Title from caption below image., Caption continues: ... Why zur I dun know, but if you like to take a pull at this ere pig you be welcome, vor I be plaguy tired of un., Publication date from unverified data from local card catalog record., and Temporary local subject headings: Hunters -- Rifles -- Shepards -- Pigs -- Countryside.
W. Follit, Publisher City Repository of Arts, 63 Fleet St.
Title from caption below image., Title continues: ... Why I don't mind the soles, I could say I caught them, but I'm afraid the lobster would be a little too much gammon., and Publication date from unverified data from local card catalog record.
W. Follit, Publisher City Repository of Arts, 63 Fleet St. and Printed by W. Kohler
Vell my Josey wot do you think of this here new twventy pound hact?
Title from text above image., Signed with the monogram of Henry Heath., Publication date from unverified data in local card catalog record., and Caption below image: Vell my Josey wot do you think of this here new twventy pound hact? Vy I mean to say as Old Harry Broom's a regler trump, no more summunges, no more Vite Cross Street, but blow'd if they wont grab your traps an no mistake. Vot! all yer ousehold funiter?
W. Follit, publisher, City Repository of Arts, 63 Fleet St. and Printed by Kohler
A woman stands before a mirror in her petticoat with her maid behind her holding her dress. Caption below image: Well I declare Betty I'm getting rather too much en bon points, don't you think so? Why yes miss I think you are getting too much bone points!
Title from text above image. and Publication date from unverified data in local card catalog record.
W. Spooner, 377 Strand
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Mirrors, Women, and Women domestics
Title from text below image., Initial letters of printmaker's name in signature form a monogram., Publication date from unverified data in local card catalog record., and Text within image: Hilloa! Ben here's the rigger for you, may hap he'll find the arms you lost at Trafalgar. Shiver my timbers! I wonder if he finds legs.
Published by Alfred E. Harrison, 5 White Hart Ct., Lombard St., Gambart & Co., and Printed by P. Jerrard, 206 Fleet Street
Title from caption below image., Publication date from unverified data from local card catalog record., Below title: Side boys a hoy., and Mounted to 34 x 23 cm.
Title from caption below image., Publicatin date from unverified data from local card catalog record., Caption continues: ... A matchless dog you see, admidst glorious bravos let me say, come boys and purchase me., and Temporary local subject terms: Drums -- Dogs.
Pubd. by the proprietor, 5 Hercules buildings Lambeth & J. Dickinson, 444 New Bond St.