Contains a mock-up of Guy Debord’s planned version of Situationist Times no. 1, accompanied by typescript copies in French and English, with manuscript corrections, of the text "L'absence et ses habilleurs" / "The absence and its inhabitents."
Contains documents related to the fifth Internationale Situationniste conference in Göteborg, Sweden, in August 1961, including notes and drawings by de Jong; a typescript "Propositions pour un programme d'action", and a press clipping.
Contains the ICA Bulletin no. 107 (1960 Sept./Oct.), a postcard and letter from Guy Debord; and a postcard from Asger Jorn, Guy Debord, and Hans-Peter Zimmer inviting de Jong to the ICA meeting.
Title from item., Translated title supplied by curator., Date and place of publication supplied by curator., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Bible; Fleas & lice.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Aaron (Biblical priest).
Subject (Topic):
Plagues of Egypt, Lice, Medicine in the Bible, Insects, Victims, Animals, and Fires
Title from text etched above image., Title translation in British Museum catalogue: Night singer of shares with his magic lantern., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate numbered '2'., Text burnished from plate between image and verse., Two columns of verse in Dutch below image: 't wind-luchtig bulken, blaasen, gaapen, zyn tanden braaf te laaten zien ..., and Mounted to 26 x 19 cm.
Title from item., Title translation in British Museum catalogue: Picture of the very famous Island of Madhead., Publication place and date from book in which this print was published., Two columns of verse below image: Deez' Schets vertoond het vreemd gewest Van Gekskop, 't geen men op het lest ..., Plate 3 from: Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid ... , v. 2., Watermark., and Mounted to 37 x 34 cm.
Title from item., Date derived by cataloger from publisher's dates in Amsterdam., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Syn te bekomen by Adriaan Schonenbeek inde Kalverstraet over de Gapersteeg tot Amsterdam
Title from item., Publication date from an unverified card catalog record., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Three columns of verse in Dutch below image: Een Actie-Heer, die d'Actie-Wind Had by Scheeps-ladings ingeslágen ..., Watermark in the upper part of sheet, countermark DP (monogram) in the lower part., and Title translation on verso: Anatomy of the trade wind, or, Bombardio for the Devil.