"A fox (Fox) climbs up a signpost from which hangs the sign of the Crown. The gibbet-shaped post is wreathed with a vine with large bunches of grapes. Fox seizes a branch and gapes greedily for a bunch just within his reach. His left leg is supported on a pile of papers, one bundle of which is inscribed 'Libels'. The topmost paper is an open book: 'Review of the Charges against Warren Hasting[s] Publishd by Stockdale'. In the doorway of the Crown Inn (right) stands Pitt, grotesquely thin except for his head; he wears an apron over the legs of a skeleton. Alarmed at the fox, he drops a tankard of beer on which is a crown. Behind him appears Thurlow, in Chancellor's wig and gown, with an expression of gloomy apprehension."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on two edges., and Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to John Stockdale, 1749-1816 -- Alleged libel -- Libellous pamphlets -- Signs -- Signboards -- Inns: Crown -- Gibbet-shaped signpost -- Allusion to trial of Warren Hastings -- Political grapes -- Chequerboards -- Literary allusion to Aesop's fable: The fox and the grapes -- Allusion to John Logan's pamphlet, published by Stockdale: Review of the charges against Warren Hastings -- Allusion to Fox's February 14, 1788 speech -- Chancellor's wig and gown.
Pubd. Feby. 18th, 1788, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Pitt, William, 1759-1806
"A stage-coach is driven (left to right) uphill at a gallop, the horses having human heads as in BMSat 7323. The arm of a signpost on the extreme left points 'To the Temple of Honor'. Thurlow drives, lashing furiously. George III, in profile to the right, is seated in the boot at the back of the coach holding a musket with a fixed bayonet. The Queen sits on the roof as an outside passenger, dressed as an old market-woman ; she holds a basket of 'Golden Eggs' on her knee, and another basket at her side in which is a goose which hisses at the King. Within the coach Hastings (left) and Mrs. Hastings (right) sit facing each other; he is in oriental dress; she wears a jewelled turban with a crown, and her neck is covered with jewels. The coach is 'Licens'd by Royal Authority'; on its panel are the royal arms. On the box under Thurlow's legs are a star and ribbon, a coronet, and feathers. The leaders have the faces of Pitt1 and Sydney, the wheelers are Dundas and Pepper Arden. The horses are galloping uphill and the sky is clear, contrasting with the scene in BMSat 7323."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image in lower left., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Three lines of verse below image: "The very stones look up to see, such very gorgeous harlotry, shaming an honest nation.", Companion print to "Opposition," also by Gillray and published by Fores on the same day. See no. 7323 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pubd. May 20th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Hastings, Anna Maria Apollonia von Chapuset, 1747-1837, Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, Baron, 1745-1804, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, and Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811
Title etched below image., 1st state [?] with trimmed title and imprint replaced by ms., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to Geoffrey Chaucer, 1340?-1400: Canterbury tales -- Robbing of Lambeth palace -- Robbers -- Bag of plunder -- Bankrupt Foxites -- Conspirator's hats -- Boat hooks -- Boats -- Suppressed titles.
Pub'd Nov'r 5th 1788 by SW Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, and Hanger, George, 1751?-1824
Title etched below image. and Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to Archbishop -- Anticipation of effects of insanity of King George III -- Mitres -- Allusion to Regency crisis.
Pub, Nov'r 5th 1788 by S.W. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly
"A lady stands in profile to the left removing her gloves; her head is turned to the spectator. Against the wall of the room, which appears from the carpet and an oval mirror in a carved frame to be a drawing-room, stands a commode, which if the lid were closed would resemble an ordinary chair. She wears the projections at bust and waist which were the subjects of caricature c. 1786-7 (cf. BMSats 6874, 7099, &c). Her hat, poised sideways, has a steeple crown."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Suggested attribution to Kingsbury in the British Museum catalogue.
Pub'd March 6 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
"Pitt, Hastings, and Thurlow sit at a circular dinner-table on which is the King's head in a large dish. The dish is ornamented with a crown and the words 'Mal. y . Pense'. Pitt (left) sits in profile to the right cutting off a piece of the tongue with a knife and fork. Thurlow, in his Chancellor's wig and gown, faces him, using two large spoons greedily (cf. BMSat 7166), he is taking brains from a hole in the King's forehead. Hastings, in oriental dress, sits between them gouging out an eye with a spoon and fork. Besides Pitt is a sauce-boat inscribed 'Sauce', beside Thurlow a bottle inscribed 'Vinegar'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on top edge., Temporary local subject terms: Male costume: Oriental costume -- Royal motto: Honi soit qui mal y pense., and Inscribed in ink below signature in an unidentified hand: Gillray's early feigned signature.
Pubd. March 28th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
On the left a thin man stands in profile holding a large muff, his head thrown back. He has a haughty look on his face as he looks down his nose a very stout man on the right who stands full-face at the viewer. The larger man has his hands behind his back as he looks quizzically at his companion, a small smile on his face
Alternative Title:
Fat and lean antiquarian
Title from item., Plate from: Rules for drawing caricaturas / by F. Grose. London : Printed by A. Grant, 1788., and Matted to 49 x 36 cm.
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: East India House -- Declaratory Act., and Watermark.
Pubd. April 24, 1788 by Josa. Baldrey, No. 19 H. Holborn, London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Rumbold, Thomas, Sir, 1736-1791, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Portraits, Impeachment, Taxation, Tax assessment, Justice, Donkeys, Stores & shops, Shutters, Lawyers, and Britannia (Symbolic character)
"The head of a lady in profile to the right, yawning violently. A mob-cap perched on her hair has long lappets which fall on her shoulders."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray by Wright., and Temporary local subject terms: Yawns -- Female hats: mob cap.
Pub. 22 May 1788 by H. Humprey [sic], N. 51 New Bond St.
George III in profile to the right on a white horse rides down a stag which is under the hoofs of his rearing horse. He wears the Windsor uniform (blue coat with red collar and cuffs) and holds a riding-whip above his head. A wooded landscape suggests Windsor Park. Etched below title: "A Hint to Mr West for a Painting in St George's Hall'.
Alternative Title:
Modern Saint George
Imprint from British Museum catalogue., George suggests James Bearblock as engraver., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Stags -- Windsor uniform -- Windsor Park., and Mounted to 34 x 35 cm.
Pubd. Jany. 1788 for I. and I.B. by R. Clamp, Holborn
Subject (Name):
George, Saint, -303., West, Benjamin, 1738-1820, and George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
"Four men, their feet cut off by the lower margin, play whist at a rectangular table; each has one card in his hand and is about to play the last trick, the tricks piled on the table show that each side has six tricks. Sir Joseph Mawbey (left) looks at his partner (right), a very stout man wearing a legal wig, both hold court cards (diamonds). The man seated on the farther side of the table looks sideways at Mawbey, saying, "O---h! you've brought your Pigs to a fine Market!" His partner, in back view, is a very thin man whose hair extends grotesquely on each side of his head; he holds the five of diamonds. From Mawbey's pocket projects a document, 'Surrey Commission', and a book, 'Burn Justice' (Burn's well-known 'Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer', used by all acting J.P.s, not an exhortation to incendiarism as Evans supposes). Above his head is a picture of a pig feeding from a trough."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Mr. Stevenson, fl. 1788 -- Allusion to "Account of Elections for Survey" by Sir Joseph Mawbey, 1730-1798 in Gentleman's Magazine: 1788.ii.975, 1052-3 -- Allusion to "Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer by John Burns[?], 1743-1839 -- Quarrels: Allusion to Mawbey vs. his steward -- Pictures amplifying subject -- Feeding pigs -- Gaming tables -- Whist.
Pubd. Decr. 10th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
"Burke sleeps in a half-reclining position, his arms folded, legs extended, spectacles pushed up on his forehead. On a pedestal above his head (right) is a bust inscribed 'Mahomet', a fierce-looking, mustachioed man. A hanging lamp burns before it. On the right is Burke's reverie or dream: A Turk sits cross-legged on a divan holding out his arms eagerly to a young girl who is being brought to him by his mother, an elderly woman, who says, grinning, "I have procured another Lamb for my Lord"; the girl turns away with a gesture of distress. Above the Turk's head is an open book inscribed 'Koran'. Beside Burke in the foreground (right) is propped an open book inscribed: '... I have observed that the greatest Degree of Respect is paid to Women of Quality in the East and that the strongest Instances of Maternal Affection & filial Duty prevail there. Note Begum ... The Viziers Mother frequently procures one of the most beautiful Virgins whom she adorns with Pearls and precious stones and brings to the Vizier whom she calls her Lion and desires him to take her to his Arms, this he most religiously performs and she is afterwards consig[ned] to the Zenana with 200 others whom he never sees a second Time.'"--British Museum online catalogue, description of another version of the same design
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Another version, with slight differences in text and design, of no. 7307 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., and Mounted to 37 x 25 cm.
Publd. 26 April 1788 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Dimitrie Cantemir, Voivode of Moldavia, 1673-1723.
"Burke sleeps in a half-reclining position, his arms folded, legs extended, spectacles pushed up on his forehead. On a pedestal above his head (right) is a bust inscribed 'Mahomet', a fierce-looking, mustachioed man. A hanging lamp burns before it. On the right is Burke's reverie or dream: A Turk sits cross-legged on a divan holding out his arms eagerly to a young girl who is being brought to him by his mother, an elderly woman, who says, grinning, "I have procured another Lamb for my Lord"; the girl turns away with a gesture of distress. Above the Turk's head is an open book inscribed 'Koran'. Beside Burke in the foreground (right) is propped an open book inscribed: 'And I have observed that the greatest Degree of Respect is paid to Women of Quality in the East and that the strongest Instances of Maternal Affection & filial Duty prevail there. Note Begum - The Viziers Mother frequently procures one of the most beautiful Virgins whom she adorns with Pearls and precious stones and brings to the Vizier whom she calls her Lion and desires him to take her to his Arms, this he most religiously performs and she is afterwards consig[ned] to the Zenana with 200 others whom he never sees a second Time.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 18.7 x 16.7 cm, on sheet 20.7 x 18 cm., and Mounted on leaf 44 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
Publd. 26th April 1788 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Dimitrie Cantemir, Voivode of Moldavia, 1673-1723.
"Burke sleeps in a half-reclining position, his arms folded, legs extended, spectacles pushed up on his forehead. On a pedestal above his head (right) is a bust inscribed 'Mahomet', a fierce-looking, mustachioed man. A hanging lamp burns before it. On the right is Burke's reverie or dream: A Turk sits cross-legged on a divan holding out his arms eagerly to a young girl who is being brought to him by his mother, an elderly woman, who says, grinning, "I have procured another Lamb for my Lord"; the girl turns away with a gesture of distress. Above the Turk's head is an open book inscribed 'Koran'. Beside Burke in the foreground (right) is propped an open book inscribed: 'And I have observed that the greatest Degree of Respect is paid to Women of Quality in the East and that the strongest Instances of Maternal Affection & filial Duty prevail there. Note Begum - The Viziers Mother frequently procures one of the most beautiful Virgins whom she adorns with Pearls and precious stones and brings to the Vizier whom she calls her Lion and desires him to take her to his Arms, this he most religiously performs and she is afterwards consig[ned] to the Zenana with 200 others whom he never sees a second Time.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., and Mounted on page 60 with three other prints.
Publd. 26th April 1788 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Dimitrie Cantemir, Voivode of Moldavia, 1673-1723.
George III drinks from a stream pouring from a pump labelled Cheltenham. The queen stands near him pulling on his coat to stop his drinking as two of the princesses stand behind her, one saying "My Papa will leave none for us."
Title from item. and Watermark: J Whatman.
Pub. July 28, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
England and Cheltenham.
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820 and Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818
"The Prince and Britannia stand on each side of the Coronation Chair as in BMSat 7386. Its Gothic carvings are altered to satyrs' heads. On the back of the Chair is a small money-bag inscribed Virtue. The Prince and Britannia stand as before, but the foot which she places on the step inscribed 'The Voice of the People' is a cloven hoof. The next step, 'Publick Safety', is badly cracked; the other steps are blank. No words come from Britannia's mouth; the Prince says, "I woud do the best to please my People". Liberty and Justice are transformed into Sheridan and Fox. Sheridan, wearing ragged clothes, holds the cap of 'Liberty' on a broom; he puts one hand on the Prince's shoulder while he steals a handkerchief from his coat-pocket. Fox, in place of Justice's sword, holds a bludgeon in the head of which is an eye which drips blood (in the coloured version); he holds up an evenly-balanced pair of scales, formed of two dice-boxes. His eye-bandage is pushed up on his forehead and he says, "I have the Voice of the People in my Eye". 'Commerce' is transformed from a comely young woman into a drunken hag who holds up a glass of gin. The Mayor says, "We have not been taxed this twelvemonth". Pitt, instead of being the colleague of the Furies, attacks them: in his left hand he holds up a large conical extinguisher with which he is about to put out the torch of 'Rebellion'. He says, "I could soon extinguish these Puppet Shew Vapours if properly supported". The Fury holds up two torches, one of 'Rebellion', the other 'Puppet Shew'. He puts his left foot on the prostrate head of 'Envy', who is holding up a fire-brand. The third fury (Falsehood) has disappeared. The British Lion looks from behind Britannia's shield snarling ferociously in defence of Pitt."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Rowlandson by Grego., Temporary local subject terms: Lord William Gill, 1720-1798: Mayor of London -- Lord Mayors -- Chairs: Satyrs' heads on coronation chair -- Broom as staff of liberty -- Emblems: drunken hag / commerce -- Scales: dice boxes -- Huge candle snuffers -- British lion -- Furies -- Regency crisis., and Mounted to 31 x 47 cm.
Pub. Decr. 29, 1788, by S. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, and Pitt, William, 1759-1806
"The patient sits in profile to the left with chattering teeth, holding his hands to a blazing fire on the extreme left Ague, a snaky monster, coils itself round him, its coils ending in claws like the legs of a monstrous spider. Behind the patient's back, in the middle of the room, Fever, a furry monster with burning eyes, resembling an ape, stands full-face with outstretched arms. On the right the doctor sits in profile to the right at a small table, writing a prescription, holding up a medicine-bottle in his left hand. The room is well furnished and suggests wealth: a carved four-post bed is elaborately draped. On the high chimney-piece are 'chinoiseries' and medicine-bottles. Above it is an elaborately framed landscape."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Alternative Title:
Ague and fever
Title etched below image., Reissue, with new imprint statement, of print published in 1788 by T. Rowlandson. Cf. No. 7448 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Companion print to: The hypochondriac., One line of quoted text below image, etched on either side of title: "And feel by turns the bitter change of fierce extremes, "extremes by change more fierce. Milton., Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 1, pages 226-7., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Ague -- Demons & devils -- Prescription of drugs., and 1 print : etching and aquatint, hand-colored ; plate mark 41.2 x 56.9 cm.
Pubd. Novr. 5, 1792, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
On the left Thurlow represents the world with his stomach in the shape of a globe and his clothes labelled with country names. He faces Hastings who is attired in Oriental dress and his head is bound in a large feathered turban encircled with jewels, the end of which expands into a cornucopia. Hastings' belt is inscribed 'Virtues', through it are thrust an axe, a halter, and two (?) clubs
Title etched below image. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pubd. for the proprietor by W. Moore, No. 48 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818 and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
Four elderly men sit and stand round a small circular table on which are glasses, a bottle, a paper of tobacco. A man in profile to the left is reading
Title etched below image., Two figures are tentatively identified as Dr. Robert Bragge and Dr. Michael Lort., and Plate from: Grose, F. Rules for drawing caricaturas. London : Printed by A. Grant, 1788.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Lort, Michael, 1725-1790 and Bragge, Robert, Dr. 1700-1777
A very stout man with a pear-shaped head sits full-face in an armchair, looking at the spectator, with his right hand raised as if addressing an audience. Subject is perhaps Jeremiah Milles, president of the Society of Antiquaries. See British Museum catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate from: Grose, F. Rules for drawing caricaturas. London : Printed by A. Grant, 1788., and Watermark.
Three elderly antiquarians stand together; one, lean and knock-kneed, reads a catalogue through spectacles. Another, very stout and in back view, faces him, bending to the left. The third (right) stands erect in profile to the left, his hands behind his back
Title from item., Plate from: Rules for drawing caricaturas / by F. Grose. London : Printed by A. Grant, 1788., and One of the caricatures possibly Dr. Robert Bragge, art dealer.
"Pitt, very drunk, leans against the wall of a room, his right arm rests on a map inscribed 'Gold Coast Bengal'; he points to the former name, saying, "de Claret - Claret - Claret - Tory - tory - tory." His chair (right) has been overturned, under his feet are papers inscribed 'List of India Directors'; in his left hand is the 'de-Claretory Bill'. On a table (left) are wine-glasses and a decanter of Claret, empty bottles lie on the ground."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Questionable attribution to Kingsbury from British Museum catalogue., and Temporary local subject terms: Walpole refers to subject of print -- Tablecloth of green baize -- Maps: Bengal -- Declaratory Bill.
Pub. Marh. 17, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
"Lord Howe (left) sits cross-legged on a tailor's shop-board working at a naval coat which lies across his knees. He holds up a threaded needle in his right hand; in his left are shears with which he is about to cut the thread. He says, "I have now finish'd my Seven Years Plan of the N-v-l Uniform; next the Marines must be Blue, faced with White, & White Buttons. I shan't let the Guardships cruize as formerly, a bad plan, give me young Officers that know little, then I may shew my skill - The word Merit should be expung'd from the Dictionary. Next Year I must set a few more of the old Ninety Two's aside, & have smart young Admirals. I'll have a general reform soon." Beside him is a tailor's goose, &c. Behind him (right) five naval coats in course of completion hang from a row of pegs, two have elaborately wide cuffs, one of which is decorated with an anchor. Beneath the board on which Howe sits are demons from whose operations smoke rises to surround him. Two grotesque nude creatures (left), one very thin, the other obese, are on the top of a circular platform which rests on a mast flying an ensign. They are cooking a goose, a cabbage, and a cucumber, all emblems of the tailor, cf. BMSat 5805, &c. The place where the 'cabbage' (pilfered cloth) was kept was called Hell. Grose, 'Dict. Vulgar Tongue', 1796. Next them a large devil with a gridiron under his arm stretches out his talons, saying, "And I'll have a general Reform soon as I shall get you before you are aware of it. I've ting'd your Heart so may safely leave you to go on."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Black-Dick turned taylor and Black-Dick turned tailor
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Watermark: Strasburg Lily.
Pubd. Feby. 4th, 1788, by G. Humphrey, No. 48 Long Acre
Subject (Name):
Howe, Richard Howe, Earl, 1726-1799 and Great Britain. Royal Navy
"Fox, followed by Burke and Sheridan, hastily leaves a vaulted archway from which issue smoke and flames. George Hanger (left) runs in front, holding a burning firebrand; behind him is the White Tower in flames. Fox carries the crown which he partly conceals under his voluminous coat. Burke, dressed as a Jesuit (cf. BMSat 6026), holds the sceptre; he looks with satisfaction at Sheridan, who takes his arm. Sheridan holds the orb; in his hat is an election favour inscribed 'Townsend'. Hanger wears a cocked hat with an election favour, his military coat and tight breeches are in rags; under his arm is a sack labelled 'Unmill'd Coin'. Torn bills pasted on the wall behind Fox's head are inscribed 'the Westminster Election; for the Interest of Lord J. Townsd', and 'Leak's Pills'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Blood and Co. setting fire to the tower and stealing the crown and Blood and Company setting fire to the tower and stealing the crown
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Following imprint: Price 1 s., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to Lord John Townshend, 1757-1833 -- Allusion to Captain Mason, fl. 1671 -- Allusion to Thomas Blood, 1618?-1680 -- Tower of London -- Burning of White Tower -- Medical Signs: Pills -- Leake's -- Crowns -- Sceptres -- Orbs -- Election favours -- Attempted thievery: Blood and Mason, 1671 -- Perogatives: Fox's attempt to steal -- Torches: firebrand.
Pubd. July 26th, 1788, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Townshend, John, Lord., and Great Britain. Parliament
"Thurlow, in his Chancellor's wig and gown, wades waist-deep in the sea, advancing towards the spectator. On his shoulders sits Hastings, in oriental dress, holding in each arm a large money-bag inscribed '£4.000.000'. Thurlow scowls; Hastings has a serene and contented expression. In the water (a sea of blood) are the mutilated corpses of Indians: three heads tied together by the hair float in the water; a man floats with a rope round his neck; there are also a scourge and birch-rod."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Attributed to Gillray in British Museum catalogue.
Pubd. March 1st, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818 and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
"Thurlow, in his Chancellor's wig and gown, wades waist-deep in the sea, advancing towards the spectator. On his shoulders sits Hastings, in oriental dress, holding in each arm a large money-bag inscribed '£4.000.000'. Thurlow scowls; Hastings has a serene and contented expression. In the water (a sea of blood) are the mutilated corpses of Indians: three heads tied together by the hair float in the water; a man floats with a rope round his neck; there are also a scourge and birch-rod."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Attributed to Gillray in British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and A later state with the number '30' in the upper right corner. Cf. No. 7278. in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6.
Pub'd March 1st, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818 and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
"Half length portraits of Dr. Willis and Sheridan in close proximity, repeated twice, the doctor being on the extreme left and right, the two Sheridans in the middle. One couple (left) is inscribed 'Sunday', the other (right) 'Saturday'. The doctor in both cases answers a question in a label which projects into the design from an unseen inquirer: 'Doctor, how is your Patient to Day'. On the left he answers with a contented expression: "Better thank God"; his neighbour angrily shouts "Damnation". On the right he has an expression of melancholy anxiety, the head of his cane held to his lip; he answers: "Rather worse - Sir - ". Sheridan, with a satisfied and cunning smile, says, "Ha - ha - rare news"."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Possibly by Rowlandson. See British Museum catalogue., and Temporary local subject terms: Francis Willis, 1718-1807 -- Allusion to regency crisis -- Blue and buff.
Pub. Decr. 31, 1788 by S. Fores N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816 and George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
Dent, William, active 1783-1793, printmaker, publisher
Published / Created:
[26 November 1788]
Call Number:
788.11.26.01+ Impression 1
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title from item., Temporary local subject terms: Reference to Horace Walpole -- Trades: Apothecary -- Newspapers: Morning Herald -- Regency crisis., and Mounted to 28 x 40 cm.
Pub. by W. Dent Nov 26th 1788 ; sold by W. Moore Oxford St. of whom may be had the flight to Switzerland
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Hall, Edward, active 1784-1793, and Hanger, George, 1751?-1824
"Hastings (right) shrinks in terror at the apparition of Chait Singh (left) who emerges from clouds, a rope round his neck, his left hand raised threateningly. His turban is inscribed 'Cheyt Sing.' They stand on opposite sides of a rectangular table covered with a fringed cloth, behind which sits a lady reading a book which lies on the table: 'The State of India'. Her dress and large feathered hat are heavily decked with jewels. Hastings, who wears oriental dress with a jewelled turban, has overturned his chair; on its back are the initials 'W H.' Two Indian servants (right) stand behind Hastings. In the centre of the wall, behind the lady, are shelves on which are money-bags, some inscribed 'Rupees' and 'Pagod[as]', jewels, and a large turban inscribed 'Cheyt Syng.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Chait Singh
Title etched below image., Variant state of no. 7315 in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires v. 6. The 'y' in May is partly visible under 'r' engraved over it., and Sheet trimmed leaving thread margins.
Pub'd Mar. 9 1788 by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
India and India.
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Chait, Singh, rajah of Benares, fl. 1775-1781, and Nandakumara, Mahārāja, -1775
Subject (Topic):
Impeachment, Politics and government, Ghosts, Gems, Jewelry, Servants, Tablecloths, Turbans, Men, and Clothing & dress
Title from item., Plate from: Rules for drawing caricaturas / by F. Grose. London : Printed by A. Grant, 1788., and Temporary local subject terms: City militias -- Military uniforms -- Militia uniforms -- Marching.
Title from item., Artist and printmaker's names appear above title., Companion print by same publisher on same date: Tragedy., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pubd. June 30, 1788 by T. Macklin. No. 39 Fleet Street
Three elderly men stand together inspecting a medal. Two face each other in profile, the third who stands between and behind them is a parson in gown and bands
Title etched below image. and Date from British Museum catalogue.
"Warren Hastings, in oriental dress, kneels full-face on one knee between two cards; he holds out in each hand a lozenge, the diamond of a pack of cards: that on his right is a knave with the head of Thurlow, that on his left is a king with the head of George III (cf. BMSat 6969). Neither card has an indication of the suit: the hand of each appears ready to grasp the diamond held out by Hastings."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Questionable attribution to J. Baldrey from British Museum catalogue., Text in upper left corner: Plate 1., and Temporary local subject terms: Oriental costume -- Playing cards -- Court cards -- Knave and King -- Print owned by Horace Walpole (NYPL) -- Male costume, oriental -- India -- Alleged bribery of Hasting's supporters.
Pubd. Feby. 8th, 1788, for S. Doughty and Co., No. 19 Holborn
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Mrs. Dawkins, fl. 1788 as Gloc -- Miss Pigott, fl. 1788 as Glum -- Regency crisis., and Mounted to 28 x 38 cm.
Pub Nov 16 1788 by SW Fores No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, and Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
Fly to those that dwell in luxury's laws and Fly to those that dwel in luxurye's laws
Title and imprint from impression in the Mellon Collection H. 968., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed with loss of title and imprint., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 29 x 37 cm.
Published July [the] 21st, 1788 by W.M. Covent Garden
"Dundas as a colossus (a shah or bashaw of the Indies) straddles across the ocean, one foot on the roof of the India House (left), the other on a piece of land on the extreme right representing Bengal. In the sea below his outstretched legs are several ships in full sail making for Bengal; the nearest is inscribed 'troops'. Dundas wears a turban and crown, a cloak and oriental tunic with a kilt, bare knees and tartan stockings. His turban is inscribed 'Charged Mr F------with a design to shift the Crown from the Monarch's to his own head. Mr D speech'. His arms are extended above his head pointing to, and nearly grasping, a sun in the upper left corner of the design and to a crescent moon in the upper right corner. Both have faces which look down with dismayed surprise at Dundas, who looks towards the sun. Beneath the title is inscribed: '"One Foot in Leadenhall Street, & the other in the Province of Bengal." Vide Mr D------s Speech.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Dundas's quarrel with East India Company -- Face on the sun -- Man in the moon -- Ships carrying troops to India -- Indian patronage -- Dundas's attack on the East India Bill -- Dundas as a Bashaw -- Hats -- Bengal -- East India House.
Pubd. March 7th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811 and East India Company.
"The 'Election-Troops', headed by Major Topham, advance towards the barred gate of the 'Treasury', behind which stands Pitt, holding a large key. He says, "I know nothing of you my Friends, Lord H------d pays all the expences himself - Hush! Hush! go to the back-Door in Great George Street under the Rose!" Topham holds out to Pitt a paper inscribed 'For Puffs & Squibs and for abusing opposition', in his right hand is a newspaper. 'The World' (see BMSat 7210, &c). Behind him is a dwarfish and ragged newsboy holding his horn, on his cap is the word 'Star' above a star. Under his arm is a copy of 'The Star' newspaper, in his right hand a paper inscribed 'For changing Sides; for hiring of Ballad Singers & Grub Street Writers. . .' . Next him is a publican holding a paper inscribed 'For Eating & Drink[ing] for Jack Ass Boys'. Behind these, three of the Foot Guards march together, each holding a paper inscribed 'For the attack in Bow Street' (see BMSat 7352); one holds a bayonet dripping with blood. Across the front of their caps is the word 'Hood'. A ragged and dwarfish cobbler holding a pair of shoes holds out a paper inscribed 'Far Voting 3 times'; he walks next two ballad-singers, one, fat, ragged, and pregnant, holds in her right hand a paper inscribed 'For Singing Ballads at 5 Skill pr Day . .', in her left hand is a sheaf of broadsides inscribed 'A begging we will go --- --- A new Song'. The woman next her holds a similar account; her hat is inscribed 'Hood'. On the extreme left is a sailor with a bludgeon who holds out a paper: 'For kicking up a Riot'. Next him is a burly and grinning negro (cf. BMSat 7367). Between these two and the cobbler a bearded Jew holds up in both hands a paper inscribed 'For Perjury & procuring Jew Voters'. Behind are the heads of the rest of the crowd; most wear election favours in their hats with the word 'Hood'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., "Price 1 s. 6.", Temporary local subject terms: Edward Thomas -- Reference to Horace Walpole -- Elections -- Military uniform of foot guards -- Naval uniform of sailors -- Negroes: Sailor with election favor in hat -- Newspapers: The World -- The Star., and Price mostly erased from sheet.
Pubd. Augt. 14th, 1788, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Topham, Edward, 1751-1820, Great Britain. Parliament, and Great Britain. Treasury.
Subject (Topic):
Elections, 1788, Political elections, Newspaper vendors, and Shoemakers
A reduced copy probably from a book and resembling the folding plates to the 'Hibernian Magazine'. The groups are arranged from left to right as in British Museum satire no. 7301, but each figure is reversed and the groups are in two rows, one above the other
Alternative Title:
Picture of the times
Title etched below image., Place of publication based earlier state. See British Museum catalogue., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark at top.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, Pigot, Hugh, 1721?-1792, Farren, Elizabeth, 1762-1829, Smith Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Greville, Charles, 1762-1832, Billington, Elizabeth, 1765-1818, and Archer, Sarah West, Lady, 1741-1801
Title from item., Text under title: with explanatory notes designed and sketched for the inspection of all modern professors and inscribed to H.W. Bunbury, Esq., Motto above imprint: Est[?] quod else videris., and Temporary local subject terms: Anodyne necklace -- Gambling games: dice box
Pubd by W. Dent, May 30th, 1788 and sold by W. Dickie opposite Exeter Change Strand and W. Moor No. 48 New Bond Street, London
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
Title etched below image., Day in imprint may have been re-etched from 10 to 29., Fourteen persons or groups forming discrete images arranged in two rows, each with caption in English and French., Temporary local subject terms: Lady Sarah Archer -- Captain Barclay., Ms. identifications on mounting sheet by W.S. Lewis., Mounted to 43 x 106 cm., and Attributed to Cruikshank on mat in an unknown hand.
Pub. July 29 1788 by S.W. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d', 1747-1793, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839, Buckinghamshire, Albinia Hobart, Countess of, 1738-1816, Devonshire, Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of, 1758-1824, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Humphries, Richard, d. 1827, Mendoza, Daniel, 1764-1836, Pigot, Hugh, 1721? -1792, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Townshend, John, Lord, and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
Title etched below image., Day in imprint may have been re-etched from 10 to 29., Fourteen persons or groups forming discrete images arranged in two rows, each with caption in English and French., Temporary local subject terms: Lady Sarah Archer -- Captain Barclay., Watermark: J Whatman., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 34.3 x 48.5 cm., on sheet 36 x 55 cm., Incomplete: right plate with French title only., Some subjects identified in margins in an unknown hand., and Attributed to Cruikshank on mat in an unknown hand; attributed to Gillray on print, recto, in an unknown hand.
Pub. July 29 1788 by S.W. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d', 1747-1793, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839, Buckinghamshire, Albinia Hobart, Countess of, 1738-1816, Devonshire, Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of, 1758-1824, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Humphries, Richard, d. 1827, Mendoza, Daniel, 1764-1836, Pigot, Hugh, 1721? -1792, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Townshend, John, Lord, and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
"Burke (left), a very thin 'lay porter', addresses Thurlow (right), who is very obese and holds in his left a heart inscribed 'Humanity', from which a piece has been broken. He is Father Paul in Sheridan's 'Duenna' (III. v). They face each other in profile. Burke is dressed as a monk (cf. BMSat 6026), a rosary with a cross inscribed 'Impeachment' hangs from his girdle. In his hand is a paper inscribed 'Account of expences attending a Trial. . . Esqr.' He says, "We ask no more than is needfull, and so little have we had, that we are almost starved". Thurlow answers, "It's false; you feast and Gormandize, whilst we are wasting". (The words are adapted from 'The Duenna'.) On his goblet, inscribed 'Pleasure', is a scene of persons being sabred, while a body hangs from a gibbet. Behind Burke and Thurlow is a curtain which cuts off part of the room. Above it (centre) is the top of a jewelled turban, as worn by Hastings in caricature, surmounted by feathers inscribed 'Treasury Warrants'. From it ascends vertically a sword to whose blade are attached horizontal bunches of leaves; from these hang four hats inscribed respectively 'Middlet[on]', 'Impey', 'Holt', 'Ben'. A man (? Burges) looks through the curtain at Burke; in his hand are two scrolls: 'Profus[ion]', 'Oeconomy'. On the wall (left) is a picture of a bull inscribed: 'Decided either way Poor John is sure to pay.' His blood gushes out in a copious fountain into a pit inscribed 'Private Defence', while from another wound it merely drips into a hole inscribed 'Public Prosecution'. The frame is inscribed 'John Bull. Paymaster'. On the right is a placard, inscribed 'Good Entertainment Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays' (cf. BMSats 7313, 7314) and surmounted by a crown."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Father Paul and the lay porter and Particular state of particular expences
Title from item., Text following title: Published according to act of parliament., Printmaker from Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Temporary local subject terms: Altered quotation from literature: Richard Brinsley's The Duenna, Act III -- Richard Brinsley: 1751-1816 -- Debate on expenses -- Pictures amplifying subject., and Mounted to 37 x 25 cm.
Pubd, as the act directs by W. Dent, May 26th, 1788 ; sold by W. Dickie, opposite Exeter change Strand & W. Morre, N. 48 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, and Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797
"The Prince of Wales in a drunken frolic enters the King's bedroom, followed by Hanger and Sheridan. The King (right) lies under a tent-shaped canopy with curtains; he turns his head from his son, looking down with an expression of misery; his right arm is outstretched as if to ward off the intruders. By his bedside, between the Prince and the King, sits an elderly bishop, exclaiming in horror; in his hand is a paper inscribed 'A Prayer Restoration of Health Amen'. The Prince has overturned a circular table, a Communion cup lies on the ground. He reels drunkenly with folded arms, saying, '"Damme, come along, I'll see if the Old Fellow's------or not" --'. Hanger and Sheridan are dancing with glee. Hanger, wearing his hat, holds a bottle in both hands; Sheridan waves his hat. On the wall is a picture of 'The Prodigal Son', partly obscured by the label issuing from the Prince's mouth."--British museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Pictures amplifying subject: The Prodigal Son -- Clergy: Elderly Bishop -- Medical: invalid., and Mounted to 28 x 39 cm.
Pubd. Nov'r 25 1788 by S.W. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
"Parodied by, or a parody of, British Museum Satires No. 7277. A design based on the tickets of admission to Westminster Hall, which bore the name and arms of Sir Peter Burrell, Deputy Great Chamberlain; [in right of his wife, Lady Priscilla Bertie, who with her sister was jointly hereditary Great Chamberlain of England] in the centre of the escutcheon were the arms of his wife: three battering-rams placed horizontally. The crest was an embowed arm holding an olive-branch. In place of the rams' heads of the battering-rams are the heads, in profile to the left, of Burke, frowning, of Fox, smiling, and of Francis with a fixed stare. The arm of the crest holds a scourge whose lashes terminate in scorpions and is inscribed 'Lex Parliamenti omnipotens'. Beneath the escutcheon is a motto on a scroll: 'Sub libertate Tyran' [sic] which replaces the original motto: 'Sub Libertate Quietem'. Two supporters have been added: Dexter, a weeping judge, his cap inscribed 'Common Law', holds a scroll whose words are scored through: '[Magna] Charta Judicium Parium aut Lex Terrae'. Sinister, Justice, looking up in terror at the scourge by which she is threatened, and dropping her scales. Beneath the escutcheon is a view in miniature of Westminster Hall showing clearly the Managers' box (left), in which Fox stands, violently declaiming; Burke sits next him frowning. A document inscribed 'First Article' hangs over the side of the box. The head of Hastings, a good profile portrait, is turned towards Fox; on the right, are his three counsel in back view. Behind them are the heads of the peers, wearing hats, and on each side the Commons (left) and the ladies (right) in the peeresses' seats. At the far end of the hall the throne with the Queen's box and the Prince of Wales s box are freely sketched. The foreground is decorated by branches of leaves (? olive) and an open book inscribed 'From Envy Hatred & Malice and all Uncharitableness Good Lord deliver us.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
For the trial of Warren Ha : seventh day and Seventh day
Title etched within banner at top of image, the head of the figure of Justice obscuring the remaining letters of Hastings's name; "seventh day" etched along bottom of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; plate mark 17.6 x 12.6 cm, on sheet 20.2 x 14.7 cm., and Mounted on verso of leaf 42 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, and Westminster Hall (London, England)
"Parodied by, or a parody of, British Museum Satires No. 7277. A design based on the tickets of admission to Westminster Hall, which bore the name and arms of Sir Peter Burrell, Deputy Great Chamberlain; [in right of his wife, Lady Priscilla Bertie, who with her sister was jointly hereditary Great Chamberlain of England] in the centre of the escutcheon were the arms of his wife: three battering-rams placed horizontally. The crest was an embowed arm holding an olive-branch. In place of the rams' heads of the battering-rams are the heads, in profile to the left, of Burke, frowning, of Fox, smiling, and of Francis with a fixed stare. The arm of the crest holds a scourge whose lashes terminate in scorpions and is inscribed 'Lex Parliamenti omnipotens'. Beneath the escutcheon is a motto on a scroll: 'Sub libertate Tyran' [sic] which replaces the original motto: 'Sub Libertate Quietem'. Two supporters have been added: Dexter, a weeping judge, his cap inscribed 'Common Law', holds a scroll whose words are scored through: '[Magna] Charta Judicium Parium aut Lex Terrae'. Sinister, Justice, looking up in terror at the scourge by which she is threatened, and dropping her scales. Beneath the escutcheon is a view in miniature of Westminster Hall showing clearly the Managers' box (left), in which Fox stands, violently declaiming; Burke sits next him frowning. A document inscribed 'First Article' hangs over the side of the box. The head of Hastings, a good profile portrait, is turned towards Fox; on the right, are his three counsel in back view. Behind them are the heads of the peers, wearing hats, and on each side the Commons (left) and the ladies (right) in the peeresses' seats. At the far end of the hall the throne with the Queen's box and the Prince of Wales s box are freely sketched. The foreground is decorated by branches of leaves (? olive) and an open book inscribed 'From Envy Hatred & Malice and all Uncharitableness Good Lord deliver us.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
For the trial of Warren Ha : seventh day and Seventh day
Title etched within banner at top of image, the head of the figure of Justice obscuring the remaining letters of Hastings's name; "seventh day" etched along bottom of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., and Mounted on page 60 with three other prints.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, and Westminster Hall (London, England)
"Parodied by, or a parody of, British Museum Satires No. 7277. A design based on the tickets of admission to Westminster Hall, which bore the name and arms of Sir Peter Burrell, Deputy Great Chamberlain; [in right of his wife, Lady Priscilla Bertie, who with her sister was jointly hereditary Great Chamberlain of England] in the centre of the escutcheon were the arms of his wife: three battering-rams placed horizontally. The crest was an embowed arm holding an olive-branch. In place of the rams' heads of the battering-rams are the heads, in profile to the left, of Burke, frowning, of Fox, smiling, and of Francis with a fixed stare. The arm of the crest holds a scourge whose lashes terminate in scorpions and is inscribed 'Lex Parliamenti omnipotens'. Beneath the escutcheon is a motto on a scroll: 'Sub libertate Tyran' [sic] which replaces the original motto: 'Sub Libertate Quietem'. Two supporters have been added: Dexter, a weeping judge, his cap inscribed 'Common Law', holds a scroll whose words are scored through: '[Magna] Charta Judicium Parium aut Lex Terrae'. Sinister, Justice, looking up in terror at the scourge by which she is threatened, and dropping her scales. Beneath the escutcheon is a view in miniature of Westminster Hall showing clearly the Managers' box (left), in which Fox stands, violently declaiming; Burke sits next him frowning. A document inscribed 'First Article' hangs over the side of the box. The head of Hastings, a good profile portrait, is turned towards Fox; on the right, are his three counsel in back view. Behind them are the heads of the peers, wearing hats, and on each side the Commons (left) and the ladies (right) in the peeresses' seats. At the far end of the hall the throne with the Queen's box and the Prince of Wales s box are freely sketched. The foreground is decorated by branches of leaves (? olive) and an open book inscribed 'From Envy Hatred & Malice and all Uncharitableness Good Lord deliver us.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
For the trial of Warren Ha : seventh day and Seventh day
Title etched within banner at top of image, the head of the figure of Justice obscuring the remaining letters of Hastings's name; "seventh day" etched along bottom of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Partial watermark upper left edge., and On verso, written in ink in a contemporary hand: Burlesque on the admission ticket to Hasting's trial. The three heads on the cannons are Burke, Fox, & Sheridan.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, and Westminster Hall (London, England)
A satirical print rebuking the many writers who profited by writing memoirs of Samuel Johnson. On the left, Mrs. Piozzi is seated at her writing desk in her study. With a look of astonishment. she looks behind her at the ghost of Samuel Johnson in a night shirt who with his right hand points to the portraits of James Boswell and Sir John Hawkins on the wall and in his left hand holds a money purse. Another portrait on the far right depicts John Courtenay with a pen in his hand looking toward a bust of Prisian. On her desk is a letter "D Johnson ... Letters Dear Lady", implying that she has been concoting Johnson's letters to her. Immediately above her desk in the middle of the wall of books, a violin, an allusion to her second husband a musician, obscures the portrait of her first husband Henry Thrale
Alternative Title:
Frontispiece for the 2d edition of Dr. Johnson's letters
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Twenty-four lines of verse in two columns below title: Madam! my debt to nature paid, I thought the grave with hallow'd shade would now protect my name ..., and Mounted on page 57 with one other print.
A satirical print rebuking the many writers who profited by writing memoirs of Samuel Johnson. On the left, Mrs. Piozzi is seated at her writing desk in her study. With a look of astonishment. she looks behind her at the ghost of Samuel Johnson in a night shirt who with his right hand points to the portraits of James Boswell and Sir John Hawkins on the wall and in his left hand holds a money purse. Another portrait on the far right depicts John Courtenay with a pen in his hand looking toward a bust of Prisian. On her desk is a letter "D Johnson ... Letters Dear Lady", implying that she has been concoting Johnson's letters to her. Immediately above her desk in the middle of the wall of books, a violin, an allusion to her second husband a musician, obscures the portrait of her first husband Henry Thrale
Alternative Title:
Frontispiece for the 2d edition of Dr. Johnson's letters
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Twenty-four lines of verse in two columns below title: Madam! my debt to nature paid, I thought the grave with hallow'd shade would now protect my name ..., and Contemporary mss. note on verso.
A satirical print rebuking the many writers who profited by writing memoirs of Samuel Johnson. On the left, Mrs. Piozzi is seated at her writing desk in her study. With a look of astonishment. she looks behind her at the ghost of Samuel Johnson in a night shirt who with his right hand points to the portraits of James Boswell and Sir John Hawkins on the wall and in his left hand holds a money purse. Another portrait on the far right depicts John Courtenay with a pen in his hand looking toward a bust of Prisian. On her desk is a letter "D Johnson ... Letters Dear Lady", implying that she has been concoting Johnson's letters to her. Immediately above her desk in the middle of the wall of books, a violin, an allusion to her second husband a musician, obscures the portrait of her first husband Henry Thrale
Alternative Title:
Frontispiece for the 2d edition of Dr. Johnson's letters
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Twenty-four lines of verse in two columns below title: Madam! my debt to nature paid, I thought the grave with hallow'd shade would now protect my name ..., 1 print : etching with stipple on laid paper ; plate mark 25 x 17.7 cm, on sheet 27.2 x 19.4 cm., and Mounted on leaf 39 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
"Burke (three quarter length) as a showman bends over his magic lantern in profile to the right. In the upper part of the design is a draped sheet on which are the objects thrown by the lantern. These are (left to right): [1] an oddly shaped elephant chained to a stake inscribed 'A Benares Flea'. [2] Three mountains piled one upon the other, inscribed respectively, 'Ossa', 'Pelion', 'Olympus'; the whole is 'A Begum Wart'. [3] Four large eyes dripping tears float half-submerged in the water they have produced, inscribed, 'Begums Tears'. [4] A whale spouting is 'An Ouzle'. From the right side of the magic lantern the end of a slide (or slider, cf. British Museum Satires No. 6287) emerges; on it is an oriental seated cross-legged and smoking. Next the lantern (right) are the heads and shoulders of two spectators in back view who are applauding; one says "finely imagined"; the other, "poor Ladies they have cried their Eyes out". The 'profil perdu' of Lord Derby appears on the extreme right, saying, "very like an Ouzle [weasel]. "Polonius"" ['Hamlet', III. ii.]."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched in bottom part of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., and Mounted on page 61 with two other prints.
Publd. 6th May 1788 by T. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Oudh (Princely State)
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, and Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834
"Burke (three quarter length) as a showman bends over his magic lantern in profile to the right. In the upper part of the design is a draped sheet on which are the objects thrown by the lantern. These are (left to right): [1] an oddly shaped elephant chained to a stake inscribed 'A Benares Flea'. [2] Three mountains piled one upon the other, inscribed respectively, 'Ossa', 'Pelion', 'Olympus'; the whole is 'A Begum Wart'. [3] Four large eyes dripping tears float half-submerged in the water they have produced, inscribed, 'Begums Tears'. [4] A whale spouting is 'An Ouzle'. From the right side of the magic lantern the end of a slide (or slider, cf. British Museum Satires No. 6287) emerges; on it is an oriental seated cross-legged and smoking. Next the lantern (right) are the heads and shoulders of two spectators in back view who are applauding; one says "finely imagined"; the other, "poor Ladies they have cried their Eyes out". The 'profil perdu' of Lord Derby appears on the extreme right, saying, "very like an Ouzle [weasel]. "Polonius"" ['Hamlet', III. ii.]."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched in bottom part of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : aquatint and etching on laid paper ; plate mark 16.4 x 15.1 cm, on sheet 18.7 x 16.8 cm., and Mounted with one other print on leaf 43 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
Publd. 6th May 1788 by T. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Oudh (Princely State)
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, and Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834
"Burke (three quarter length) as a showman bends over his magic lantern in profile to the right. In the upper part of the design is a draped sheet on which are the objects thrown by the lantern. These are (left to right): [1] an oddly shaped elephant chained to a stake inscribed 'A Benares Flea'. [2] Three mountains piled one upon the other, inscribed respectively, 'Ossa', 'Pelion', 'Olympus'; the whole is 'A Begum Wart'. [3] Four large eyes dripping tears float half-submerged in the water they have produced, inscribed, 'Begums Tears'. [4] A whale spouting is 'An Ouzle'. From the right side of the magic lantern the end of a slide (or slider, cf. British Museum Satires No. 6287) emerges; on it is an oriental seated cross-legged and smoking. Next the lantern (right) are the heads and shoulders of two spectators in back view who are applauding; one says "finely imagined"; the other, "poor Ladies they have cried their Eyes out". The 'profil perdu' of Lord Derby appears on the extreme right, saying, "very like an Ouzle [weasel]. Polonius" ['Hamlet', III. ii.]."--British Museum online catalogue, description of another version of the same design
Title etched in bottom part of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., and "Another (almost identical) version of the design [British Museum Satiries No. 7313], with the same signature and inscriptions except that the quotation marks in the title and enclosing 'Polonius' are omitted."--British Museum catalogue.
Publd. 6th May 1788 by T. Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Oudh (Princely State)
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, and Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834
Hastings ho, rare hastings and What man buys he may sell
Title from banner within image., Caption below plate: "What man buys he may sell. Blackstone's Commentaries &c., &c", In upper left corner: Plate 2., Inscribed: To Mr. Erle D[...?] with Mr. E.J. Grosvenor's best Love L. Pomfret[?]., and With a watermark.
Pubd. Feby. [the] 12, 1788 for S. Doughty & Co., No. 19 Holborn, London
Subject (Geographic):
India. and India
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
Subject (Topic):
Trials, litigation, etc, Clothing & dress, and Wheelbarrows
Hastings ho, rare hastings and What man buys he may sell
Title from banner within image., Caption below plate: "What man buys he may sell. Blackstone's Commentaries &c., &c", In upper left corner: Plate 2., 1 print : etching with stipple on laid paper, hand-colored ; sheet 24 x 25.7 cm., and Mounted to 37 x 29.2 cm; numbered in ms. upper right corner '134'.
Pubd. Feby. [the] 12, 1788 for S. Doughty & Co., No. 19 Holborn, London
Subject (Geographic):
India. and India
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
Subject (Topic):
Trials, litigation, etc, Clothing & dress, and Wheelbarrows
Hastings ho, rare hastings and What man buys he may sell
Title from text in a banner at the top of image., Caption below plate: What man buys he may sell. Blackstone's Commentaries &c., &c., In upper left corner: Plate 2., "Price 3s the pr. cold.", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Watermark.
Pubd. Feby. [the] 12, 1788 for S. Doughty & Co., No. 19 Holborn, London
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806
"A short stout man (left) stands on tip-toes to take by the shoulders a maidservant with a broom whom he is about to kiss. His wife opens a door (left) and sees the embrace with angry horror. On the wall above his head is a pair of stag's antlers; next it, and above his coat and hat which hang from a peg, is a print of a man standing between two lions."--British museum online catalogue
Title devised by cataloger., Plate from: Rules for drawing caricaturas / Francis Grose. 1788., Temporary local subject terms: Furniture: Picture amplifies subject (see BM 5372.), and Mounted to 18 x 13 cm.
A satirical print mocking a scene in the Temple Church, Bristol, where clerics including Joseph Easterbrook, attemped an exorcism on a man named George Lukins, with various attendees expressing concern and support. A ballad seller waves in his right hand a sheet "A miracle or the devil, his own enemy" and in his left hand four sheets with legible titles referencing Elizabeth Canning, the Rabbit Woman, Cock Lane Ghost, and Stockell wonders. A "Methodist Cant" sits on a "Devils Nest" in the lower right as one demon emerges from the egg with a speech balloon "Our Master Hath deceived us, Oh!"
Title etched below image., In banner across base of image: Hocus pocus, an exhibition of fools & rogues., "Plate the 1st."--Lower left corner., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 29 x 36 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Lukins, George., Lukins, George,, and Easterbrook, Joseph, -1791,
Subject (Topic):
Devil, Demons, Exorcism, Physicians, Prayer, and Carts & wagons
Title etched below image., Printmaker from unverified card catalog., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Sir Alexander Hood -- Personification of Fame -- Stable-boy., and Watermark.
Pubd. as the act directs for the proprietor by W. Dent May 14, 1788 ; Sold by W. Dickie, opposite Exeter change, Strand & W. Moore, no. 48 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Order of the bath., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Yonge, George, Sir, 1731-1812, Malmesbury, James Harris, Earl of, 1746-1820, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Francis, Philip, 1740-1818, Dorchester, Guy Carleton, Baron, 1724 -1808, and Elliott, George Augustus, 1717-1790
Title from item., Possibly Gillray. Cf. British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to thread margins of plate mark., and Lewis Walpole Library impression: Mss. annotation in contemporary hand "Jas. Gillray fecit" .
"Fox as Falstaff, enormously fat, with a pleased smile, stands declaiming: "The Laws of England are at my commandment. Happy are they which have been my friends; & woe to my Lord Chanr." On the right stands Hanger as Pistol, in a swaggering attitude, legs astride, left hand on his bludgeon (cf. British Museum Satires No. 6924), right on his hip. He is in Elizabethan dress, but wears an enormous cocked hat and a large sabre. He says: "Sir John, thy under lambkin now is King Harry the fifth's the man. I speak the truth. When Pistol lies, do thus; and fig me, like the bragging Spaniard." On the left, clasping his hands ecstatically, stands Sheridan as Bardolph, his face bloated with drink. He says, "O joyful day! - I would not take a Knighthood for my fortune." Between and behind Sheridan and Fox stands 'Shallow' (Duke of Norfolk), rather disconsolate, saying, "Sir John, I hope you'll pay me back my Thousand Pounds." In the background is the colonnade of Carlton House, and (left) the back of Fox's travelling-carriage, inscribed, 'From Bologna'. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
King Henry IV, the last scene and King Henry the Fourth, the last scene
Title etched below image, on either side of centered text., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Four lines of text centered below image: "To ride day & night; not to deliberate, not to remember, not to have patience to shift me, but to stand stained with travel & sweating with desire to see him ...", Below image in lower right: Shortly will be published a series of plate [sic] from K. Henry IV., Temporary local subject terms: Reference to Horace Walpole, 1717-1797 -- Regency crisis -- Shakespeare's Henry IV: II.V.V -- Buildings: Carlton House -- Vehicles: Travelling carriage., Beneath the design, written in ink: Fox-return'd hastily from the Continent on hearing of the King's illness-1788., and 1 print on laid paper : etching with stipple : plate mark 26.5 x 43 cm, on sheet 31x 48 cm.
Pub. Novr. 29, 1788, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616., Falstaff, John, Sir (Fictitious character),, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, and Carlton House (London, England),
"The Prince of Wales lies on his back, much foreshortened, his head towards the spectator, arms outstretched, his feathers and coronet by his left hand. On his body stand the Duke of Grafton (left) and the Duke of Richmond (right); the former's right foot is on the Prince's left hand, his left foot on his chest, Richmond's left foot is on the Prince's right hand, his right foot on his chest; he stoops to look at the Prince, resting his hands on his knees. Lord Sydney, partly concealed by the legs of the two dukes, sits on the Prince, his head turned in 'profil perdu'. Pitt stands with his right foot on Grafton's shoulder, his left on that of Richmond, reaching up to a shelf on which is the crown on a cushion. In his right hand is a document inscribed 'Jo. Durnford's address'. Between Pitt's legs and above Sydney's head is a baron's coronet. Below this hangs a tailor's goose."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date precedes publisher's statement in imprint., Six lines of verse in two columns on either side of title: Still inimical to their country, see ..., and Folded and mounted to 37 x 56 cm.
Publishd. by Mr. Bradshaw, Coventry Street, Miss Humphrys, Bond Street, No. 51
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806, and Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811
"The Prince of Wales lies on his back, much foreshortened, his head towards the spectator, arms outstretched, his feathers and coronet by his left hand. On his body stand the Duke of Grafton (left) and the Duke of Richmond (right); the former's right foot is on the Prince's left hand, his left foot on his chest, Richmond's left foot is on the Prince's right hand, his right foot on his chest; he stoops to look at the Prince, resting his hands on his knees. Lord Sydney, partly concealed by the legs of the two dukes, sits on the Prince, his head turned in 'profil perdu'. Pitt stands with his right foot on Grafton's shoulder, his left on that of Richmond, reaching up to a shelf on which is the crown on a cushion. In his right hand is a document inscribed 'Jo. Durnford's address'. Between Pitt's legs and above Sydney's head is a baron's coronet. Below this hangs a tailor's goose."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item, Date of publication from British Museum catalogue: December 29th, 1788., Six lines of verse inscribed below design: 'Still inimical to their Country, see Two Chips of Charles's block supporting me And Sy-y, well sirnam'd [the] Taylor's Goose, As Hot and Heavy as that Thing in use, Shall lend his Weight of Breech & length of Chin The Heir Apparent crush & poke me, in.', and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Publish'd by Mr. Bradshaw, Coventry Street : Miss Humphrys, Bond Street, No. 51
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Dornford, Josiah, 1764-1797, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811, Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, and Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685
Title from item., Temporary local subject terms: Financial crisis before French Revolution -- Empty treasure chests., and Watermark: J Whatman.
Pub. by S.W. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly Nov. 12, 1788
Subject (Name):
Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793, Necker, Jacues, 1732-1804, Calonne, Charles Alexandre de, 1734-1802, and Loménie de Brienne, Etienne Charles de, 1727-1794
A hideous, ragged woman looks amorously at her male companion, a burly dustman, as they sift through cinders; two others kneel at their feet, one also using a sieve to sift through the cinders while her companion drinks gin. In the foreground are the bones of a horse; flying overhead a flock of carrion crows
Title etched below image., Reissue by Tegg of a print originally published in 1788; see British Museum catalogue and Grego., "Price one shilling coloured.", For the original issue of the plate, see: Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 1, pages 234-6., For a later reissue of the plate, see no. 7444 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., and Watermark: GT 1803.
Pubd. June 4, 1810, by Thos. Tegg, No. 11 Cheapside
V. 1. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A group of cinder-sifters at work on one of the vast laystalls which disgraced the surroundings of London in the 18th century (notably off Tottenham Court Road). A woman of the lowest type, ragged, naked to the waist, holds her sieve, turning her head to her male counterpart, a burly dustman, who helps her by shovelling cinders into her sieve. They grin amorously at each other. She is hideous, stout, and muscular. Two other cinder-sifters kneel on the ground, both are aged crones; one bends over her sieve, the other drinks a glass of gin. In the foreground are the bones of a horse. Behind (left) is the dustman's cart. In the sky a flight of birds (left) are suggestive of carrion crows."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Reissue by Tegg of a print originally published in 1788; see British Museum catalogue and Grego., Probably a later reissue of the plate, with Tegg's imprint statement and the year "1810" under Rowlandson's signature burnished out., Publication information based on earlier reissue with the imprint "Pub'd June 4, 1810, by Thos. Tegg, No. 11 Cheapside." Cf. No. 7444A in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8, page 969., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 1., "Price one shilling coloured.", For the original issue of the plate, see: Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 1, pages 234-6., Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 189., Watermark: 1817., and Leaf 91 in volume 1.
"The cattle-pens (right) of Smithfield Market are filled with cattle with the faces of peers and draped with ermine-trimmed robes. [The ermine is apparent only in the coloured impression] Thurlow, dressed as a farmer, the owner of the cattle, stands on guard with his back to the pens; he wears his Chancellor's wig and uses the mace as a walking-stick. He clutches a full purse in his right hand and looks fiercely at a smaller number of cattle who are being driven from the left towards the pens. One of these, with the head of Lord Derby, stands on his hind legs, saying, "I move an adjournment till after the next Newmarket Meeting". The cattle in the pens (right) have the heads of peers who were believed favourable to Hastings. In the front row are (left to right) Lord Sydney, the Duke of Grafton, and (between two unidentified peers) Lord Bathurst. An ox with the head of Lord Lansdowne, his horns tipped to prevent mischief, stands (right) outside the pen which he tries to enter, his eyes slyly fixed on Thurlow (cf. BMSat 7311). Others cannot be identified. The Opposition peers include the Duke of Portland (who glares fiercely at Sydney), the Duke of Norfolk, Lord Carlisle, and Lord Stormont. They are being driven by a fierce-looking drover (left); a dog wearing a peer's robe, his collar inscribed 'Mountford', barks at them. On the extreme left Hastings, dressed as a butcher but wearing a turban, riding (right to left) a miserable horse fit only for the knacker (the horse of Hanover), carries off a calf with the profile of George III, its forelegs tied together. He whips his horse ferociously. Behind him is a pawnbroker's shop-window, with three balls and the sign 'Money Lent'. In the middle of the cattle-pens (right) is a bell (that of the Market) on a post, a man (? George Rose) wearing a bag-wig pulls the bell-rope, looking round with a cynical smile. Undifferentiated ministerial cattle at the back of the pens push with their horns at a watchman's box which they are overturning. Three men dressed as watchmen, seated on the roof (which they have climbed to escape the cattle), drop staff, lantern, and rattle and are about to fall off; they are Fox, Burke, and Sheridan. The background is formed by buildings; the pawnshop (left) adjoins a large inn behind the cattle, a house at the corner of 'Smithfield' and 'Cow Lane', which diverges on the right. It is the sign of the Crown; in a balcony over the large gateway which leads to the courtyard sit Dundas (left) and Pitt (right), much at their ease, facing each other in profile, regardless of the turmoil below. They are smoking and have foaming tankards marked with a crown; Dundas is in Highland dress, Pitt is dressed as an English farmer or drover. On the balcony is: 'Good Entertainment for Man and Beast'. Beneath the design is etched: '"Every Man has his Price", Sir Rt Walpole', and '"Sic itur ad astra"'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Two lines of quotation inscribed on either side of title. On the left: "Every man has his price," Sir Robert Walpole. On the right: "Sic itur ad astra.", and Mounted to 37 x 56 cm.
Pubd. May 2d, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
India. and England
Subject (Name):
Smithfield Market., Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811, Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, Earl, 1714-1794, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1748-1825, Rose, George, 1744-1818, Montfort, Thomas Bromley, Baron, 1733-1799, Mansfield, David Murray, Earl of, 1727-1796, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, and Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745
Subject (Topic):
Impeachment, Influence, Bribery, Cattle, Ceremonial objects, City & town life, Clock & watch making, Equipment, Taverns (Inns), Usury, Signs (Notices), Stockyards, and Stores & shops
"A scene representing the hustings at the Westminster election. Fox (right) stealthily enters a door leading to the side of the hustings, carrying on his shoulder a sack from holes in which guineas and a Garter jewel are issuing. On the left, on the hustings, Townshend stands between two supporters, resting an elbow on the shoulder of each: one (left) is a chimney-sweep, waving his brush, his shovel is inscribed 'Townsend'; the other is a butcher, waving his hat. Behind, the profile heads of Burke (left) and Hanger (right) face each other. A crowd is indicated at the back of the hustings, and a large banner inscribed 'Noble Townsend' is conspicuous. In front of Townshend is a poll-clerk who offers a Testament to a Jew who stands outside the hustings about to take the 'bribery oath'. Over his shoulders hangs a pair of breeches, under his arm is a hat inscribed 'Townsend'. On the door through which Fox enters is a placard: 'Liberty & Property Secured'. Fox looks with a sly smile at Townshend and his supporters; from his pocket protrudes a document inscribed 'Ways & Means'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Possibly by Gillray; see British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Following imprint: Price 5 s., Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to Captain Mason, fl. 1671 -- Documents: Ways and Means -- Flags: Election banner -- Elections: Westminster by-election, 1788 -- Signs: Placard -- Money: Guineas -- Orders: Garter jewel -- Hustings -- Butchers -- Election music -- Chimney sweeps -- Bible: Testament -- Poll clerks -- Oath against bribery -- Jews., and All but the "P" in "Price 5 s." has been erased from sheet.
Pubd. July 21st, 1788, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Townsend, John, 1757-1826
"A scene representing the hustings at the Westminster election. Fox (right) stealthily enters a door leading to the side of the hustings, carrying on his shoulder a sack from holes in which guineas and a Garter jewel are issuing. On the left, on the hustings, Townshend stands between two supporters, resting an elbow on the shoulder of each: one (left) is a chimney-sweep, waving his brush, his shovel is inscribed 'Townsend'; the other is a butcher, waving his hat. Behind, the profile heads of Burke (left) and Hanger (right) face each other. A crowd is indicated at the back of the hustings, and a large banner inscribed 'Noble Townsend' is conspicuous. In front of Townshend is a poll-clerk who offers a Testament to a Jew who stands outside the hustings about to take the 'bribery oath'. Over his shoulders hangs a pair of breeches, under his arm is a hat inscribed 'Townsend'. On the door through which Fox enters is a placard: 'Liberty & Property Secured'. Fox looks with a sly smile at Townshend and his supporters; from his pocket protrudes a document inscribed 'Ways & Means'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Reissue with altered price, from 5 s. to 1 s., Following imprint: Price 1 s., and Mounted to 30 x 38.
Pubd. July 21st, 1788, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Townsend, John, 1757-1826
Title from item., Sheets 1 and 3 have imprint: "Pub: by William Holland No. 50 Oxford Street, May 12, 1788.", Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark.
Published by William Holland, printseller at Garrick's Richard, No. 50 Oxford Street, near Berner's Street
A well-dressed woman lounges on a sofa inside a tent in a military camp; behind her is a sword and a gorget. Behind the sofa is a screen with the same embroidered design; the ground is covered with an ornate rug. She holds a letter in her right hand and a riding crop in her left hand as she looks up at the viewer with a seductive smile. Her blouse is unbuttoned to expose her breasts. At her feet is a vase with flowers
Title engraved below image., Numbered '168' in lower left corner., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Printed for Robert Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street as the Act directs
Subject (Topic):
Military camps, Prostitutes, Screens, Sofas, and Tents
"Wesley (left) leans from a pulpit addressing a congregation who listen to him with expressions and gestures of horror and grief; they are plain, elderly, and plebeian. He holds out to them an open book on one page of which is a man with the appendages of the Devil, inscribed 'Devil Towned', on the other is a man with wings inscribed 'Saint Hood'. He says: "Lord Hood is a Saint, my dear brethren, as immaculate as a new born babe; but as for Lord Townshend he'll be d------n'd to all eternity! I shudder when I tell ye he loves a pretty girl; the Opposition to a man are all fond of pretty girls! They go about like Lions in pursuit of your wives and daughters! Lord Hood's pious Committee will swear to it - Oh! well may ye groan, my dear Sisters of the Elect! I should not wonder if this Rampant Candidate was to enter this sanctified place this moment and ravish every one of ye!" Beneath the pulpit sits the clerk who displays to the congregation an open book, pointing to the words 'Blessed be they that hearken unto me'. In the pulpit behind Wesley are Hood, listening devoutly with his hands held out as if in surprised assent, and a sailor of dissolute appearance who tipsily flourishes a bludgeon with a satisfied grin. A large flag with a St. Andrew's cross leans against the pulpit and forms a background for Hood and Wesley."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker and date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Paddy whack -- Congregations -- Elections: Westminster by-election, 1788 -- Flags: St. Andrew's cross -- Literature quotation: John Wesley, 1703-1791: Journal vii.419., and Mounted to 30 x 37 cm.
publisher not identified and Sold at the caricature shops of London & Westminster
Subject (Name):
Wesley, John, 1703-1791, Hood, Samuel Hood, Viscount, 1724-1816, and Townshend, John, Lord
"A stage-coach drives (right to left) through water; the four horses have human heads. A signpost on the extreme right points 'To the Slough of Despond'. The driver is Burke; he lashes the horses furiously. On the box under his legs are the (broken) scales and sword of Justice and a laurel wreath. Fox sits on the roof as the guard, holding a blunderbuss. He and Burke watch with alarm the horses who are advancing into deeper water. The heads of the horses are in profile; Derby is the off leader, Sheridan the near wheeler. The near leader may be Windham. The heads of four passengers (members of the Opposition), with anxious or despairing expressions, are visible through the window. The middle of the three facing the horses resembles Portland, the man on his right Stormont. The man on his left is Francis (as in BMSat 7330). Their 'vis-à-vis' may be Lord Carlisle. On the side of the coach, which is 'Licens'd by Act of Parliament', is a crest: a bull (for John Bull) with the motto 'Pro Bono Publico'. The basket at the back is filled with documents inscribed 'Bill of Rights', 'Magna Charta', 'Impeachment of W. Hastings'. Beneath the design is etched: 'O Liberty! O Virtue! O my Country!' Two bats and an owl fly above the horses, showing that night is coming on. Dark clouds obscure the horizon on the left."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image in lower right., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Caption below image: O liberty! O virtue! O my country!, Companion print to "--coaches," also by Gillray and published by Fores on the same day. See no. 7324 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pubd. May 20th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, and Francis, Philip, 1740-1818
Burke (centre) and Fox (right) raise above their heads cleavers and marrow-bones with which they appear about to smite a woman and child who have fallen to the ground. A man stoops, stretching out his hands in an attempt to protect them. George Hanger (left) stands holding up his cleaver in both hands, leaving no doubt that his intention is to strike. The attitude of Burke and Fox, though threatening, may indicate a vigorous performance of the traditional election music of the butchers
Alternative Title:
Freedom of election
Title etched below image. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Great Britain. Parliament
Subject (Topic):
Elections, 1788, Axes, Butchers, Political elections, and Riots
"Fox, Sheridan, and Powys are engaged in opening a large rectangular tomb inscribed '[H]ere lie [t]he Remains [of] Mr F------s India Bill'. On the front of the tomb are two winged heads of cherubs and a scroll inscribed 'India Bill'. Fox (left), facing the inscribed end of the tomb, lifts the covering slab with both hands; the head of a skeleton looks out, holding out a crown in one hand, the other grasps the edge of the tomb and a cere-cloth inscribed 'Patronage'. Sheridan (right) stands in back view blowing a trumpet from which issues a scroll inscribed 'it was opposed by a sencless Yell'; on the banner of the trumpet are the words 'Compare the two'. Powys stands behind the tomb, leaning forward and blowing a trumpet, from which issues a scroll inscribed 'a bold Measure characteristic of the Movers Mind'. On the extreme left, above Fox, is a bell inscribed 'Vox Populi', tilted at an angle which shows that it is ringing; from it issues a long scroll which falls into the tomb, inscribed: 'Lie still if youre wise youll be d if you rise'. In the foreground are skulls and bones."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., For a slightly different version of the same design, see Lewis Walpole Library call no.: 788.03.17.02., and Mounted with one other print on verso of leaf 35 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
Pub. by T. Cornell
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Lilford, Thomas Powys, Baron, 1743-1800, Great Britain. Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India., India, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Tombs & sepulchral monuments, Skeletons, Trumpets, and Bells
Caricature portrait (whole length) of an elderly doctor directed to the left; his right hand is on his cane, his hat is under his left arm; he holds a glove; before lettering added
Title and artist from later impression. and Plate from: Rules for drawing caricaturas / by F. Grose. London : Printed by A. Grant, 1788.
Either a copy or the original of British Museum satire no. 7388, in any event similar design except that Sydney, the coronet, and the tailor's goose are absent and inscriptions have been added; the satire alludes to taxes imposed by Pitt prior to 1788. The Prince says: "I appeal to the People of England to defend their own Rights and those of the House of Brunswick against this Banditti of Plunderers". Richmond says: "Tho' a Bastard of the Stuart Race, I have only 17,000£,per Ann: from the Poor, for my duty on Coals - make it 20,000 Prince Pitt, and I am yours for ever." (An allusion to the 'Richmond shilling', see BMSat 7393.) Grafton says: "I am as good a bastard as R------d, & yet I have only 6 or 7000£ a year upon the Excise on Wine & spiritous liquors - But Prince Pitt has promis'd me an additional Tax on Malt." Pitt says: "The Prince of Wales has no more right to the rightegency than I have." The paper in his hand is inscribed, not 'Dornford's Address', but 'Shop Tax Window Tax Candles Tax Horse Tax Hat Tax Westminster Scrutiny Irish Propositions Fortification Schemes Degradation of Naval Officers Excise Laws &c. &c. &c. &c.'"
Alternative Title:
Cut purse of the empire and the rule that from a shelf the precious diadem stole ...
Title from caption below image., Alternative title from quote at top of image: "A cut purse of the empire and the rule that from a shelf the precious diadem stole and put it in his pocket. Hamlet.", Possibly by Gillrary. Cf. British Museum catalogue., Five lines of text in upper left corner of print: A cut purse of the empire and the rule that from a shelf the precious diadem stole, and put it in his pocket. [Quotation from Shakespeare's Hamlet]., Three colums of text below title: See here Prince George! our Sovereign's darling son, old England's hope & heir to Britains throne ..., Lewis Walpole Library: Local card catalog suggests that this is also a reference to Horace Walpole., and Mounted to 47 x 29 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797., Pitt, William, 1759-1806, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3d Duke of, 1735-1806, and Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811
Dent, William, active 1783-1793, printmaker, publisher
Published / Created:
[14 May 1788]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A scene in the House of Commons. Two men stand on the floor of the House shaking hands: a tall stout man (the large and uncouth Sir James Johnstone, M.P. for Dumfries) (right), holding his hat and a thick walking-stick, takes the hand of a small slim man wearing a star (Lord Mornington). [He is identified by E. Hawkins as Johnstone, but the account of the dispute in the 'London Chronicle' makes it clear that he is Lord Mornington, K.P., M.P. for Windsor, who was abused by Johnstone, not by Sumner (whose name is given to Johnstone).] The former says, frowning, "Damn me if I make submission !" The latter answers, "Then Dem me if I fight you!" On the extreme right is the Speaker in his chair holding out his hat and saying "Order, Order, order". Pitt (left), by the table, says, bowing politely to Fox who stands opposite him, "I think some concession necessary". Fox, equally polite, answers undoubtedly. Behind (left) are the ministerial benches. Kenyon stands, saying, "O fie Gentlemen, dont talk of the morning". A seated member with remarkably bushy eyebrows, holding a thick tasselled cane, says, "Pray make it up, do pray". On the ground (right) is a paper: "Proxy to attend during Prayers for Sir J- J-". Beneath the title is etched: "A whole Assembly could not make up a Quarrel between the Lacedemonian Orator, and a Knight of St. Patrick, till the latter thought of an if, as, if you had said so elsewhere, then I had done so and so; and they shook hands, and swore Brothers - your if is the only peace-maker - much virtue in if - Parody from As you like it - See the Debates of last Friday - Subsequent Apology' After the last words is etched a wine-bottle."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Quarrel and reconciliation
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue, Added in contemporary hand at bottom of plate: "Executed confessedly by Tipple. Subsequent apology [drawing of a wine bottle].", and Mounted to 37 x 24 cm.
Pubd. by W. Dent, May 14, 1788, as the act directs ; sold W. Moore, No. 49 New Bond Street & W. Dickie, Strand
Subject (Name):
Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, Baron, 1732-1802, Johnstone, James, 1726-1794., Wellesley, Richard Wellesley, Marquess, 1760-1842, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Impey, Elijah, Sir, 1732-1809.
"In a large room lit by candles in sconces, a round game is in progress. The guests are ladies, undergraduates, and elderly parsons, some sit in a circle, while others look over their heads. An elderly parson grovels on his hands and knees, putting his head under the petticoats of a lady who sits (left) with her hands raised in surprise. He acts at the direction of a boy (Prince William of Gloucester) wearing the gown of (?) a fellow commoner over a coat with a star, who stands (right) in profile to the left, stretching his right arm with an autocratic gesture; a spaniel licks his feet. A stout parson seated behind him on the extreme left scowls and clenches his fist at the scene. The lady (the Duchess of Gloucester) sits between a fashionably dressed undergraduate wearing the gown of (?) a fellow commoner, and a stout parson who holds up his hands in astonishment. The undergraduates and some of the parsons appear amused, others frown disapprovingly. On the extreme left is a small round table on which are two candles and playing-cards."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Questions and commands, Mistaken road to He-r-f-rd, and Mistaken road to Hereford
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text below title in lower right: Vide, J-s-s Colle. Cambe., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to the see of Hereford -- Horace Walpole owned print (NYPL) -- Jesus College, Cambridge -- Petticoat influence -- Spaniel -- Games: Round -- Tripod tables -- Male costumes: Cantabridgian -- Fellow commoner -- Possible caricature of John Butler, 1717-1802.
Pubd. Feby. 11th, 1788, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, 1776-1834, Gloucester, Maria Walpole, Duchess of, 1735-1807, Beadon, Richard, 1737-1824, and Butler, John, 1717-1802
Subject (Topic):
Candles, Candlesticks, Clergy, Dogs, Gambling, Playing cards, Rugs, and Sconces
Six views of a clergymen in his pulpit, in varying attitudes, arranged in two rows, one above the other. In the top row, the captions below each figure, read starting at the left: Anatheman Mary-Ann Nathan; O Lard!; A tollerable collection. In the bottom row, the captions below each figure, read starting at the left: I myself declare; Very important; I mount, I fly to heaven
Title etched at top of image., "Dean Street" in imprint has been scratched from plate., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Six views of a clergymen in his pulpit, in varying attitudes, arranged in two rows, one above the other. In the top row, the captions below each figure, read starting at the left: Anatheman Mary-Ann Nathan; O Lard!; A tollerable collection. In the bottom row, the captions below each figure, read starting at the left: I myself declare; Very important; I mount, I fly to heaven
Title etched at top of image., "Dean Street" in imprint has been scratched from plate., "Plate 1."--Lower right corner., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., 1 print : etching with drypoint on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 22.9 x 35 cm, on sheet 25 x 40 cm., and Watermark.
Title from item., Earlier imprint partially burnished on lower right., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Publish'd as the act directs for T.O. Dean Street Soho
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Third in a series of three companion prints; the two others: "The happy escape, or arch-runaways" and The vain pursuit.", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Harriet Archer Clive, fl. 1788 -- Anne Archer Musgrave, fli. 1788 -- Maria Elizabeth Archer Howard, d. 1789 -- Sarah Archer Windsor Amherst, Countess of Amherst, 1762-1838.
Pub. May 1, 1788, by S.W. Fores, saterist [sic], No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
England and England.
Subject (Name):
Plymouth, Other Hickman Windsor, Earl of, 1751-1799 and Archer, Sarah West, Lady, 1741-1801
"Pitt, Hastings, and Thurlow, the State Jugglers, are on a platform outside the gate of St. James's Palace. Above the gate projects the sign of the Crown inn, across which rests a plank forming a see-saw; on this the King (right) as Punch sits facing Queen Charlotte, dressed as Judy or Mother Shipton; she takes a pinch of snuff, the King holds out his hands as if in disapproval. A crowd of suppliants surrounds the platform. Pitt, bending towards them, pulls ribbons from his mouth; three men on the extreme left hold out their arms eagerly: one is a naval officer, a 'Log Book' under his arm shows that he is Sir Alexander Hood, see BMSat 5536, K.B. elect, see BMSat 7318. The second is Wilkes; the third cannot be identified. Hastings kneels between Pitt and Thurlow, his hands crossed humbly on his breast, a copious stream of coins issues from his mouth. Dundas, Lansdowne, Sydney, a bishop, and a fifth suppliant hold out their hats eagerly to catch the coins. Thurlow stands erect, his hands on his hips, flames and smoke issuing from his mouth inscribed "Hell-Fire, my Soul, Dam, Blast, Eyes, Heaven, Curse, Limbs, Blood". A little chimney-sweep [The sweep is said to represent Frederick Montagu, one of the Commissioners in Fox's India Bill. Wright and Evans.] and a ragged fishwife, a basket of fish on her head, stand gazing at him with wonder and admiration. On the extreme right, at the side of the platform, Fox, supported on the shoulders of Burke, slyly holds out his hat behind Thurlow; Sheridan (?) [Identified by Wright and Evans as the Duke of Norfolk] supports them. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Four lines of verse below title: "Who wrought such wonders as might make, Egyptian sorcerers forsake ..." Churchll., Temporary local subject terms: Literature: quotations: Charles Churchill, 1731-1764 -- Jugglers -- See-saws -- Naval logs -- Allusion to Mother Shipton -- Gate of St. James's Palace -- Fishwives -- Punch -- Coins -- Chimney sweeps -- Trials: Warren Hastings's trial -- Alexander Hood, Viscount Bridport, 1727-1814., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 34.8 x 24.8 cm, on sheet 40.5 x 27.3 cm., and Mounted to 43 x 30 cm.
Pubd. May 16th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, and Saint James's Palace (London, England),
"Hastings stands in a two-wheeled cart under a gibbet. Fox places the rope round his neck; Burke also stands in the cart dressed as a parson, in a long gown and bands, holding an open book. Sheridan (right) pushes the cart from behind, looking at North (left) who holds the horse's head. Large scrolls issue from the mouths of all five and are an important part of the design: Hastings says, "Walpole said every Man had his Price but Alass! I never could find out any of your Prices." Burke says "A Poor Atonement this for Millions &c." Fox says "A Poor Atonement do you call it Ned! Egad it would have been adevil of a Job for me, if my F------r had made such an atonement for------Unaccounted Millions." (Lord Holland was called in a City Address to the King 'the public defaulter of unaccounted millions'. North says, "Dont you remember Sheri------that my now Rt Honble Friend often threat'ned to bring me to this or the Block". Sheridan answers, "Psha Fred - you know that was only to frighten you from your Station - &c - but drive on, or our friend Edmund will stand preaching here all day.""--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker suggested by British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., A satire, an attack on the Coalition., In lower right corner: "Price 2s. 6d. plain or coloured.", and Watermark.
Pubd. March [the] 1, 1788 for J. Doughty & Co., No. 19 Holborn, London
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774., Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745.
Subject (Topic):
Impeachment, Politics and government, Carts & wagons, Executions in effigy, and Gallows
"An election riot. In the foreground Sheridan (left) stands over Sir Sampson Wright who kneels on the ground in abject alarm. Sheridan holds him by the collar and shakes his fist in his face; from his pocket protrudes a paper inscribed 'Drury Lane'. On the right is a party of Guards, one pierces with his bayonet Fox's posterior, drawing blood. Fox, the central figure, prances in pain and alarm, his hat falling off. Behind, Townshend (?) and Burke hold up their hands in shocked surprise. One of the Guards deliberately pierces with his bayonet the posterior of his own officer, a lean foppish man resembling the officer in BMSat 7174. The other Guards (right) carrying muskets against their shoulders watch both outrages with amusement. Behind Sheridan and on the extreme left is a man holding up a banner, inscribed 'Valiant Townsend', on which are a wine-bottle and glass and a dice-box and dice. In the background is a dense crowd represented by heads and by hats, two of which are being waved in the air. Beneath the design is etched: 'When Sampson as Justice - by Soldiers defended, Went to quell wicked Whigs who've mild peace oft offended, Bold Brindsley seiz'd on him, & swore he'd well shake him, Crying, Justice ne'er did, nor e'er should overtake him. Bow, wow, wow. Sampson down on his knees like a Saint at devotion, Drops his Jaw-Bone, - while F-x seconds Brindleys mad motion, The Guards do their duty - prick Charles - he beseeches, And alarm'd, then let's fly - thro' his sad sattin Breeches, Bow wow wow.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Guns: bayoneted muskets -- Allusion to Drury Lane -- Bible: Allusion to Judges: 15.15-17 -- Elections: Westminster by-election -- Battles: Bow-Street -- Election riots: July 22, 1788 -- Flags: Banner -- Military uniforms: Guards.
Pubd. July, 1788, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Wright, Sampson, Sir, d. 1793, and Townshend, John, Lord
Title etched below image., Printmaker and artist from unverified data from local card catalog record., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Publisher's advertisement below title: In Holland's Caricature Exhibition Rooms No. 50, Oxford St. may be seen the largest collection of humorous prints and drawings in Europe. Admittance, one shilling ..., Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to Baron Munchauson from literature -- Raspe, Rudolph Erich, 1737-1794, allusion to Baron Munchauson -- Allusion to Newmarket races -- Male costume: riding habit, 1788 -- Paddy Whack -- Medical quacks., Mounted to 33 x 48 cm., and Watermark.
Pubd. by Willm. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d', 1747-1793
"A strip design of figures, generally in pairs, in the manner made popular by Bunbury's 'Long Minuet' (BMSat 7229). All attempt to imitate the bow of the Prince of Wales; the words spoken are etched above the head of the speaker. A tall thin man bows, facing a short fat one who says, "What do you think of mine, Sir". The former answers, "It won't do upon my honor." An isolated middle-aged man stoops, his left hand on his back, his right leg raised, his face contorted with pain, saying, "Oh, damn the Lumbago!" A tall thin man, whose dress imitates that of the Prince of Wales, bows, hat in hand, saying, "Monstrous like the Prince, the very bow dem me". His stout and ungainly 'vis-à-vis', dressed in the fashion of c. 1760, is a doctor with medicine-phials projecting from his coat-pocket; he bends low, saying, "Curse it, I've burst the waistband of my breeches". A man wearing a sword bows, holding his hat in both hands; he says to his 'vis-à-vis', a young Irish volunteer in regimentals, "Good God, Sir, you should take off your hat when you make a bow!" The other (the first figure on the second sheet) answers, "Arrah let a Volunteer alone, my dear, did you ever know a man fire before he presented!" A stiff, thin man, resembling BMSat 6718 (Furtado), says to a man who bows from the waist, his body almost horizontal, his long pigtail queue projecting stiffly, "You bow too low, Sir". The other answers, "And you seem to be spitted, Mr few." A Frenchman, 'chapeau-bras' and wearing a bag-wig, capers like a dancing-master, saying, "Ha! Ha! by gar poor John Bull's back will ache at this amusement". His foppishly dressed 'vis-à-vis' stiffly imitates his attitude, saying, "These tight stays will be the death of me." A plainly dressed man bends towards a boy who bows awkwardly, saying, "Vary weel, Sawny, vary like the Prince's bow!" A stout and ugly bishop (the first figure on the third sheet) with an ill-fitting wig, bowing obsequiously, his hands on his breast, faces a thin stiff man who looks at him through an eye-glass, saying, "It may do for a poor Curate presenting a Petition!" The bishop answers, "Better than yours you Pulpit Prig." Burke and Fox, both 'chapeau-bras', bow facing each other: Burke says, "Garrick's bow at the Shrine of Shakespeare was nothing to it." Fox answers, "This is to a certainty something like it." Thurlow, in Chancellor's wig and gown, bows, saying, "He take precedence of me! d-----n his bow!" (cf. BMSat 7320). He faces George Hanger, wearing regimentals, who bows, hat in hand, saying, "It would kick up the heels of chastity in Maid, Wife, or Widow.""-British Museum online catalogue
Title from item.
Published by William Holland, printseller at Garrick's Richard, No. 50 Oxford Street, near Berner's Street
Subject (Name):
Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797
"The Prince of Wales falls from an overturning phaeton or curricle. He is about to fall on the prostrate body of Mrs. Fitzherbert (left), who lies on her back, her breasts exposed, in an attitude intended to be indecorous. She lies under a steep bank or rock beside a country road. The horse rears behind the Prince."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Fall in Fitz, Princes disastar, or, A fall in Fitz, and Princes disaster, or, A fall in Fitz
Title etched at bottom of image., Questionable attribution to John Boyne from dealer's description., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Watermark., Original price written in pencil in lower right corner of sheet: 2 [shillings]., and Matted to 33 x 43 cm.
Published by James Aitken, Little Russell Court, Drury Lane
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 and Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837
"A pack of hounds is in full cry after an animal with the head of Hastings which runs through the gate of St. James's Palace (right). He wears a turban; a collar round his neck is inscribed 'Hyana', and a large bag inscribed 'Diamonds & Rupees' is tied to his tail. The hounds are being whipped back by Thurlow (left) who rides an ass with the head of the King, shouting "Back! Back!" He wears a hunting-cap and boots with monstrous spurs, with his Chancellor's wig and gown. He is riding over the hounds who have the heads of the leading Managers of Hastings's impeachment. North (not a Manager) lies prostrate and apparently dead under the ass's heels. Burke is being crushed under the animal's off foreleg, while the other kicks Fox. The foremost of the pack is Sheridan, his collar inscribed 'Drury Lane'. Behind him are Fox, a dog whose collar is inscribed 'Francis' (not a Manager, see BMSat 7268), and Michael Angelo Taylor, his collar inscribed 'Law-Chick', see BMSat 6777. The King's head is in profile to the right, his saddle is ornamented with a crown and a jewel is suspended from his neck, probably the famous diamond, see BMSat 6966, &c. Two sentries stand at the gate of the Palace with pens in their caps, probably indicating that they are the two Secretaries of State, [In Wright and Evans they are identified as Sydney and Pitt. Sidney's vis-à-vis, scarcely recognizable, resembles Pitt in BMSat 7312] Sydney (left) and Carmarthen (right), to whom there is some resemblance, and who are peers, cf. BMSat 7300, &c."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Bulse -- Military sentries.
Pubd. April 27th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Leeds, Francis Godolphin Osborne, Duke of, 1751-1799, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, Taylor, Michael Angelo, 1757-1834, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Francis, Philip, 1740-1818, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and St. James's Palace (London, England)
"The Duke of York (right) dances a jig or hornpipe with a housemaid wearing a mob-cap and apron, who holds up a broom. The mistress of the house sits on a settee against the wall, watch-them with gestures of rage and indignation. Two men, blowing wind-instruments, watch from a musicians' gallery (left), on which is inscribed 'Horns! Horns! Horns!' Under the gallery persons are indicated turning their backs on the dancers. After the title is etched: 'Hic est, cujus amans hospita capta dolo est.' Beneath are the verses:'See See the fair one by her Guest betray 'd, By York deserted - rivall'd by her Maid T-r-n-l, lovely Bride, no longer mourn His love, since Spider Brushers serve his Turn, The Cook maid next will strike this loving Man With Kissing Crusts, & Meat sops in the Pan.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Ralph Juvenal alias for Ralph Hook? See British Museum catalogue., Six lines of verse in two columns below title: See see the fair one by her guest betray'd. By York deserted, rivall'd by her maid ..., and Mounted to 41 x 31 cm.
Pubd. Sep 9, 1788 by S.W. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827 and Tyrconnel, Sarah Hussey
One man sits at a table, pen in hand over a sheet of paper, while six others bend over him. He points to the man on the left, while looking up at the man on the right. They appear to be discussing a report. Figures may be portraits of well-known antiquarians
Title etched above image. and Date from British Museum catalogue.
"A fat fishwife (left) and George Hanger face each other with clenched fists. Between the combatants in the background are ships at anchor close to the shore. Another fishwife stands behind Bess holding out a lemon. Behind Hanger (right) stand the Prince of Wales and Prince William, the latter in naval coat and striped trousers. Between the Prince and Hanger stands the Duke of York; on the extreme right is a rough-looking sailor. Hanger's club lies at his feet. Beneath the title is etched: 'Fought at Plymouth to the Amusement of their Royal Highness's the Prince of Wales Duke of York & Prince William Henery. This battle lasted only two minutes being Decided on the first onset by a knock down Blow from Big Bess which Entirely Did up the Prig Major. NB Big Bess was carried in Triumph through the Town Exclaiming I have done the Major [a parody of Humphries's 'I have done the Jew'].'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Suggested attribution to Kingsbury from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Pugilism -- Trades: Fishwife -- Naval uniforms., Mounted to 29 x 42 cm., and Watermark.
Pub'd 4 Feb. 1788 by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, and Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827
Subject (Topic):
Fighting, Lemons, Military uniforms, British, Sailors, and Sailing ships
"A parody of BMSat 7309. Warren Hastings, seated on a close-stool containing guineas, his feet resting on a stool, leans forward, a bag of 'Pagodas' in his left hand, of 'Roopees' in his right, which he hands to Thurlow and Pitt respectively, who bow before him with hands outstretched to take the money-bags. He says, "Dear Gentlemen this is too little your modesty really distresses me". He wears oriental dress with a crown on his turban. On his seat is a reversed crown. Queen Charlotte (in place of Burke) grovels on the floor, kissing Hastings's toe; she clasps a large money-bag inscribed '£200000'; under her left arm is a box inscribed 'Bu[ls]e' (see BMSat 6966, &c). George III (in place of Francis) emerges from the ground behind Hastings, clutching a great heap of guineas which is piled on the floor; his left arm is in the close-stool, taking out guineas; he says, "I am at the Bottom of it". In place of the wigs and swords of BMSat 7309 are hats held out to be filled with gifts: a pair of hands (in the Windsor uniform) holds out a hunting-cap (probably intended for one of the King's equerries); a hand holds out a three-cornered hat, a hand in a lawn sleeve holds out a mitre, a hand in a similar sleeve holds out a mortar-board cap. These are inscribed 'Turbæ cætera'. The insignia of the Garter are similarly inscribed. On the wall behind Hastings is a picture (left) of a vast human body emerging from the summit of a mountain scattering coins to a crowd of kneeling suppliants. The frame is inscribed: '"Out it came - "Not a little tiny Mouse, but a Mountain of delight.' After the title is etched: 'Mew mew mew, fal lal &c &c'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Begging bow
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in British Museum catalogue., Text in lower right, below title: Mew mew mew, fal lal &c. &c., and Temporary local subject terms: Mottoes: 'Turbae caetera' -- Order of the Garter -- Bags of money -- Uniforms: Windsor -- Pictures that amplify subect -- Hats: Mortar boards -- Reversed crown on Close-stools.
Pubd. May 6th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, and Pitt, William, 1759-1806
Two young women in gigantic hats, pouter pigeon bosoms, long hair, and with skin-tight skirts face each other with pleased expressions in an outdoor setting
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified by Grego as Rowlandson disguising his identity with James Sayers's signature., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Beneath the design are etched four lines: Both bums and rumps are now no more. With merry thoughts the fair are blest. Their beauties now you may explore. All bare and therefore all expresst., and Temporary local subject terms: Ladies' costumes -- Hipless fashion.
"An election mob in which Townshend and his supporters, as butchers, are violently attacking the populace with cleavers and marrow-bones. They wear aprons with butchers' steels dangling from the waist. George Hanger (right), his hat decorated with three ostrich feathers and the coronet of the Prince of Wales, raises a cleaver in both hands and threatens two constables with staves who fall backwards, wounded or terrified. He is in violent action, one foot rests on the unconscious body of a sailor whose face is gashed and bleeding. In the sailor's hand is a flag with a ship and the words 'Royal Navy'; on this Townshend, who uses his marrow-bone and cleaver as a musical instrument, not as weapons, is trampling. Behind Hanger, Fox, climbing above the crowd, is violently smashing the sign of 'The King's Head' (a bust portrait of the King) which is over a door inscribed 'Martin'. In the foreground a woman half-lying on the ground tries to protect her screaming infant from a cleaver and bone brandished by Sheridan. On the extreme left Lord Derby attacks a kneeling sailor with a wooden leg. Behind Sheridan, Burke raises a cleaver in both hands, and behind him the Duke of Norfolk waves a flag inscribed 'Townsend and Liberty'. Behind is a dense crowd brandishing cleavers and bones, while others attempt to escape. On the right are houses inscribed 'James Str[eet]', the houses of Covent Garden are indicated on the left."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Text right of title: Price 1 s., and Mounted to 32 x 44 cm.
Pubd. July [...]th. by H. Humphrey, New Bond St.
Subject (Geographic):
England and Westminster
Subject (Name):
Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Coleraine, George Hanger, Baron, 1751?-1824, and Great Britain. Parliament
Subject (Topic):
Elections, 1788, Axes, Butchers, Crowds, Political elections, Riots, Sailors, British, Signs (Notices), and Taverns (Inns)
Title from item., Thirty lines of verse below design., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 37 x 27 cm.
Published by W.M. Omer July 29th 1788 Little Mays Buildings St. Martins Lane London
"Indian men and women kneel before a large rectangular pedestal on which stands a golden calf with the head of Hastings. Three Indians lie on the pedestal at Hastings's feet, making gestures of despair and entreaty. From his mouth protrudes a sword (left) inscribed 'The Brand of Devastation'. On his back sits Wilkes facing the tail (right) which he lifts with one hand; in the other is the cap of 'Liberty' in which he catches large jewels excreted by the Golden Calf. He wears a livery gown and says: "Who would not wipe a Calf's Backside, To gain the Sparks of Eastern Pride". At the Calf's feet lie a crown, sceptre, and orb, with (?) scimitars. On the ground and on the extreme left a well-dressed man stands before an altar holding a knife which drips blood over the altar; he says, pointing to an Indian who lies at his feet, stabbed through the heart: 'When British Judges rule the Coast, The Natives must obey, No palliative means we boast, By G------you die or pay'. In the foreground (right) stand Thurlow and a military officer. The Chancellor, who wears his wig and robe, is blindfolded; in his right hand he holds erect the 'Sword of Justice', which is being taken from him by the officer who holds a diamond against the blade. In Thurlow's left hand is a bag inscribed 'Gold Moors'; he says: "Which Powerful God my wavering mind controuls, And my Sage Brows with Golden bands infolds, 'Tis Mammons self I can be Just no more, Take thou the Sword give me the Golden Store". The officer, who wears a wallet or haversack inscribed 'Diamonds', says: "So shall we Triumph while the Diamond's smile, Can melt the Soul and Justice's beguile." Three Indians who kneel in the foreground below the pedestal of the Golden Calf are offering money (a bag inscribed 'Gold Moors') and jewel-boxes to Hastings."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Children of India worshipping the golden calf
Title etched below image., Possibly after John Boyne according to Andrew Edmunds., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge., and Mounted to: 56 x 62 cm.
Publish'd May 15, 1788, by J. Berry, No. 129 Oxford Road
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Impeachment, Adoration, Ceremonial objects, Corruption, Idols, Justice, and Liberty