"A spectacled man, wearing riding-dress with spurred top-boots, seizes a stout lady by the hair and flourishes a riding-whip, saying, "Pro bono Patriae". A younger man (left) puts his hand on his shoulder, saying, "I'll support you". He is wildly cheered by an election crowd (left), who wave their hats. The lady's feathered bonnet lies on the ground, her hair streams down her back, and she holds out her arms in terror. A group of cathedral clergy stand on the right watching with gestures and expressions of alarm and disapproval. Behind is a square church tower (right) with pinnacles."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Proof of the refined feelings of an amiable character ...
CtY-LW, Printmaker and questionable date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Elections: reference to elections, 1796 -- Clergy: cathedral clergy -- Buildings: cathedral -- Abuse of women., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership. and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
Dutch Cupid reposing after the fatigues of planting
Reduced version of a print, also by Gillray, entitled: The orangerie, or, The Dutch Cupid reposing after the fatigues of planting. Cf. No. 8822 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7. and Title and date of publication based on those of larger version of print.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and William--V,--Prince of Orange,--1748-1806--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A Dutch soldier (left) and his wife (right), joining hands, dance round a tree of Liberty to music supplied by a foppish French soldier on the extreme left who beats a drum and blows a trumpet, and by a stout Dutchman on the extreme right who plays bagpipes inscribed 'Vader-lands Liefde' (Love of Country). The 'tree' is a pole surmounted by a milk-churn inscribed 'Vryheid \ Gellykheid \ Broederscha[p]', [This inscription (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) occurs on Dutch prints after the French invasion, e.g. Van Stolk, No. 5299; Muller, No. 5385.] above which is a cap of Liberty shaped like a fool's cap, and a tricolour flag inscribed 'Hollandia Regenerate[a]'. On the churn sits a parroquet, 'trying to imitate the patriotic accents of his French brothers'. A monkey climbs up the pole as in BMSat 8831. Texts, 'Acts', vii. 41, and 'Job', xviii. 16."--British Museum online catalogue.
Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "1" in upper left corner., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Military uniforms: Dutch uniforms -- Dutchmen -- Holland: civil discord -- Tree of Liberty -- Cap of Liberty -- Emblems: dove as emblem of peace -- Monkeys -- Kitchen utensils: milk churns -- Musical instruments: drum -- Bagpipes -- Musical instruments: trumpets, Title etched above image., and With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Hess, David, 1770-1843, artist.
"Four grotesque men, all crippled or deformed, are in a row before a set of druggist's shelves headed 'Staats Apotheek'. Those on the extreme left and right stand, the others sit. A knock-kneed hunchback (left), smoking a long pipe, the smoke inscribed 'Hellebr . . .', holds a paper: 'Recipe'. A ragged and lame National Guard picks the pocket of his neighbour. Above the shelves, and forming the apex of the design, a fury, Discord, with snaky locks, leans from clouds, holding a flaming sword and looking down threateningly at the conference. On the top shelf are a 'Guillotine' and a bull, 'Phalaris', a block inscribed 'Menschen lief de' next a gallows, a demon. Below are bottles: 'Quint Ess: de Robespierr, Sel de Marat, Recipes en Assignaten [see BMSat 8849], Rotten gift [poison for mice], Alb: Graec:' On the wall hang a sword and shackles. Text, 'Luke', xii. 26."--British Museum online catalogue.
Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "2" in upper left corner., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., Title etched below image., and With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Hess, David, 1770-1843, artist.
"A skeleton (cf. BMSat 8825), representing the reorganized Dutch army, stands on a rectangular pedestal, inscribed 'De \ niewwe \ orga= \ nio \ satie. \ 1795. \ Het Ith Jaar der \ Batavsche Vryhyd'. It wears a cocked hat and short military coat (showing its ribs - 'un bel uniforme à la Française'), and smokes a pipe. Two French officers are on the left, one turns his back on the skeleton and rides his cane, like a hobby horse, his sabre against his shoulder. The other holds up an admonishing arm towards two dejected Dutch officers of unmilitary appearance: one appears to be a member of the National Guard, the other, a hunch-back, wearing jackboots and sword but leaning decrepitly on a cane, tramples on 'Traité sur l'honeur Milita[ire]'. He is 'General S.' Text, 'Jeremiah', xlviii. 14."--British Museum online catalogue.
Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "3" in upper left corner., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Emblems: skeletons as Dutch army -- Holland: reorganization of the army -- Military uniforms: French uniforms -- Hunchbacks -- Military national guards: Dutch national guard -- Holland: civil discord -- Committees: military committee., Title etched below image., and With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Hess, David, 1770-1843, artist.
"Four members of the committee surround a treasure-chest, dismayed to find it empty of ducats and occupied by a grinning demon who points derisively at one of them, the Secretary (wearing a bonnet-rouge with a pen in it) who holds upside down an empty bag inscribed 'ils ont emigrè'. One of them, his back to the chest, takes from a Jew (left) wearing a fur cap a dish on which a little demon is excreting coins. On the right a large cupboard falls forward shooting the huge packages it contains, inscribed 'Recepissen' and 'Assignats', on to the backs of two of the committee, the more prominent is the president of the Committee of Accounts in BMSat 8850. '. . . les beaux ducats! ils ont passé chez nos frêres, les Français! dit le Secretaire....' The Jew sells a figure which he assures the purchaser will, if nourished with the tears of the Orangists, give fifty ducats daily. This is better than the piles of assignats which threaten ruin. Text, 'Ecclesiasticus, Jesus Sirach', xl. 13."--British Museum online catalogue.
Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "4" in upper left corner., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Committees: finance committee -- Jews -- Treasury chests -- Demons -- Finances: assignats -- Receipts -- Money: coins -- Holland: civil discord., Title etched below image., and With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Hess, David, 1770-1843, artist.
"Two French commissaries stand (left), each with a book under his arm, holding out their demands for assignments on the exchequer; one has a paper inscribed 'Payer'. Their president, as in BMSat 8849, shrugging his shoulders, answers 'Impossible!' Another man seated on a bale (right) counts on his fingers; before him are figures giving a total of 'o'. A third holds up a paper: '2 /2 /3/', looking at it through an eye-glass. On the wall is a 'Tafel van Multiplicatie' and beside it shelves in which are books and bundles of papers, one inscribed 'Pretentions des Trouppes Suisses'. A shelf is inscribed 'Insolvable'. Text, 'Ecclesiasticus, Jesus Sirach', xli. 24."--British Museum online catalogue.
Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "5" in upper left corner., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Frenchmen -- Dutchmen -- Committees: finance committee -- Holland: civil discord., Title etched below image., and With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Hess, David, 1770-1843, artist.
"Three men are on the sea-shore, close to a small boat (right) with a tattered sail. One, wearing a cocked hat and military gaiters, has a basket slung round his neck containing bundles of matches for sale. He stands looking to the left, the others are behind: one (left) holds a damaged anchor on an anvil, trying to straighten it with a hammer. The other (right) sits on a three-legged stool repairing a ragged sail. The explanation ends ironically, 'Bientot les Bataves regneront sur les mers, et feront la loi à la glorieuse Albion!' Text, 'Ezekiel', xxvii. 36."--British Museum online catalogue.
Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "6" in upper left corner., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Holland: civil discord -- Committes: commerce committee -- Committees: navigation committee -- Dutchmen -- Dutch boats., Title etched below image., and With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Hess, David, 1770-1843, artist.
"Two committee-men make requisitions from a peasant and a barrow-woman. One takes a fish from the creel on the fisherman's back, and puts it into a small cornucopia which he holds. The victim, who wears trousers and sabots filled with straw, holds a paper, 'Recepisse' (see BMSat 8849), and clenches his fist, furious at receiving a receipt instead of cash. The other, in back view, has taken a handful of turnips, the old woman looks at him with a hungry, puzzled stare."--British Museum online catalogue.
Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "7" in upper left corner., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Holland: civil discord -- Committees: provisions committee -- Dutchmen -- Male dress: sabots., Title etched below image., and With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Hess, David, 1770-1843, artist.
"The five members are somnolent. One stands with closed eyes, a lighted candle in each hand, with one of which he negligently sets fire to the wig of a member asleep in his chair (left). The candlesticks are inscribed 'P. V.O.' (? Prins van Oranje). Behind and on the right two sit asleep at a table on which are glasses, a tall bottle of 'Vaderlander Schied[am]', and a pipe. On the ground behind, a man lies face downwards, a glass clasped in his hand. On the floor are a paper headed 'Rotterdam' and a decapitated cock, so dealt with to prevent the crowing of the vigilant bird, which might have disturbed them. Text, 'Isaiah', xxix. 10."--British Museum online catalogue.
Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "8" in upper left corner., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Holland: civil discord -- Committees: vigilance committee -- Lighting: candles -- Drunkenness., Title etched below image., and With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Hess, David, 1770-1843, artist.