Caption title., First line of text: Dear Sir, I have just been shown a pamphlet, which I learn is being circulated in this city, containing what purports to be an affidavit of one Stephen Sarter, made as the basis of a suit instituted in the courts of New York against General Fremont and others connected with the Memphis, El Paso and Pacific Rail Road Company., and Signed on p. 3: B.H. Epperson.
Subject (Name):
Corwin, R. M., Frémont, John Charles, 1813-1890, Memphis, El Paso, and Pacific Railroad Company--Finance, and Sarter, Stephen
Subject (Topic):
Amer tracts--1870 and Railroads--United States--Finance
Dated and signed at end: Granada, septiembre 4. de 1841. Casto Fonseca. and No. 7 in a collection of Central American serials with binder's title: Periodic. 1854. (1985 +S4)