"Are to be sold in Pops- head Alle by Geor. Humble"., Cross collection no. 15., Double hemisphere, with smaller celestial hemispheres and astronomical diagram., From: A prospect of the most famous parts of the world... London...1627., Shows California as an island., and Text on verso: "The generall description of the world".
George Humble,
Subject (Name):
Humble, George, -1640. and Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Prospect of the most famous parts of the world.
"Are to be sold by Tho: Bassett in Fleet Street and Ric: Chiswell in St. Pauls Church yard", Double hemisphere, with smaller celestial hemispheres and astronomical diagram., From: A prospect of the most famous parts of the world... London...1676., Mounted on linen, text on verso: "The generall description of the world" is still visible. Cross collection no. 17., Shows California as an island., and This map is state 4, the last state published.
Sold by Tho. Bassett and Ric. Chiswell,
Subject (Name):
Bassett, Thomas, bookseller., Chiswell, Richard., and Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Prospect of the most famous parts of the world.
Hand coloured double hemispheric map of the world (Western hemisphere, or, the New World, and Eastern hemisphere, or, the Old World), with four decorative hand coloured vignettes representing Europe, Asia, America, and Africa., Includes an ornate compas rose and an elablorate title cartouche., Mounted on board., The map perpetuates some errors regarding the geography of the northwest coast of America., and Traces the voyages of some important explorers of the second half of the 18th century, including Cook's first voyage.
Printed for the Proprietor, Carington Bowles, No. 69, in St. Paul's Churchyard,
"DK," the initials of woodcutter David Kandel, appear in lower left-hand corner., Imperfect: torn along center fold, with some loss of text. Cross collection no. 5., and Map depicts the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe ("Europa"), and the New World, the coat of arms of Castile and León, sailing vessels, sea monsters, and twelve wind heads.
Imperfect: two small holes at upper right corner where oxidized by pigment. Label on verso with manuscript number "550/149." Cross collection no. 6. Mounted on paper., In Latin on verso with caption title "Itinerarivm B. Pavli.", and In top right margin: 675.
Imperfect: torn along middle fold, with some loss of text. Cross collection no. 3., Includes text, ill., and decorative border., Relief shown pictorially., Signature mark: j., and Text on verso: Die erste Landtafel ...
Imperfect: lower right corner mutilated, with some loss of text; worm holes, with some loss of text. Cross collection no. 12., Includes text, ill., and decorative border., Relief shown pictorially., Signature mark: j., and Text on verso: Die erste Landtafel ...
[Page] 198; includes text., Appears in Porcacchi's L'isole piv famose del mondo, 1572 or later edition., Relief shown pictorially., Text on verso, [page] 197, with signature R 3., and Title from upper case text printed above map.
Allegorical vignettes of the four seasons., Double hemisphere, with smaller polar insets., Imperfect: chipped and mutilated along edges and fold, with some loss of text. Backed with paper., Relief shown pictorially., Shows California as an island., and State 2, in which cherubs were placed in the cusps and a border added; see Rodney Shirley, Mapping of the world, entry 451.
Allegorical vignettes of the four seasons., Double hemisphere, with smaller polar insets., Label on verso with manuscript number "101/61." Manuscript notes on verso: A.K. 481; no. 3; de Wit, 1660 [crossed out] 1677. Cross collection no. 26., Relief shown pictorially., Shows California as an island., and State 2, in which cherubs were placed in the cusps and a border added; see Rodney Shirley, Mapping of the world, entry 451.