Manuscript, in undentified hand, containing an overview of the terms and conditions for the creation of a merchant trading company by the mayor and vroedschappen of the city of Woerden in the Netherlands. Signing up for the company is announced on October 25th, 1720
In Dutch., Title from heading., Layout: single column of varying length., Binding: quarter bound with vellum and printed paper (heavily damaged) over paper pasteboard., and Volume contains 57 printed and 6 manuscript items bound together under title page: Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. This manuscript is the fifth manuscript in the volume and number 60 of 63 items bound together.
Subject (Geographic):
Woerden (Netherlands), Europe, and Netherlands
Subject (Topic):
Colonial companies, Commercial crimes, Speculation, and Economic conditions
BEIN 2006 Folio 21: No. 42 of 63 items bound together. Laid into sheets measuring 39 x 26 cm., Title from beginning of text., Signatures: A²., and Reprinted in Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid, p. 24.
Title from item., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Later version of the design by Peter Brueghel the Elder., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
South Sea Bubble, Great Britain, 1720 and Medical procedures & techniques
Title above each image., Date supplied by curator., This print appears to be "Comt Mannen en Vrovwen Alle Bey en Laet v Snyden Vande Key", published by Carolus Allaerdt, reworked with new legends etc. Most of the figures are copies of Bruegel figures., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Title from item., Publication date inferred from British Museum catalogue., Version with printmaker's name and additional caption lines not present on the British Museum impression and without symbols on backs of figures numbered 13, 14 and 15. Cf. No. 1472 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2., Another version of No. 1472 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2., and Mounted to 46 x 30 cm.
Manuscript on parchment containing Ceremonials for a nuns' convent and related texts. Contents: 1) Ceremonial for the vestment of a nun. 2) Ceremonial for the communion of a sick nun. 3) Ceremonial for administering the extreme unction. 4) Ceremonial at the death of a nun. 5) Commendations for the dead nun. 6) Ceremonial for the burial of a nun. 7) Seven Penitential Psalms. 8) Antiphons, Responses and Hymns for the aspersions with holy water and the processions, with musical notation and rubrics in Latin, for the feast of Purification of the Virgin (2 February, f. 52v), Palm Sunday (ff. 54r and 59r), Maundy Thursday (f. 61r), Easter, Ascension, Pentecost (ff. 66r and 68r), the Rogation Days (f. 69r), the Vigil of Pentecost, Corpus Christi (f. 73r), the Assumption of the Virgin (15 August, f. 74v), the Dedication of the Church (f. 76r), Trinity Sunday (f. 78r) and again Purification (f. 79v). These are followed by the various melodies, with Dutch rubrics, for three liturgical formulas. 9) Text of Versicles for various periods and feasts of the ecclesiastical year. 10) Versicles for the Common of the Saints. 11) Dutch prayers for a dying nun. 12) Ceremonial for the consecration of candles at Purification, the consecration of ashes on Ash Wednesday, the consecration of palms on Palm Sunday, the washing of the altar on Maundy Thursday, partly with musical notation. 13) Fragment of the Antiphons for Pentecost, with musical notation
In Latin and Dutch., Script: the main scribe (A) wrote Gothica Textualis Formata on ff. 1r-46v, l. 4 (with the exception of f. 39, where another hand wrote a smaller Gothica Textualis Formata). Hand B wrote Gothica Hybrida Formata (Bastarda) on ff. 46v, l. 6 - 87v, l. 4 (artt. 7-11). Hand C copied ff. 88r-94v (art. 12) in Gothica Textualis Formata. F. 95 is 16th century addition copied in a clumsy Gothica Semitextualis. The musical notation is a variant of the Hoefnagel type. There are several later additions of music and text., Decoration: Rubrics, underlining and paragraph marks in red; red stroking of majuscules. 1-line versals and 2-line plain initials in red. 2-line flourished initials alternately red and blue; cadels with red heightening on the pages with musical notation; 3- or 4-line litterae duplices with penwork extensions in red, blue and green on ff. 1r, 18r, 40r, 46v, and 86r., and Binding: circa 1500. Blind-tooled brown calf over wooden boards, both covers decorated with twice a panel containing two rows of four animals in tendrils in a frame of 16 dragons in tendrils (the so-called 24 Animals panel), separated by a frieze with the Peasants' Dance. Spine with three raised bands. Remnants of two clasps. The pastedowns are two parts of a document in Dutch on parchment (a large section between the two is missing) datable 25 August 1443.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Flanders (Belgium)
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Convents, Manuscripts, Medieval, Monastic and religious life of women, Nuns, Processionals (Liturgical books), and Religious life and customs