"3. L'Oued M'Zab [M'zab, Oued]. Puits et Troupeau communal." A herd of cattle stands near communal wells. There are palm trees around the cleared area and behind the palm trees are small mountains.
"Missions D'Afrique. 6. Saint-Charles - Au Dispensaire." A missionary helps children and adults outside a dispensary building. The missionary and one child are standing, while the other people sit on a small stone wall. Additional information reads, "Soeurs-Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Soeurs Blanches) Birmandreis (Alger)."
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Children; Clergy; Health services; Indigenous populations
"La caravane du Missionnaire - Reseferlige Missionskarawane (Angola)" A missionary priest in a pith helmet stands in from of a thatched roof hut with several porters carrying loads on their heads. Additional luggage is on the ground.
"Mission Des Pères Blancs. - Ouargla [Wargla]. - La ville indigène et sa palmeraie." This aerial view shows an entire city with its mosque towers and city walls. The desert is on one side of the city, and trees are on the other side.
"Interior da Igreja de N. a Sr. a das Victorias - Huambo" An elaborate altar is set behind a railing in a church with a high ceiling, arched windows, and vaulted roof.
"6. Angola Mission de Malange. La Fanfare du Frére Aimé. Missions des Peres du Saint-Esprit 30, Rue Lhomond, Paris" A priest holding a trumpet is surrounded by several young men and boys holding instruments.
"Serie IV - Egitto - Canale" On the back of the postcard is printed: "A beneficio dell' Associazione Nazionale per soccorrer I Missionari italiani (riconosciuta in Ente Morale - Segretariato Generale: Torino , Via Accademia delle Scienze)" Three wooden boats with masts are pulled up along the side of the canal. A wooden bridge crosses the canal in the background. There are two robed people on the embankment and some men on the boats.
"Missions D'Afrique. Alger. - Vue partielle." Boats are docked in the harbor of this Algerian port city. Buildings of all shapes and sizes are shown near the shore. There is quite a long series of arches along the edge of the harbor where it meets land. Additional information reads, "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. (Soeurs Blanches) Birmandreis (Alger). There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"8 - Maison Carrée (Algérie). Noviciat des Pères Blancs." This large building belongs to the Noviciate of the White Fathers. It is in the shape of a "u" and has a small steeple with a cross on top of it in the middle. In front of the middle of the building is a statue. Leading up to the building is a large garden. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"4. L'Oued M'Zab [M'zab, Oued] - Palmiers - Oasis." Some camels are walking along a road in an oasis. A person is riding one of the camels and two children walk behind the procession. There are palm trees and other foliage on either side of the road.
"2969 - Rép. Centre Africaine - Bangui - La Cathédrale" A large Western-style church has towers on either side of a center section with peaked roof and arched doors and windows.
"Dahomey [now Benin] - Ouidah - La Cathédrale - De ce côte-ci de la place se trouve le grand temple du Serpent pithon, principal fétiche du pays." A large Western-style church with central tower is portrayed.
"Caconda - En classe - Soeur Indigène. Congrégation de S'Joseph de Cluny, 21 Rue Méchain, Paris" The children are sitting at bench desks looking at books while an indigenous sister and missionary sister look on. There is an easel or blackboard in the front. The class appears to be taking place in the courtyard of a building.
"Angola - Postulante Indigène enseignant la prière. Congrégation de S'Joseph de Cluny, 21 Rue Méchain, Paris" A woman with striped dress and headcovering is kneeling at right with her hands together in prayer. More than twenty children face her in the position of prayer.
"Africa (Eritrea) Missione delle Figlie di S. Anna -Fiori della vita e fiori digiardino - Dalta scuola alla chiesa d'Asmara" Printed on the back of the postcard is: "Figlie di S. Anna - Associazione fondata nel 1866, conta oggi più di 10,000 suore, in Europa, Asia, Africa, America. Fa opera di assistenze cristiana e umniaris in Ospedali, Case di Salue, Ricoveri, Manicomi, Carceri, Lazzaretti, Lebbrosal, ecc. - Si dedica al l'educazione cristiana, morale e civile in Asili d'Infanzia, Laboratori, Collegi, Pensionati, Instituti di Ciechi, Sordomuti, ecc. - Ha Misisnoi in Palestina, Eritrea e nell'America Meridionale. La Casa Generilizia in Roma 'Collegio Internazionale per le Missioni' Via Merulana 177" Young girls in white dresses and flowered head wreaths are carrying baskets as they march down a field. They are accompanied by a missionary sister as a crowd including priests and soldiers looks on.
"Missions Africaines, 150, Cours Gambetta, Lyon. Dahomey [now Benin] - Eglise d'Athiémé." The congregation is standing in front of a Western-style church with a tall cross-topped tower in front.
"Bobo Dioulasso - Haute Vola (A.O.F.) [Burkina Faso] No. 1 - L'Eglise" A rectangular building made of brick or stone has dual stairways meeting under an arched window and an arched door on ground level.
"5. Bénin - Eglise d'Idjébu Odé. Missions Africaines, 150 Cours Gambetta, Lyon" A Western-style church with a bell tower is show with a few people seated in front of it. A two-storey building with porches is in the background.
"Colonies Françaises. Dahomey [now Benin] - Eglise de Porto-Novo" A few people are sitting on the front steps of a Western-style church that hascross-topped pointed façade and a round window above an arched door.
"Mission Des Pères Blancs. - Ouargla [Wargla]. - Panorama de la ville indigène." There are very few buildings with roofs in this city. A few buildings have domes, but the others appear to be open to the air. It is an old city in need of repair. All of the walls are made of stone. A few palm trees are scattered through the streets.
"Dahomey [now Benin] - Temple des serpents à Ouidah" Printed on the back is "No. 3 - Verlag der Kathol. Mission in Lome" The temple is a long low building with thatched roof. Thatched round huts are connected by rooms with lower roofs.
"Collège Saint-Marc - Alexandrie (Egypte). -7. Salle des Professeurs" The staff room in the Collège Saint Marc contains many individual wooden desks with lamps and chairs. It is a spacious room with high ceilings.
"2. Bénin - Eglise d'Ikiré - Jour de Confirmation. Missions Africaines, 150 Cours Gambetta, Lyon" A congregation of approximatelyl forty people stands in front of a rectangular building with a thatched roof. Two missionary fathers stand in front of the group
"7. Bénin - Eglise d'Eruku. Missions Africaines, 150 Cours Gambetta, Lyon" Approximately thirty men and women are posed in front of a building that has an irregularly shaped thatched roof and a cross on top. A missionary father with pith helmet stands in the back row.
"Le P. Borghero des Missions Africaines de Lyon, premier missionarie au Dahomey [now Benin] est reçu par le roi Gléglé. Exposition Coloniale 1931 - Section des Missions Africaines - 150, Cours Gambetta, Lyon" The exhibit portrays a missionary priest being received by a king sitting on a throne with attendants surrounding him. The sign describing the exhibit is visible.
"Exposition Coloniale 1931 - Section des Missions Africaines - 150 Cours Gambetta, Lyon - Reconstitution d'une leçon de catéchisme au Dahomey [now Benin]" The exhibit portrays several natives being taught by a missionary priest. A thatched roof building is in the background."
"Missão Catolica do Bailundo (Angola)" A man appears to be cutting up an animal with a knife while members of a family look on, kneeling and standing in front of a hut with thatched roof. There is a large pot and some firewood in the foreground.
"Series III - Egitto - Villaggio di contadini" On the back of the postcard is printed: "A beneficio dell' Associazione Nazionale per soccorrer I Missionari italiani (riconosciuta in Ente Morale - Segretariato Generale: Torino , Via Accademia delle Scienze)" A series of flat roofed mud brick dwellings are set close to a river. Some animals, people and piles of firewood are in front of the huts.
"No 26 - Missions des Pères Blancs - Sahara. Le Père de Foucauld dans I intérieur de son réduit en pisé â Tamanrasset." Father Foucauld is sitting outside a small adobe house. He is sitting on a short round wall in front of the building. Some steps lead up to the roof of the building in the background.
"Benguella [Benguela]. Escola-régia - A primeira Communhão em 1908." A large group of children poses for the camera with a hut on a tall platform in the background. The girls wear white dresses and headcoverings.
"En Kabylie. - In Kabijlenland." A girl leans against a rock outside as she poses for the camera. She is wearing traditional clothes. There is a handwritten note on the front of this postcard, and an address on the back.
"6. Le premier signe de la croix d'une petite Angolaise" A missionary priest is sitting on a chair showing a small girl how to hold her hands to make the sign of the cross. A thatched-roof hut is in the background.
"Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. Saint-Charles Birmandreis (Alger). Afrique Equatoriale - Un petit dégourdi." A girl poses for the camera. She is smiling and holding a stick in both her hands. There are trees behind her.
"Agoué (Dahomey) [now Benin] - Jeunes filles noires faisant la dentelle au fuseau. Congrégation des Soeurs de N.-D. des Apotres pour les Missions Africaines - Vénissieux (Rhône)" Four young girls are making lace with a bobbin as a missionary sister looks on and sews lace together.
"Angola. Filant la toile pour la Mission. Congrégation de Saint Joseph de Cluny, 21, Rue Méchain, Paris" Two nuns and several young women are using hand-held sticks to spin fibers into thread.
"Séminaire, 4, Rue Driant, Eckmühl. - Oran (Algérie). - Cour du Grand Séminaire." The Grand Seminary building rises behind a courtyard full of trees and a fountain. Part of the roof is not shingled, but instead has a fence so that it may be used as a porch.
"Catete Missão Americana" A large group of natives, with three missionaries in the back, is posed in front of a building with a thatched and metal roof, possibly the church.
"Le R.P. Charles de Foucauld Ermite au Sahara. Massacré à Tamanrasset (Hoggar), par les Senoussis fanatiques, le Ier Décembre 1916." The hermit Charles De Foucauld stands beside a building, looking off into the distance. He is dressed plainly and wears a cross around his neck.
"Angola - Congrégation des Soeurs indigènes dirigée par les Soeurs de Sait [Saint]-Joseph de Cluny" Eleven indigenous sisters and two missionary sisters are posed in an outdoor setting with a statue of Mary in the background.
"Missão Catolica do Bailundo (Angola)" Native men are sitting on bench desks facing the front of what appears to be a school room. Three teachers are in the front.
"Missions d'Afrique. "Maison Mère des Soeurs Missionnaires de N-D d'Afrique - Interieur de la Chapelle" The interior of a church with a high arched ceiling is shown facing the altar. "On the back of the postcard is printed "Soeurs Missionnaires de N-D. d'Afrique. Birmandreis (Alger) Soeurs Blanches du Cardinal Lavigerie"
"Missions D'Afrique. "Maison Mère des Soeurs Missionnaires de N.-D. d'Afrique - Cérémonie de véture det de profession" A large group of missionary sisters are in the congregation of a church with numerous priests in robes in front of the altar performing the investiture and profession ceremony. Printed on the back of the postcard is "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre Dame (Soeurs Blanches) Birmandreis (Alger)
"Congrégtion des Soeurs de N.-D. des Apotres pour les Missions Africaines - Vénissieux (Rhône). Le déjeuner des Internes à Porto-Novo (Dahomey) [now Benin]"
"19. Ghardaia [Ghardaïa]. Quand le puits a de l'eau c'est la vie au M'Zab." A camel is attached to a well mechanism with ropes. A man is directing the camel away from the well so that he pulls on the ropes and brings water up from the bottom of the well. The man is wearing a large hat.
"Mission d'Ouagadougou (Hte. Volta) [Burkina Faso] 6. Tambourinier" A man wearing a straw skirt is playing a round drum that appears to be made from a gourd or calabash.
"La Prière au Désert" A robed man in bent low in prayer in the midst of a desert, with his camel waiting behind him. Printed on the back of the postcard is "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d-Afrique (Soeurs Blanches) Birmandreis (Alger)
"14. Mélika - Vue générale et Puits à délou." A man uses a donkey to bring up water from a well. There is a large palm tree next to the well. Behind him there is a town on a hill. The tower of the mosque in town is clearly visible in the distance.
Subject (Geographic):
Ghardaïa (Algeria)
Subject (Topic):
Animals; Indigenous populations; Mosques; Trees; Water supply
"Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. Saint-Charles Birmandreis (Alger). Sur le Tanganika [Tanganyika]." Men row long boats in Lake Tanganyika. Some of them are wearing hats. A boat in the distance has a pole for a sail, but no sail. There is also part of an empty boat in the view.
"Stadshoekie uit Ghardaia [Ghardaïa]." Two men lean against a building on a street corner. A woman walks down the street, away from the men. The street is very narrow and there is a large tower that rises in the background.
"Missions Des Pères Blancs. Le Réduit en pisé où fut pris traitreusement et mis à mort le Père de Foucauld le 1er Décembre 1916, à l'amanrasset." A few men stand outside a large building made of concrete and stone. The building is presumably a church because it has a cross on top of it. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"10. Bénin - Mission de Stupaji. Missions Africaines, 150 Cours Gambetta, Lyon" Two missionary fathers and a few natives are standing in front of two large thatched roof buildings.
"Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. Saint-Charles Birmandreis (Alger). Afrique Equatoriale - Caravane en marche." Missionaries together with indigenous people walk along a mountain road in a caravan. Many of the people carry packages on their heads and use walking sticks. Most of the people are in the distance, but three young men and two missionaries are prominently displayed in the front of the line.
"Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. Saint-Charles Birmandreis (Alger). Afrique Equatoriale - Caravane en marche." Missionaries together with indigenous people walk along a mountain road in a caravan. Many of the people carry packages on their heads and use walking sticks. Most of the people are in the distance, but three young men and two missionaries are prominently displayed in the front of the line.
"Mission D'Afrique. Excursion dans le désert." Missionaries and indigenous people are gathered around two camels. There are people sitting on the camels. The whole group is travelling through the desert. Additional information reads, "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Soeurs Blanches). St-Charles par Birmandreis (Alger)."
"Ghardaia [Ghardaïa]. Atelier de Tissage de Tapis chez les Soeurs Blanches." Children sit on the floor of a carpet-weaving mill as they work on the looms. Female missionaries stand among the children.
"Afrique Equatoriale - En tournée apostolique. Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. Saint-Charles Birmandreis (Alger)." Children sit around two female missionaries. The missionaries are preaching and teaching the children. Some adults stand off to the side with a horse. There are thatched-roof homes behind the people in the foreground.
"8. Atelier de Broderie sur Cuir Dessins berbères de Ghardaïa." A male missionary works with a group of men on leather embroidery designs. There are various designs on pieces of leather and cloth around them.
"Ghardaia [Ghardaïa]. Maison des Pères Blancs et la Ville." The missionary building of the White Fathers is shown in the foreground. Behind the building is the rest of the city, since this building is at the very edge of the city walls. There are hills surrounding the city.
"Missions D'Afrique. 15. Chilubula [Chilubula Mission] - La Leçon De Catéchisme." A female missionary teaches a group of children their catechism lesson. The children are sitting on the ground and the missionary is standing next to them. An older aide is standing near the missionary. Additional information reads, "Soeurs-Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Soeurs Blanches). Birmandreis (Alger)."
"Missions D'Afrique - Catéchisme aux Vieilles" An indigenous missionary sister is teaching the catechism to a small group of children and mothers on the ground in front of a mud building. On the back of the postcard is printed "Soeurs Missionnaires de N.-D. d'Afrique - Saint-Charles, par Birmandreis (Alger)
"Malgré le zèle des Missionnaires, leurs efforts ne produiront jamais de fruits suffisants si'ls ne sont aidés par des femmes apôtres qui, seuls, peuvent approcher librement des femmes infidèles et leur faire comprendre leur profond abaissement par le spectacle de la hauteur morale à laquelle la femme chrétienne est parvenue. Le Cardinal Lavigierie" A missionary sister is surrounded by small children. Printed on the back of the postcard is "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Soeurs Blanches) St. Charles par Birmandreis (Alger)
"3. Algérie - Witte Zusters op ziekenbezoek bij de Muzulmannen. Soeurs Blanches en visite dans une famille musulmane" Four missionary sisters stand with a group of children in front of a thatched-roof house.
"Kabylie - Taguemount-Azouz. Leçon de lecture." A missionary is teaching some children how to read. The missionary is sitting on a chair. Some of the children are standing next to her, and some are sitting on the ground at her feet. There are trees behind them. This postcard was printed in Brussels, Belgium.
"Mission D'Afrique. La leçon de couture." A missionary teaches girls how to sew. Most of the girls are sitting on benches on either side of the missionary. One girl is working with the missionary one-on-one. Additional information reads "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Soerus Blanches). St-Charles par Birmandreis (Alger)."
"Algérie - Biskra [Beskra] Bab-el-Darb. Scène d'Intérieur." A missionary stands with four girls. Three of the girls are also standing and one is sitting on the ground. They are gathered in a doorway. There are bowls and jugs in their hands and on the ground.
"1. En tournée chez les Kabyles." A male missionary speaks with women and children in front of a stone house. There is a garden off to the side. Some of the children sit with the missionary and others stand in the doorway of the house. Additional information directs donations to Lyon and Paris, France.
"Maison-Carrée (Algerie). Maison-Mère des Pères Blancs." There is a beautiful garden in front of the Mother House of the White Fathers. A man stands in the middle of the garden. The central part of the buidling is a church with a steeple. There is a cross on top of the steeple. The building then forms a "u" shape around the viewer. This postcard has been colorized. There is a handwritten note on the back of the card.
"Eritrea - Costume delle madri abissine (98)" Printed on the back of the postcard is: " I bimbi sono portali anzichè in braccio, in una specie di sacco di pelle guarnito di conchigliete, portato sui dorso dalle madri e dove passano tutta la giornata." A young Abyssinian woman is carrying her infant is decorated sling on her back.
"Soeurs Missionnaires De Notre-Dame D'Afrique. Soeurs Blanches Du Cardinal La Vigerie. Noviciat et Maison Mère à St-Charles par Birmandreïs-Alger." Gardens and fields surround the motherhouse and novitiate of the White Sisters. Their buidling is quite large, with many layers. There are smaller outlying buidlings around the main complex. There is a small map of the area printed on the back of this postcard.
"Campement de Nomades" Three tents are set on flat ground with several people and dogs around them. Printed on the back of the postcard is "Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Soeurs Blanches) Birmandreis (Alger)"
"Africa (Eritrea) Missione delle Figlie di S. Anna -Un gruppo d'Orfanelli di Cheren [Keren]." Printed on the back of the postcard is: "Figlie di S. Anna - Associazione fondata nel 1866, conta oggi più di 10,000 suore, in Europa, Asia, Africa, America. Fa opera di assistenze cristiana e umniaris in Ospedali, Case di Salue, Ricoveri, Manicomi, Carceri, Lazzaretti, Lebbrosal, ecc. - Si dedica al l'educazione cristiana, morale e civile in Asili d'Infanzia, Laboratori, Collegi, Pensionati, Instituti di Ciechi, Sordomuti, ecc. - Ha Misisnoi in Palestina, Eritrea e nell'America Meridionale. La Casa Generilizia in Roma 'Collegio Internazionale per le Missioni' Via Merulana 177" Approximately twenty young children are kneeling in front of an enclosed area that has a statue of a saint in a niche. A missionary sister looks on.
"16. Beni-Isguen - Minaret et Tour." Men, women, and children are gathered together in front of some stone structures. Two men are riding camels. One of them holds a rifle. In the distance is the tower of a mosque. They are in the desert.
"In de Kasbah te Algiers." Men and women walk down a street in the Kasbah region of the city of Algiers. The narrow street has steps in it and there are tall buidlings on either side.
"12. Ghardaia [Ghardaïa]. Vue générale et Place du Marché." This aerial view shows men, women, and children in the marketplace. The twon is laid out on a slight hill behind the marketplace. Some people are walking into the town down the main street. The tower of the mosque is clearly visible.
"Eritrea - Pellegrini in viaggio per la Mecca (132)" Printed on the back of the postcard is: "Il pellegrinaggio alla Mecca costituisce per coloro che lo compiono altre che il compito di un dovere religious, anche un titolo d'onore e di privilegio." Men wearing robes and caps and carrying long stick stand posing for the camera. Three young boys are seated in front of the men. A woman sits atop a camel in the background.
"Missions d'Afrique - Soeurs Blanches du Cardinal Lavigerie. Type mutwa (pygmée)." A pygmy man poses for the camera in traditional attire. He is sitting on a chair. He has a necklace with hair on it and he is holding a stick and a bow. This postcard was printed in Lille, Belgium.
"Missions Des Pères Blancs - Bobo Dioulasso - Village de Koro sur les rochers" A man and three boys are sitting and standing on a hillside of large striated boulders.
"1, Bénin - Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur à Abéokuta. Missions Africaines, 150 Cours Gambetta, Lyon" [now Nigeria] A large building made of brick or stone has arched windows and flat roofs on various levels.
"Africa (Eritrea) Missione delle Figlie di S. Anna - Il Saluto della Scuola d'Asmara al tricolore." Printed on the back of the postcard is: "Figlie di S. Anna - Associazione fondata nel 1866, conta oggi più di 10,000 suore, in Europa, Asia, Africa, America. Fa opera di assistenze cristiana e umniaris in Ospedali, Case di Salue, Ricoveri, Manicomi, Carceri, Lazzaretti, Lebbrosal, ecc. - Si dedica al l'educazione cristiana, morale e civile in Asili d'Infanzia, Laboratori, Collegi, Pensionati, Instituti di Ciechi, Sordomuti, ecc. - Ha Misisnoi in Palestina, Eritrea e nell'America Meridionale. La Casa Generilizia in Roma 'Collegio Internazionale per le Missioni' Via Merulana 177" A group of girls in white uniforms are making a straight-arm salute to the flags hanging from the front of the Scuola re Vittorio Emanuele II.
"Eritrea - Scuola d'Arti e Mestieri 'S. Michele' a Saganeiti (62)" Printed on the back of the postcard is: Vi si insegnano le lingue italiana, tigrigna e america, geografia, aritmetica, dattilografia, fotografia ed I mestieri del sarto, del sellato, del falegname e del fabbro meccanico." A large Western-style school is made of brick and stone.
"Mission Des Pères Blancs. - Ouargla [Wargla]. - Le bordj Chandez." This aerial view of a small town shows a large buidling with two slightly smaller outlying buidlings. There are gardens between to the two smaller buidlings. In the background there are much smaller homes among trees. It looks like this town is in the middle of the desert.
"6. Ecole des Pères Blancs de Ghardaïa. Mozabites arabes et nègres." Students and missionaries gather together outside the School of the White Fathers in Ghardaïa. There are both Mozabite Arabs and Africans in the group of students.
"Angola - Leçon de Catéchisme dans un Village paien. Congrégation de St. Joseph de Cluny, 21 Rue Méchain, Paris" A European missionary sister sits before a group of natives explaining a large poster of Christ carrying his cross while an indigenous missionary sister looks on.
"Missions Africaines, 150, Cours Gambetta, Lyon. Dahomey [now Benin] - Temple des serpents à Ouidah." A long low building with thatched roof is shown amidst some trees. Several men stand in front.
"Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. Saint-Charles Birmandreis (Alger). Afrique Equatoriale - Une Eglise à l'Ouganda." The congregation kneels in a church during a service. They are all facing the altar. The altar is ornate, but the roof is simple and made of wood.
"Mission Des Pères Blancs. - Ouargla [Wargla]. - Un jeu favori : le domino." Three boys sit cross-legged on the ground and play dominoes. There is a stone wall behind them. They are all wearing turbans. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"Mission Des Pères Blancs. - Ouargla [Wargla]. - La ville nouvelle et ses jardins." This aerial view shows a town and its gardens. The gardens are central, and town buildings stand on either side of them. There is a truck on the lefthand side and some people walking in the gardens. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"Ghardaia [Ghardaïa]. 8. - A roofed street." Two girls are depicted in a covered street. One is sitting on the ground and another leans against the right-hand wall. The street itself has stone steps and the walls and roof are also made of stone. Additional information indicates that this postcard was produced by the Missions of the White Fathers in Bonnelles, France.