"In de Kasbah te Algiers." Men and women walk down a street in the Kasbah region of the city of Algiers. The narrow street has steps in it and there are tall buidlings on either side.
"12. Ghardaia [Ghardaïa]. Vue générale et Place du Marché." This aerial view shows men, women, and children in the marketplace. The twon is laid out on a slight hill behind the marketplace. Some people are walking into the town down the main street. The tower of the mosque is clearly visible.
"Eritrea - Pellegrini in viaggio per la Mecca (132)" Printed on the back of the postcard is: "Il pellegrinaggio alla Mecca costituisce per coloro che lo compiono altre che il compito di un dovere religious, anche un titolo d'onore e di privilegio." Men wearing robes and caps and carrying long stick stand posing for the camera. Three young boys are seated in front of the men. A woman sits atop a camel in the background.
"Missions d'Afrique - Soeurs Blanches du Cardinal Lavigerie. Type mutwa (pygmée)." A pygmy man poses for the camera in traditional attire. He is sitting on a chair. He has a necklace with hair on it and he is holding a stick and a bow. This postcard was printed in Lille, Belgium.
"Missions Des Pères Blancs - Bobo Dioulasso - Village de Koro sur les rochers" A man and three boys are sitting and standing on a hillside of large striated boulders.
"1, Bénin - Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur à Abéokuta. Missions Africaines, 150 Cours Gambetta, Lyon" [now Nigeria] A large building made of brick or stone has arched windows and flat roofs on various levels.
"Africa (Eritrea) Missione delle Figlie di S. Anna - Il Saluto della Scuola d'Asmara al tricolore." Printed on the back of the postcard is: "Figlie di S. Anna - Associazione fondata nel 1866, conta oggi più di 10,000 suore, in Europa, Asia, Africa, America. Fa opera di assistenze cristiana e umniaris in Ospedali, Case di Salue, Ricoveri, Manicomi, Carceri, Lazzaretti, Lebbrosal, ecc. - Si dedica al l'educazione cristiana, morale e civile in Asili d'Infanzia, Laboratori, Collegi, Pensionati, Instituti di Ciechi, Sordomuti, ecc. - Ha Misisnoi in Palestina, Eritrea e nell'America Meridionale. La Casa Generilizia in Roma 'Collegio Internazionale per le Missioni' Via Merulana 177" A group of girls in white uniforms are making a straight-arm salute to the flags hanging from the front of the Scuola re Vittorio Emanuele II.
"Eritrea - Scuola d'Arti e Mestieri 'S. Michele' a Saganeiti (62)" Printed on the back of the postcard is: Vi si insegnano le lingue italiana, tigrigna e america, geografia, aritmetica, dattilografia, fotografia ed I mestieri del sarto, del sellato, del falegname e del fabbro meccanico." A large Western-style school is made of brick and stone.