"Africa (Eritrea) Missione delle Figlie di S. Anna -Fiori della vita e fiori digiardino - Dalta scuola alla chiesa d'Asmara" Printed on the back of the postcard is: "Figlie di S. Anna - Associazione fondata nel 1866, conta oggi più di 10,000 suore, in Europa, Asia, Africa, America. Fa opera di assistenze cristiana e umniaris in Ospedali, Case di Salue, Ricoveri, Manicomi, Carceri, Lazzaretti, Lebbrosal, ecc. - Si dedica al l'educazione cristiana, morale e civile in Asili d'Infanzia, Laboratori, Collegi, Pensionati, Instituti di Ciechi, Sordomuti, ecc. - Ha Misisnoi in Palestina, Eritrea e nell'America Meridionale. La Casa Generilizia in Roma 'Collegio Internazionale per le Missioni' Via Merulana 177" Young girls in white dresses and flowered head wreaths are carrying baskets as they march down a field. They are accompanied by a missionary sister as a crowd including priests and soldiers looks on.
"Angola - Postulante Indigène enseignant la prière. Congrégation de S'Joseph de Cluny, 21 Rue Méchain, Paris" A woman with striped dress and headcovering is kneeling at right with her hands together in prayer. More than twenty children face her in the position of prayer.
"Caconda - En classe - Soeur Indigène. Congrégation de S'Joseph de Cluny, 21 Rue Méchain, Paris" The children are sitting at bench desks looking at books while an indigenous sister and missionary sister look on. There is an easel or blackboard in the front. The class appears to be taking place in the courtyard of a building.
"Dahomey [now Benin] - Ouidah - La Cathédrale - De ce côte-ci de la place se trouve le grand temple du Serpent pithon, principal fétiche du pays." A large Western-style church with central tower is portrayed.
"2969 - Rép. Centre Africaine - Bangui - La Cathédrale" A large Western-style church has towers on either side of a center section with peaked roof and arched doors and windows.
"4. L'Oued M'Zab [M'zab, Oued] - Palmiers - Oasis." Some camels are walking along a road in an oasis. A person is riding one of the camels and two children walk behind the procession. There are palm trees and other foliage on either side of the road.
"8 - Maison Carrée (Algérie). Noviciat des Pères Blancs." This large building belongs to the Noviciate of the White Fathers. It is in the shape of a "u" and has a small steeple with a cross on top of it in the middle. In front of the middle of the building is a statue. Leading up to the building is a large garden. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"Missions D'Afrique. Alger. - Vue partielle." Boats are docked in the harbor of this Algerian port city. Buildings of all shapes and sizes are shown near the shore. There is quite a long series of arches along the edge of the harbor where it meets land. Additional information reads, "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. (Soeurs Blanches) Birmandreis (Alger). There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.