridan are book-shelves; from a shelf inscribed 'Glass Slippers as good as New' two slippers dangle. The titles of the (bulky) books are: 'Jack the Giant Killer', 'Goody Two Shoes', 'little Red Riding Hood', 'Tom Thumb', 'Seven Champions [of Christendom]'; actually these tales were best known in penny chap-books"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Preparations for next season
Title from item., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on two sides., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Printseller's announcement following imprint: Folios of caracatures [sic] lent out for the evening., and Mounted to 29 x 40 cm.
Pubd. Feby. 6th, 1804 by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806 and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
"A doctor addresses a cobbler who is working in his booth on the pavement, with a woman listening to their conversation."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Grave physician and lively cobler, Grave physician & lively cobbler, and Grave physician and lively cobbler
Title etched above image., Plate numbered '347' in the lower left corner., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Four lines of text below image: Doctor "Bless me what could bring a man of science like you to mend shoes, I shou'd advise you to practice physic, it wou'd be more profitable." ..., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Trades: Cobblers -- Cobbler's Shops.
Publish'd May 12, 1804, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
"Lord Moira, a candle in each hand, stands in the doorway of his house. He wears a dressing-gown in place of a coat He has opened the door to a young officer, who steps forward unsteadily raising his cocked hat. An ugly watchman (l.) in Highland dress trudges to the left. holding his staff and lantern; he is the only figure who is caricatured. The architrave is surmounted by an earl's coronet. The dignified doorway is set in a wall of heavy stones and flanked by two windows high above the cobbled street."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Fifteen lines of verse in two columns below title: When loud the watchman cry'd the hour and call'd 'till he was hoarse ... Parody upon [the] Red Cross Knight., Temporary local subject terms: Cocked Hat -- Highland Dress -- Lantern -- Watchman -- Door knocker., and Mounted to 45 x 31 cm.
Publishd. July 9th, 1804, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James Street
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826