"An appropriation of the 'Packman's Paternoster', by Sir James Sempill"--cf. Dict. nat. biog. and N. & Q. 2d ser., v. 11., Published earlier under title A pedlar and a Romish priest, in a very hot discourse ..., and Signatures: [A]-D4 (incl. front.).
Printed for, and sold by Henry Hills in Black-Fryers, near the Waterside,
Written when the author was 18, partly in answer to Wollaston's Religion of nature, and addressed to Mr. J(ames) R(alph) He printed, he says, only a hundred copies, of which he gave a few to his friends; and afterwards, disliking the piece, he burnt the rest except one copy.--J. Crossley in Notes and queries, ser. 1, v.5, p. 6 (Jan. 3, 1852)l9
England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II)--His Majesties gracious declaration to all his loving subjects for liberty of conscience and Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of, 1633-1695--Letterfrom a clergyman in the city to his friend in the country