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- Creator:
- Brasel, Jennie
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (Muskogee, Indian Territory) - Published / Created:
- 1899-1903
- Call Number:
- WA MSS S-1904
- Container / Volume:
- Folder 2
- Image Count:
- 56
- Abstract:
- Two volumes containing holograph manuscript minutes and lists of members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Muskogee, Indian Territory, 1889-1903; and one volume containing holograph manuscript minutes of the second through sixth annual conventions of the Second District, Indian Territory, 1904-1908. Minutes were written and signed by recording secretaries; most minutes recorded in Muskogee were written by Jennie Brasel. Laid in the first volume are reports, clippings, receipts, and notes pertaining to the Muskogee auxiliary, dated 1883, 1892, 1898, and undated. Convention minutes are preceded by a page inscribed, "1903 Record of 2nd District Convention." Laid in this volume are notes and correspondence of officers of the Second District pertaining to conventions, 1906-1908 and undated.
- Alternative Title:
- Minutes / 1899-1903
- Description:
- The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Muskogee, Creek Nation, Indian Territory, was organized in 1883. This auxiliary was part of the Second District of Indian Territory.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Indian Territory, Muskogee (Okla.), and Oklahoma
- Subject (Name):
- Brasel, Jennie, Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (Muskogee, Indian Territory), and Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Second District of Indian Territory
- Subject (Topic):
- Temperance --Indian Territory and Women --Oklahoma --Muskogee --Societies and clubs
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Secretaries' records, 1883-1908
- Creator:
- Brakhage, Stan
Wodening, Jane, 1936- - Published / Created:
- 1958-1967
- Call Number:
- YCAL MSS 229
- Image Count:
- 451
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- Binding: green with gold embossing. With a bookplate: "A child's garden of verses Robert Louis Stevenson..."
- Subject (Name):
- Anger, Kenneth, Creeley, Robert, 1926-2005, Johnson, Ray, 1927-1995, Kuhler, R, Miller, Henry, 1891-1980, Ryder, Albert Pinkham, 1847-1917, Smith, Jessie Willcox, 1863-1935, and Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Jane Wodening and Stan Brakhage scrapbook
- Creator:
- Brodsky, Joseph, 1940-1996
Wilbur, Richard, 1921-2017 - Published / Created:
- undated
- Call Number:
- GEN MSS 613
- Collection Title:
- Joseph Brodsky papers
- Container / Volume:
- Box 53 | Folder 922
- Image Count:
- 116
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- From Viktor Golyshev. Includes translations of Andrew Marvell and Richard Wilbur, the poems Odinochestvo, Piligrimy, Uprazhnenie v konformizme, Osvoenie kosmosa, Kamernaia muzyka, and Iu. Sandul, among many other poems. Includes holograph drafts of the poems "Ia probudilsia ves' v potu", "Sem' let spustia."
- Subject (Topic):
- Authors, American--20th century--Archives, Authors, Russian--20th century--Archives , Nobel Prize winners, Poets, American--20th century, Poets, Russian--20th century, and Translators
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Poems from 1958-1969, typescript and holograph drafts, corrected
- Creator:
- Wigan, Richardson and Company
- Published / Created:
- ca. 1910
- Call Number:
- WA Photos 76
- Image Count:
- 31
- Resource Type:
- Prints & Photographs
- Abstract:
- Additional exterior views of the farm include a newly planted orchard, plants during harvest, plants damaged by heavy windstorms, a pile of baskets used in harvesting, bales of hops en route to warehouse storage, loading bales on a train at the Wigrich railroad stop, a load of harvested hops in canvas sacks on a horse drawn wagon, trains loaded with hops for transport, a group of horses used in operating the farm, a loganberry patch, the removal of tree stumps using explosives, and images of livestock on the farm consisting of Jersey and Durham cows, and Poland Chinese and Duroc Jersey boars. Other exterior views show the Willamette River and the boundary of the ranch., Album of photographs distributed by Wigan, Richardson and Company, hop merchants headquartered in London, Great Britain, with photographs created by the Parker Studio, Salem, Oregon, documenting the activities of the Wigrich Ranche (sic.), a hops farm in the locality of Wigrich in the vicinity of Independence, Oregon, ca. 1910. The images consist primarily of exterior and interior views of structures, the fields, and surrounding area, in addition to images that depict pickers., Exterior views of structures include drying kilns, storage sheds, the office of the yard boss, bakery, restaurant, grocery store, dance hall, and blacksmith shop, and usually include individuals involved with their operation., Identified portraits include a studio portrait of Major W. Lewis Rose, manager of the farm, and informal portraits of Rose with his wife and daughter in front of the main residence., Images of workers involved in the hops harvest include group portraits of workers in the fields, a view of a tent camp, workers waiting for mail delivery at the post office in the grocery store, and workers leaving the ranch after harvest via automobile and train. An image shows Armenian workers of the Arslanian Brothers Contracting Company training newly established vines in a field., and Interior views of structures include a furnace room of a drying kiln, a tram car loaded with hops entering a kiln, men examining the hops harvest, hops stored in a warehouse, and men preparing bread in the bakery.
- Description:
- Imprinted text on cover, "The Wigrich Ranche, Indpendence, Ore., U.S.A.", and "Messers. Wigan, Richardson, & Co., Hop Merchants, [London]"., Purchased from Charles B. Wood III, Inc. on the Winlock William Miller, Jr. Memorial Fund, 2005., Title devised by cataloger., and Typescript captions on mounts below each photographic print.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Independence (Or.)--Pictorial works, Wigrich (Or.)--Pictorial works, and Willamette River Valley (Or.)--Pictorial works
- Subject (Name):
- Arslanian Brothers Contracting Company, Parker Studio (Salem. Or.), Rose, W. Lewis, and Wigan, Richardson and Company
- Subject (Topic):
- Agricultural laborers--Oregon--Pictorial works, Agriculture--Oregon--Pictorial works, Armenians--Oregon, and Hops--Oregon--Pictorial works
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Photograph album of the Wigrich Ranche, Independence, Oregon.
- Creator:
- White Pass & Yukon Route (Firm)
- Published / Created:
- 1901-1912
- Call Number:
- 2004 Folio 89
- Image Count:
- 106
- Resource Type:
- Books, Journals & Pamphlets
- Publisher:
- [White Pass & Yukon Route
- Subject (Name):
- British Columbia Yukon Railway Co., British Yukon Navigation Co., British Yukon Railway Co., Pacific & Arctic Railway and Navigation Co, and White Pass & Yukon Route (Firm)
- Subject (Topic):
- Freight and freightage--Rates
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Collection of 50 Freight and Passenger Tarriff Dept. documents.]
- Creator:
- Weyand, Richard W. C., 1905-1956
- Published / Created:
- ca. 1940-1955
- Call Number:
- YCAL MSS 760
- Container / Volume:
- Box 2 | Folder 11
- Image Count:
- 148
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- Correspondence, photographs, and an incomplete catalog raisonné related to the work of artist Charles Demuth, which Richard W. C. Weyand collected and compiled from 1940 to 1955, as well as auction catalogs related to Weyand's estate, 1957-1976. Correspondence in the collection documents artwork created by Demuth and owned by different persons and institutions, while circa 125 photographs document work created by Demuth, circa 1906-1934.
- Description:
- Charles Demuth (1883-1935) was an American watercolor artist who turned to oils late in his career and developed a modern art movement known as Precisionism., Folios 203, 207, 209-10, 213, 216, 218, 220, 227-229, 244, 250-260, 272-276, 287-289, 291-292, and 298 are missing., Gift of Ann Grether Hill, 1988., and Richard W. C. Weyand (1905-1956), born Richard Conklin Weyand, was the son of Edwin Stanton Weyand (1863-1913) and Wilhelmina Thompson Weyand (1873-1943). He had two sisters, Dorothy Adams Weyand Grether (1897-1982) and Louise Victoria Weyand White (1899-1924), as well as two brothers, Edwin Stanton Weyand (1903-1973) and William Rodgers Weyand (1908-1970). Weyand served in the United States Navy during World War II, 1942-1945. Weyand and Robert Evans Locher (1888-1956), a close friend of artist Charles Demuth, operated an antique store and lived in the former home of Demuth in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1943-1956.
- Subject (Name):
- Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935, Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935--Catalogs, Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935--Pictorial works, Locher, Robert Evans, 1888-1956, Stieglitz, Alfred, 1864-1946, and Weyand, Richard W. C., 1905-1956
- Subject (Topic):
- Artists--Pennsylvania--Lancaster, LGBTQ resource, and Precisionism--Pennsylvania--Lancaster
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Appendix: Entries 201-300
- Creator:
- Weyand, Richard W. C., 1905-1956
- Published / Created:
- ca. 1940-1955
- Call Number:
- YCAL MSS 760
- Container / Volume:
- Box 2 | Folder 12
- Image Count:
- 105
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- Correspondence, photographs, and an incomplete catalog raisonné related to the work of artist Charles Demuth, which Richard W. C. Weyand collected and compiled from 1940 to 1955, as well as auction catalogs related to Weyand's estate, 1957-1976. Correspondence in the collection documents artwork created by Demuth and owned by different persons and institutions, while circa 125 photographs document work created by Demuth, circa 1906-1934.
- Description:
- Charles Demuth (1883-1935) was an American watercolor artist who turned to oils late in his career and developed a modern art movement known as Precisionism., Folio 303 is missing., Gift of Ann Grether Hill, 1988., and Richard W. C. Weyand (1905-1956), born Richard Conklin Weyand, was the son of Edwin Stanton Weyand (1863-1913) and Wilhelmina Thompson Weyand (1873-1943). He had two sisters, Dorothy Adams Weyand Grether (1897-1982) and Louise Victoria Weyand White (1899-1924), as well as two brothers, Edwin Stanton Weyand (1903-1973) and William Rodgers Weyand (1908-1970). Weyand served in the United States Navy during World War II, 1942-1945. Weyand and Robert Evans Locher (1888-1956), a close friend of artist Charles Demuth, operated an antique store and lived in the former home of Demuth in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1943-1956.
- Subject (Name):
- Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935, Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935--Catalogs, Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935--Pictorial works, Locher, Robert Evans, 1888-1956, O'Keeffe, Georgia, 1887-1986, Stettheimer, Florine, 1871-1944, and Weyand, Richard W. C., 1905-1956
- Subject (Topic):
- Artists--Pennsylvania--Lancaster, LGBTQ resource, and Precisionism--Pennsylvania--Lancaster
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Appendix: Entries 301-350
- Creator:
- Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association
- Published / Created:
- [1894?]
- Call Number:
- Zc35 894we
- Image Count:
- 17
- Resource Type:
- Books, Journals & Pamphlets
- Description:
- Original wrappers. Stamp: 6894. Ms. annotations throughout. Typescript list of officers for 1899 laid in.
- Publisher:
- Hot Springs Star Print
- Subject (Name):
- Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association--By-laws
- Subject (Topic):
- Cattle trade--South Dakota
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > By-laws and report of the secretary and treasurer of the Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association, April 10, 1894.
- Creator:
- Dawes, Henry L. (Henry Laurens), 1816-1903
Welsh, Herbert, 1851-1941 - Published / Created:
- [1885]
- Call Number:
- WA MSS 243
- Collection Title:
- William Hobart Hare papers
- Container / Volume:
- Box 1 | Folder 3
- Image Count:
- 13
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- The papers, primarily correspondence, deal with the rights of Indians to the land in the reservation under the treaty of 1868 and the agreement of 1882, the influx of settlers under President Arthur's executive order of Feb. 27, 1885, and the rights of settlers dispossessed by President Cleveland's proclamation of April 17, 1885.
- Subject (Name):
- Hare, William Hobart, 1838-1909 and Indian Rights Association
- Subject (Topic):
- Dakota Indians--Government relations--1869-1934 and Dakota Indians--Reservations
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Letter from Herbert Welsh, with enclosures