"Soeurs Missionnaires De Notre-Dame D'Afrique. Soeurs Blanches Du Cardinal La Vigerie. Noviciat et Maison Mère à St-Charles par Birmandreïs-Alger." Gardens and fields surround the motherhouse and novitiate of the White Sisters. Their buidling is quite large, with many layers. There are smaller outlying buidlings around the main complex. There is a small map of the area printed on the back of this postcard.
"Eritrea - Costume delle madri abissine (98)" Printed on the back of the postcard is: " I bimbi sono portali anzichè in braccio, in una specie di sacco di pelle guarnito di conchigliete, portato sui dorso dalle madri e dove passano tutta la giornata." A young Abyssinian woman is carrying her infant is decorated sling on her back.
"Maison-Carrée (Algerie). Maison-Mère des Pères Blancs." There is a beautiful garden in front of the Mother House of the White Fathers. A man stands in the middle of the garden. The central part of the buidling is a church with a steeple. There is a cross on top of the steeple. The building then forms a "u" shape around the viewer. This postcard has been colorized. There is a handwritten note on the back of the card.
"1. En tournée chez les Kabyles." A male missionary speaks with women and children in front of a stone house. There is a garden off to the side. Some of the children sit with the missionary and others stand in the doorway of the house. Additional information directs donations to Lyon and Paris, France.
"Algérie - Biskra [Beskra] Bab-el-Darb. Scène d'Intérieur." A missionary stands with four girls. Three of the girls are also standing and one is sitting on the ground. They are gathered in a doorway. There are bowls and jugs in their hands and on the ground.
"Mission D'Afrique. La leçon de couture." A missionary teaches girls how to sew. Most of the girls are sitting on benches on either side of the missionary. One girl is working with the missionary one-on-one. Additional information reads "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Soerus Blanches). St-Charles par Birmandreis (Alger)."
"Kabylie - Taguemount-Azouz. Leçon de lecture." A missionary is teaching some children how to read. The missionary is sitting on a chair. Some of the children are standing next to her, and some are sitting on the ground at her feet. There are trees behind them. This postcard was printed in Brussels, Belgium.
"3. Algérie - Witte Zusters op ziekenbezoek bij de Muzulmannen. Soeurs Blanches en visite dans une famille musulmane" Four missionary sisters stand with a group of children in front of a thatched-roof house.
"Malgré le zèle des Missionnaires, leurs efforts ne produiront jamais de fruits suffisants si'ls ne sont aidés par des femmes apôtres qui, seuls, peuvent approcher librement des femmes infidèles et leur faire comprendre leur profond abaissement par le spectacle de la hauteur morale à laquelle la femme chrétienne est parvenue. Le Cardinal Lavigierie" A missionary sister is surrounded by small children. Printed on the back of the postcard is "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Soeurs Blanches) St. Charles par Birmandreis (Alger)